Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 658 Dormammu's Request

Chapter 658 Dormammu's request

That is, when the contract knotting magic is used, not only the caster, that is, the consent of Su Zicheng, but also the target of the spell, that is, the other party, Dormammu, must agree. Only mutual consent can be considered successful. Otherwise, as long as one party resists when the stalks end, the magic will be considered invalid.

No wonder, just now when Su Zicheng heard the "217" and saw the contract knot magic, he was still thinking, logically speaking, this magic doesn't sound very rubbish.

To be honest, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the contract knot magic is another kind of magic that Su Zicheng knows that has reached Level Universe. However, such an awesome magic is only sold for one billion meters, not to mention that Su Zicheng doesn't believe it, no one would believe it.

Only, after Su Zicheng mastered it, did he know why. Isn't it because of such a setting? If the other party doesn't agree, Su Zicheng's contract knot is strong, isn't it just a decoration, the existence of a vase...

"What's up,"

"Just let me out,"

"Don't say a thing,"

"That's ten, one hundred,"

"Let me destroy the earth and I will do it."

To be honest, when Su Zicheng suddenly stopped talking just now, Dormammu tried many times. However, no matter what method it uses, no matter which direction it goes, it seems that it finally returned to the original place...

This is the first time Dormammu has seen this kind of situation, it's like a ghost hitting a wall, it's too evil. Dormammu has lived for such a long time, and has never encountered such a situation.

However, what Dormammu was afraid of was not Su Zicheng's circular magic circle, but the feeling of being trapped in it. It might sound incomprehensible.

In fact, if you talk about being trapped, Dormammu has been trapped for a long time. There was Ancient One before, and then it was sealed in this dark matter world. For thousands of years, Dormammu has endured loneliness and loneliness alone. Others say that it only wants to invade the earth, invade other galaxies, and only know how to expand its own territory. As everyone knows, Dormammu just wants to use this extreme method to gain the attention of others.

This is like some unyielding people living at the bottom of the society. They work hard to make a living, but if they work hard, in the end, they still suffer from others' cynicism and countless white eyes...

So they took up arms and rebelled against those who had hurt them, or extended the evil hand to the innocent people who watched them being bullied but did nothing

Can such a result be said to be the fault of these unyielding people? The times make heroes, and people blame others, it is better to say that they were born in the wrong time.

Dormammu has long been tired of this kind of solitary life, but Ancient One sealed it here again, it has nothing to do, and now, Su Zicheng gave it a cyclic magic circle.

Originally, Dormammu4.7 in the dark matter world can also Energy Absorbing, strengthen oneself, no matter how bad it is, at least life is safe, but now, the magic circle cast by Su Zicheng is full of offensive magic, and even the line of sight is cut off. It was pitch black in front of him, even though Dormammu was used to loneliness, he couldn't stop this environment.

"Hey, let's go, stop, stop, stop,"

"One piece will do."

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