Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 610 Thanks To The God Of Luck

Chapter 610 Thanks to the God of Luck

However, the moment Jiali put tears into her mouth, she seemed to sense something. Those tears flowed down that white face like pearls with broken strings, and the big black jade gem-like eyes blinked blinking. Unexpectedly, Jiali, who is a seventh-level girl, actually cried at this moment. Because Uncle Tun has been making planets and devouring planets on his own, and he doesn't seem to notice that Jiali is sobbing. Just in order to fill his stomach, Uncle Tun constantly made planets, devoured them, and repeated this action. Jiali's figure disappeared beside Uncle Tun without a sound. It may be because Jiali's body is so small, Uncle Tun didn't seem to notice Jiali who sneaked away at all. ...time is going back to the present. The location is still the earth, oh no, it is the world of dark matter. At this moment, Su Zicheng's body was lying on the ground. His heart had basically stopped beating, and his body was going stiff. Only the last sliver of consciousness remained, At the moment, Su Zicheng could only breathe in, not out. Even the breath that entered was so weak that it could not be negligible. It is estimated that Su Zicheng will really go to meet the prehistoric bounty hunter in a quarter or three. Gulu Gulu... Suddenly, at the moment when Su Zicheng was about to close his eyes, he seemed to hear something, something like a glass bottle, Gulu Gulu rolled out. Immediately afterwards, Su Zicheng once again smelled a very familiar but extremely exciting smell. A fresh fragrance of plants, a smell of nature, a smell of vitality, yes, this is the rejuvenation potion. After smelling the rejuvenation potion, Su Zicheng felt as if he had come back to life. His body, which was already about to die, with the loess buried to his forehead, was actually greedily breathing in the scent of vitality. Not long after, Su Zicheng's closed eyes opened again, but his body was still unable to move, it may be due to excessive bleeding and stiffness, or it may be that the heart stopped beating and there was no oxygen to provide power. However, when Su Zicheng opened his eyes, he didn't focus on checking his body, but instead noticed the rejuvenation potion that was sprinkled on the ground. At this moment, the bottle that still contained one-third of the rejuvenation potion was poured in front of Su Zicheng, and the potion inside also flowed out. Even more coincidentally, the green liquid flowed slowly like water spilled on the ground. Right on the edge of Su Zicheng's mouth. It's already like this, and Su Zicheng has nothing to dislike or dislike. Only by being clean can he be cured. With this concept in mind, Su Zicheng sucked his mouth

Desperately sucking the slow-flowing (Li's) rejuvenation potion on the ground. With Su Zicheng's suction, the rejuvenation potion flowed into Su Zicheng's mouth naturally. As soon as it entered the throat, Su Zicheng immediately felt a coolness that directly stimulated the soul, preventing it from continuing to sleep, and giving Su Zicheng a feeling of spring breeze. At the same time, Su Zicheng's originally intoxicated spirit gradually recovered. Moreover, a huge breath of life was emanating from Su Zicheng's body. .

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