Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 625 Piracy

Chapter 625 Piracy

It seems that at that time, the fearful side displayed by Collector should not be able to deceive Su Zicheng with such low-level lies.

In this way, the black cloud mentioned by Collector seems to have some similarities with the black cloud released by Dormammu just now. It's just that the other one is the genuine one, while the Dormammu one is a pirated one. After all, as soon as they appeared on the stage, they immediately wiped out a fleet. Dormammu was obviously not ready yet. I just don't know who summoned the black cloud composed of dark energy at that time, and whether the attack methods inside are exactly the same as what Su Zicheng experienced just now.

A few weeks ago, Su Zicheng was still struggling with the relationship between the dark world mentioned by the gorilla-like steel monster and the dark matter world of Dormammu. Now it seems

Maybe, Dormammu's energy really came from there. J

However, does this mean that this dark matter world is a node, a branch of that dark space? They arrived at the earth through this dark matter world, or does this dark matter world reveal any important clues?

Also, the Dark Era mentioned by Ancient One is coming, is it also related to these things? Su Zicheng still seems to be a little confused in his mind. Maybe we really have to wait until everything is about to happen, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and Su Zicheng will naturally know it.

Just when Su Zicheng was about to investigate the clues in this dark matter world, suddenly, the dangerous perception was activated automatically.

In an emergency, Su Zicheng seemed to have nowhere to hide, but Su Zicheng had no choice but to return to the hunter space.

When Su Zicheng returned to the outside world again, he was a little shocked by the scene before him. Because, the space where Su Zicheng was standing just now was shattered layer by layer, like a mirror shattered. This attack method, this method, is it not a dark matter ray?


"Isn't Dormammu dead?"

Seeing this situation, Su Zicheng couldn't help cursing secretly.

That's right, this guy Dormammu, no matter how you say it, he's a Level Universe. If Su Zicheng was really allowed to kill him, Su Zicheng actually didn't quite believe it. As another boss in the Level Universe, immortality is normal. For hundreds of years, Ancient One has been unable to take it, (it may also be because Ancient One wants to absorb the energy of the dark matter world, and prolong its life through this

Dormammu was not killed on purpose. It wasn't until the deadline was approaching that I realized my mistake. ) f

Now how could it be so easy to be killed by Su Zicheng. What's more, Su Zicheng didn't even use Moon Devour.

It may be because Su Zicheng's attack just now caused fundamental damage to Dormammu, (Although Su Zicheng asked himself that he didn't have the ability to completely wipe out Dormammu, but (well) it is, give it some exercise, touch its foundation, Su Zicheng is still very sure.) This made Dormammu disappear temporarily. It is very likely that it is taking advantage of this time to heal and recover. It is even possible that Su Zicheng saw the headless corpse about to explode and the dissipating black cloud just now, and it was also done on purpose by Dormammu. The purpose is to confuse Su Zicheng, make Su Zicheng relax his vigilance, and then take the opportunity to recover and make a surprise attack. .

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