Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 580 The Arrival Of Dormammu

Chapter 580 The Arrival of Dormammu

do it all... do it all...

The vibration continued and became more and more intense, as if a titan was stomping on the ground, and the ground vibrated like a drum.

gurgle, gurgle...

Suddenly, there seemed to be the sound of water flowing under the surface, and the gurgling sounded like a stream flowing. In the next second, with a pop, the originally smooth road suddenly cracked, and a large stream of magma rushed up like a fountain. Good guy, that was not an underground undercurrent just now, it was actually magma.

The earthquake combined with the magma, and in just that instant, the entire street was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the people in it felt like they were in a fire hell.

In the distance, the martial arts gym that was hanging the signboard was also frightened. The huge steel publicity column suddenly fell from the upstairs. Coincidentally, the people below were severely crushed inside, and the The big men who were eating and drinking at the table also fled out like frightened birds, setting off the table.

At this moment, on the entire street, the originally bustling scene suddenly became chaotic. This is the end of the world and purgatory on earth. Cars were blown away, fire hydrants on the side of the road exploded, people fled, burned, and died.

Seeing everything that happened suddenly, as an Asgardian on Earth, how could Wang sit still and call his teammates to rescue him. However, before taking two steps, a few black figures crawled out of the walls on both sides of the street, as if they didn't exist before, and they just infiltrated from the walls.

I saw them, with black eye circles, and sharp knives made of dark matter energy in their hands. Aren't they the younger brothers of the dead Kaecilius?

Before the king and his companions found out, they were suddenly attacked by the villain who suddenly appeared. The earth is guarding one side, and it took less than three minutes to get a box.

At the moment, not only this street, but basically the entire Tsim Sha Tsui has been swallowed by the underground magma, and the cracks caused by the earthquake are still increasing and expanding. I believe that in a short time, everyone will have may be headed for destruction.

If someone can look up and notice the place where the thunder just happened, that is, the black cloud directly above the holy place. Then, they will be surprised to find that there is a strange big face vaguely revealed there. Red, black and green can be found on that face, which looks very weird.

If Su Zicheng was there, he would definitely recognize it, because that face Su Zicheng couldn't be more familiar with, yes, the owner of this face is Dormammu.

"Oh Maiga..."

"Fortunately caught up,"

"That's meow, I'm really lucky,"

"O Dormammu, Dormammu,"

"You can't come a day late..."

Because everything that happened before happened so fast, it took less than two minutes for Su Zicheng to cross the two countries around eight o'clock, so these things happened in two minutes (well done).

Fortunately, Su Zicheng was fast enough and found out the clue in time, otherwise, if he came slowly, the daylily would probably be cold when Su Zicheng came.

Now it’s just that the dark matter energy of the dark matter world where Dormammu lives has leaked into the earth, which causes these lights to thunder but not rain, magma spouts underground, and an earthquake phenomenon. If Dormammu really came to the earth, maybe the whole xg, oh no, Even the entire Huaxia Kingdom will be swallowed by Dormammu's dark matter energy. .

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