Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 661 Signing A Master-Servant Contract

Chapter 661 Signing a Master-Servant Contract

And Dormammu's lifespan is as long as this dark matter world, if the integrated magic circle dissipates and Dormammu comes out by himself, Su Zicheng can't guarantee that this guy will make any crazy moves.

There is a degree of relaxation, taking advantage of Dormammu's softness, Su Zicheng thinks, it's better to listen to what it wants first.

"Tell me,"

"what do you want."

"My request is also very simple,"

"If you want me to conclude a master-servant contract with you,"


"I can only promise you ten years,"



"I can promise this,"

007 "What about the next one. w

Before Dormammu could finish speaking, Su Zicheng interjected directly, agreeing. (Probably to let Dormammu feel his sincerity, that's why he was so straightforward.)

However, thinking about it carefully, it is not unreasonable for Su Zicheng to agree so happily.

Anyway, Dormammu is not an ordinary person, even if he signed a master-servant contract with it, who knows what tricks he has. Although after the contract is concluded, Dormammu can't hurt himself, but if Dormammu trips him up everywhere in the future, the gain is not worth the loss, and he will carry a troublesome spirit with him, a time bomb.

Besides (a GBf), with Dormammu's strength, it is very difficult for Su Zicheng to let him follow him sincerely. What's the use of having an unfaithful dog. Since he can't be sincere, then Dormammu will probably not obey discipline, so if he wants it to follow him forever, let alone Dormammu is unwilling, Su Zicheng is also unwilling.

If you think about it this way, a ten-year contract is fine. Within ten years, Su Zicheng can use Dormammu as a weapon, or as a shield, etc. After ten years, Su Zicheng will definitely surpass Dormammu in strength. At that time, it depends on Dormammu's performance , if it is honest, then let it do whatever it wants, but if it is dishonest, then there is no need for it to exist.


"You must promise me, too,"

"Tell me."

"I want you to let me out,

"That's natural,"

"As long as you agree.

"Do not,"

"I mean,"

"I'm going to Earth with you,"

"As long as you agree to this last condition, I will sign a master-servant contract with you."



"Want to go to Earth,"

"You're dreaming!"

Originally, Su Zicheng was curious about what conditions Dormammu wanted to talk about. Su Zicheng was ready to agree. Turns out Dormammu actually wanted to go to Earth. How is this possible? One of the tasks Su Zicheng accepted was to prevent Dormammu from invading the earth. Therefore, anything is fine, but this one is absolutely not.

I thought that Dormammu would say that he had principles, and he couldn't violate his principles when instructing him to do things. For example, do not kill the old, the weak, the sick, and the like. However, it happened to be the most unacceptable condition for Su Zicheng.


"You dare to sign a master-servant contract with me,

"But dare not put me back on Earth?"

"Cuckoo cluck cluck cluck . . .

"Don't worry, 11

"What I said earlier was fine,"

"I swear I won't invade the Earth's head office, right?"


"There is a master-servant contract,"

"Is it possible that you are still afraid that I will deceive you?"

No matter what Dormammu said, Su Zicheng definitely couldn't let this mission go to waste anyway. However, it was not easy to get to this point. In terms of importance, no matter how valuable a five-level star core is, it seems that it can't compare with a heavyweight fighter like Dormammu. .

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