Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 643: At Your Own Consequences

Chapter 643

Su Zicheng didn't speak, and continued to move his hands as he muttered something in his heart. Looking at the magic circle, under the control of Su Zicheng, the energy of the entire magic circle was gathered at the location where Dormammu was.

Nodes that Dormammu inadvertently destroy are also instantly repaired. Then, all the integrated offensive magic circles that came in began a stormy attack. With such a powerful magic circle, and "057" all concentrated in Dormammu, that scene, as you can imagine, is more exciting than the United States blockbuster. Even, wave after wave, not even leaving a gap for Dormammu.


"Remember what I said earlier?"

"At your own risk,"

"What else do you have to say,

"Next, it will be even crazier than these."

In fact, when he said these things, Su Zicheng didn't have the confidence in his heart. Because, Su Zicheng knew that the current attack has basically used the energy of the entire magic circle, and the attack strength has reached the maximum value. Yes, Su Zicheng just wanted to bluff Dormammu.

"stop stop,"

"Stop first, I have something to say,"

"I don't have a name?"

Hearing Dormammu's begging for mercy, Su Zicheng secretly laughed in his heart. Now that Dormammu has been fooled, Su Zicheng has to tease it.

"Cuckoo cluck cluck...

"Hunter, Mr. Hunter,

"Stop it, I can't take it anymore.


"Speak quickly, and fart quickly,"

"I'm still in a hurry, I'm going home to sleep."

With the strongest words on his lips, Su Zicheng was already happy in his heart. As Su Zicheng fiddled with his hands a few more times, the attacks around Dormammu also temporarily stopped. However, in order to maintain a deterrent effect, Su Zicheng purposely suspended those meteorites, explosives, etc. around Dormammu's side. It was as if, as long as Dormammu said a wrong word, he would be greeted by the "lightning and thunder" around him.

"Just let me out,

"It's easy to say anything."

Dormammu is also concise. Dormammu was terrified when he saw all kinds of fancy attacks waiting around him. To be honest, maybe the previous level of attack, the single body is not strong, and there is a time interval, so Dormammu didn't take it seriously... But later, after the transfer from Su Zicheng, the continuous posture, Crackling, sparks and lightning all the way, Dormammu is exhausted physically and mentally.

Moreover, in this situation, Dormammu felt that if it continued, his life might be threatened. More importantly, what Dormammu is really afraid of is not these attacks, but the ghostly place where it is trapped. Just now, Dormammu has also tried, but no matter what method it uses, whether it is teleportation or faster than the speed of light, but, The, it, Dormammu, confessed........

"come up with?"

"It's easy to say,"


"What did you say just now?"

"If you want to kill me again, you will not obey,"

*0.3 How do you calculate this account. "

Su Zicheng is happy, but one size counts for one size. Although Dormammu has become a "prisoner" at the moment, Su Zicheng can't guarantee that he will be released. Will this guy go back on his word and do some crazy things? .

Besides, even if Su Zicheng can believe Dormammu's words, how will the previous account be settled. .

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