Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 593 I Really Underestimated You

"Good guy,"

"I really underestimated you."

"Cuckoo cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck

After killing the last one, just as the soles of Su Zicheng's feet landed on the ground, he heard Dormammu again, and began to groan. However, judging from the tone of his last voice, it seemed that he was reciting some spell. It seemed that Dormammu was not Not reconciled to Su Zicheng sweeping its face, this is to amplify the rhythm of the move "three three three".

Yes, Su Zicheng also found out just now. Although this black cloud is extremely corrosive, it seems to have no other effect other than this. If it was said that the weak and weak army just now was Dormammu's ultimate move, Su Zicheng would definitely believe it, 100% not believing it. After all, all those monsters were wiped out just now, and there is no sign that the black cloud wants to dissipate.

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang...

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang...

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang...

Just when Su Zicheng was wondering what kind of method Dormammu was planning to use, suddenly, there were bursts of metal clanging sounds from the endless darkness in the distance.

Listening to the voice, it seems that it is not just a person. It seemed that a small group of soldiers in steel armor was rapidly approaching Su Zicheng.

Listen to hiss... hiss... hiss...

Not only that, Su Zicheng seemed to have heard the neighing of war horses. That trampling of horseshoes. Could it be that this group of people are still riding horses? Are they so pretending? What is Dormammu doing here?


"Don't call it a herd of horses,"

"You just made a thousand troops,

"I'll kill you as well."

As the saying goes, when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil. Su Zicheng just stood there immediately, wanting to see what it was this time.

Not long after, Su Zicheng saw what he guessed. The leader is not a European country, the kind of cavalry in ancient times who wore heavy armor, a steel helmet, and a machete.

Also, the back seems to be constantly gathered far away, however, they are all in uniform. However, the weapons are somewhat different.

In order to maintain a wide field of vision, Su Zicheng's body flew into the air, as if he wanted to have a panoramic view of these people, and wanted to see clearly what they were, or whether they were people or ghosts...... Only a minute passed. Su Zicheng was once again shocked by the sight in front of him.

Because, it really worked for Su Zicheng's crow's mouth just now. At the moment, there are really thousands of troops standing in front of Su Zicheng. With Su Zicheng's naked eyes alone, he couldn't tell at all how many soldiers had these uniform movements.

I saw several teams of people in the front row, holding spears, lined up, facing Su Zicheng. Behind, are soldiers in armor with archers. In the back, there turned out to be a group of dark cavalry riding tall 2.0 horses, wearing dark armor, and holding three-foot scimitars. This is really a standard ancient legion configuration. What's the matter, is Dormammu going to summon thousands of troops to attack Su Zicheng?

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang

In the next second, there was a clanging sound, facing the spear soldiers in front of Su Zicheng, and spread out to both sides, revealing the three soldiers on horseback behind the archers. .

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