Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 55: Bruce Banner Escapes

at the same time.

Ross' plane.

Bruce Banner's girlfriend, Betty, looked at Bruce Banner lying on the side with pity, and begged her father Rose, "Dad, please let Bruce go..."

Rose was one of those people who didn't cry until he was killed.

He was threatened by hatred just now, but now he has returned to his 'unselfish' appearance. Facing his daughter's pleading, Ross sneered: "Did you see that big monster just now? It is absolutely impossible to let Bruce Banner go, otherwise He's going to be like that!"

"Studying him is a mission I must do."

"If you can't stand it, I'll take you home later."

However, at the moment.

Bruce Banner, who was in a 'coma', suddenly stood up, opened the door of the helicopter, and jumped down without any hesitation.


General Ross reacted, his pupils glared angrily, he grabbed the hatch and looked out, but he couldn't see anything.

"Damn! I will definitely catch you!"

General Ross's furious roar echoed in his ears.

Bruce Banner sighed as the wind blew past.

He actually woke up just now.

Listen to the conversation between the two completely in your ears.

It also let him know that it was time to leave.


With a loud noise, Bruce Banner turned into a green titan Hulk, crashed hard into a farm, and rushed towards a deserted place.



The abomination left, and it was not peaceful when he left. The corpse convulsed for three days in the mortuary. During the cremation, the power was cut off halfway through the cremation, and it was pulled out to dry for a long time before burning. Dead, still howling in his mouth, burned for a whole day before burning out.

After the burning, I got into the hearse, and it overturned when I went out. The ashes were scattered all over the ground, and a lot of them were blown away by the wind. Just as I was about to sweep up the rest, a sprinkler came in front of me, and the sprinkler sprinkled water at the same time. It was also playing that today is a good day, and the family members were strong enough not to cry, and one person even laughed out loud...

The above is purely made up, but the abomination is dead.

Hate is burned alive.

The scorching black flame worked together with the self-healing factor that hated itself. Although the self-healing could not keep up with the burning degree of the flame, it forcefully delayed it for ten minutes.

The hatred wanted to die countless times, but it was dragged back from the line of life and death by its own self-healing factor, and continued to be burned, enjoying the feeling of being covered by flames for an extra ten minutes.

Death is not scary sometimes.

The terrible thing is that it took an unbearable amount of time before he was burned to death alive.

The temperature of the black flame is extremely high, a temperature that can burn the existence of hatred to death, and it is not affected by water, just like the fire of the soul, the burning pain is much more unbearable than ordinary flames More and more.

The poor abomination didn't know what he went through before he died, and finally turned into a pile of coke in a private house by the river. Fortunately, this place belongs to the countryside, and there are not many people living here. Most of the people who are still here are old people , did not notice the abomination.

S.H.I.E.L.D quickly sent people to block the entire area.

Nick Fury arrived himself.

As soon as he entered within a hundred meters of the abomination, he felt the temperature rise.

After entering fifty meters, it is already a terrifying high temperature that ordinary people can't bear.

Not to mention ten meters, if you approach rashly without wearing equipment, you will definitely be burned to ashes.

"That's the temperature after the flame goes out."

"How high will it be when it burns?"

Nick Fury wipes the sweat off his brow and puts on the super protective suit developed by S.H.I.E.L.D with the help of others.

The scene I saw on the satellite rang in my heart.

Like the breath of a god, an arrow seems to pierce through the space, which is really shocking.

In Su Zicheng's S.H.I.E.L.D file, the three words "can't be messed with" added two more prefixes "absolutely".

'Absolutely not to mess with'!

Everything is for the purpose of friendship.

Oh, by the way, don't do identity checks anymore.

Let’s not talk about whether the investigation can be done, what if the other party is a person with personality and doesn’t like the feeling of being searched?

This feeling of being conditioned everywhere is what Nick Fury felt during the last alien invasion.

Nick Fury didn't like that feeling.

Been in high office for a long time, although Nick Fury loves it and doesn't mind 'Corporal Rhetoric'.

But it doesn't mean that he really has no arrogance. The dignified SHIELD Director controls hundreds of thousands of agents, the real power among the real power, and he is one of the few level 10 agents in S.H.I.E.L.D with only a few people.

Say no arrogance, is it possible?

"The establishment of Avengers is on the agenda."

Wearing protective clothing, Nick Fury can still feel the unbearable heat. One can imagine what would happen if he didn't wear protective clothing. Moreover, the surrounding area of ​​this folk house is completely scorched, as if it may be gasified at any time, so it is also conceivable what the surroundings will be like when the flames are burning.

Absolutely nothing can exist, everything that passes by, life or death, will be roasted and penetrated by the terrifying high temperature. Nick Fury doubts that if the abomination stands still in one place, will it forcefully gas the ground? Make a pothole?

Shaking his head, he threw out the strange thought.

Looking at the abomination that had completely turned into coke in front of him, Nick Fury wanted to try to grind up a piece and take it back for research.

But what he didn't expect was that the 'coke' that had been held on the ground collapsed instantly when it touched the abomination.

Turned into a mass of ashes.

Like the thing scraped off the lead of a pencil.

Nick Fury clicked his tongue slightly.

This fire is really scary.

(PS: Second update, please collect, reward, and flowers!!)

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