Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 601 Frozen Thousands Of Miles

Chapter 601

At this moment, the leader's whole body is also white, and the color of ice and snow has become strange in this strange world.

It can be seen from this that after the upgrade, it will be buried in the sky of ice and flowers, oh no, it is called Dragon's Breath now, so you can know how abnormal the current Dragon's Breath is. Not only can it freeze an entire army including men and horses, but it can also make the leader of the opponent temporarily use the action ability.

However, Su Zicheng heard the cracking sound of the ice cubes on the leader's body, and Su Zicheng knew that the freezing effect didn't seem to be able to last for too long.

What is Frozen Thousand Miles? This is Frozen Thousand Miles. If it weren't for the 733 black clouds composed of these dense dark matter energies, Su Zicheng felt that just this one moment could completely freeze the entire dark matter world. Although it is impossible to create an Antarctica directly from an ice block like the prehistoric bounty hunters did, Su Zicheng will freeze this place to a thickness of three feet, so there is no problem.

However, even freezing these energy bodies does not seem to be able to completely kill them. After all, they are different from humans or animals, in short, they are living things. For the living, this freezing can completely freeze their blood, thoughts, organs, etc., definitely, the heart stops beating, and there is no blood flow, so this living person is not Even if it is completely dead?

But the energy body is different. Although they are frozen, they have no organs and no breathing. It is obviously not feasible to kill them by stopping their physiological functions. The only way to completely destroy them seems to be to dismantle them, or to have a big explosion like before.

However, how long would it take for Su Zicheng to blow them up one by one like this? Just now Su Zicheng used spiritual seeds to explode them for half an hour, and they haven't died half of the explosion. If Su Zicheng does it, I don't know which Year of the Monkey is again.

Definitely, Su Zicheng can also choose to use the magic circle to attack on a large area. After all, these ice sculptures are shattered at the touch of a touch because of the extremely low temperature, and they don't need a powerful magic circle. However, after constantly using the soul tracking technique just now, it seems that Su Zicheng's mental power is running low at the moment.

Using the magic circle rashly will inevitably make Su Zicheng's meager spiritual power even worse. Therefore, using the magic circle seems to be a bit unworkable. As for using the depicted magic circle, it is also because it has been consumed in the battle just now, so it will not work.

Is it really necessary for Su Zicheng to do it himself? The answer is obviously no, Su Zicheng must shatter all the cavalry here, including the horses, in a short time before the leader wakes up. Otherwise, it is estimated that when the leader wakes up, all these The military will also be awakened by it again. At that time, Su Zicheng will face this 10,000-strong army alone again.

Although Su Zicheng is not afraid, after all, Su Zicheng's goal now is not these salty soldiers, Su Zicheng's goal is Dormammu, wasting time here is not Su Zicheng's style at all.

Ka Ka Ka...

"come on,"

"It's time to test my speed.

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