Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 586 Feng Shui Turns

Chapter 586

A mouthful of blood arrows spewed out, and Su Zicheng's aura suddenly weakened. Even the Heavenly Dragon Trident in his hand caused Su Zicheng to fly out uncontrollably due to the powerful force

Not only that, seeing Su Zicheng's body flew upside down as if being hit by a high-speed train, Su Zicheng himself couldn't control the force, and he didn't know how many meters he flew, so he was relieved a little. To get rid of this huge force, it slowly stopped.

Su Zicheng looked down at his chest, and at this moment, there was an obvious depression the size of a bucket. 143 This is the performance of broken ribs piercing into internal organs. did not expect

Su Zicheng's three-quarters god-level physique, as well as the bonus of the hunter suit and the top-level indestructible body, still can't resist the damage of Dormammu, so it can be seen how strong the attack power is.

Moreover, Su Zicheng found that his body seemed to be falling apart after enduring these three attacks, and he was half-kneeling on one knee, unable to stand up. Even the healing technique, which has been running at extreme speed, can't keep up with the huge amounts of damage.

In this situation, Su Zicheng cannot be allowed to pause for a moment. Before Stephen Strange comes over without Time Gem, Su Zicheng has to stand and face Dormammu0

There was no way, Su Zicheng was a little bit reluctant, but he still took out the rejuvenation potion in the hunter's space. Su Zicheng didn't have much reserves of rejuvenation potion. Three bottles, only three bottles.

The last time I used up a whole bottle of heart-shaped grass brought back from Wakanda when I planted it in the backyard of the Queen’s Villa area, and there was a rescue mission, a little bit, so now Su Zicheng only has a little more than one bottle in hand , A bottle of 50 billion, for Su Zicheng's current balance of 5 billion, Su Zicheng can only be frugal.

But at present, this situation has forced Su Zicheng to take it out.


After the rejuvenation potion (a GBh) was taken out, the space was immediately filled with that rich aroma. Before using [Su Zicheng, I felt that my pain seemed to have weakened a bit. The whole body of the pore greedily smells the fascinating smell in the air.

Just relying on the smell, if you want to achieve the therapeutic effect, you may have to wait until the year of the monkey. Su Zicheng picked it up, without any hesitation, just took a sip.

In an instant, Su Zicheng was like an assassin who had revived the full moon, a fully charged robot, full of strength again.

Su Zicheng clenched his fists, feeling that his whole body had returned to its peak state, and even the strength caused by the hard attack of Dormammu just now was completely eliminated within a few breaths.

"Let's have fun,"

"It's my turn."

Su Zicheng's complexion changed, and the familiar eerie feeling appeared on both sides again. Su Zicheng didn't say much, looking at his recovered chest, he whispered a few words to himself.

Su Zicheng made a move, and the Tianlong Trident flew back to his hand automatically. Immediately afterwards, Su Zicheng exploded, disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared in front of Dormammu in an instant.

All of this is a long story, but it actually took less than ten seconds. From being knocked into the air by Dormammu, to drinking the rejuvenation potion, recovering to the peak, and bursting directly in front of Dormammu, these actions are very coherent , as if rehearsed in advance. .

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