Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 685: A Call For Help From Asgard

Chapter 685 From Asgard's Call for Help

The same goes for Loki, it's been a long time since I've seen him, and he still looks aloof. It's just that today he hit the iron plate. Don’t look at the body transformed by Dormammu, it’s tall and strong, and it’s completely dressed like an earthling, but when Loki thinks the same way, then it’s not far from being beaten...

Looking at Loki who was thrown back and forth by Dormammu, Su Zicheng not only smiled secretly. Because, now Loki is being beaten by Dormammu like a sandbag, left and right, up and down, back and forth

I don't know if Loki and Thor, the two brothers, are in conflict with this beating posture. One was slammed by Hulk on Earth, and the other was slammed by Hulk in Sakaar. Both of them were slammed by Hulk before. Now, Loki was slammed by Dormammu again. What a pity~ah.


"Almost ready."

Su Zicheng, who had finished tidying up, was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at Do-Mam and Loki with a serious face.

However, with crossed legs and a disdainful expression, Su Zicheng's posture has the demeanor of a black-road boss.

Because the contract with Dormammu has already been signed, there is no need for Su Zicheng to hide his true colors from Dormammu. However, Su Zicheng is not very familiar with Loki. Originally, Su Zicheng thought about wearing a hunter suit to cover his face. But after thinking about it, when Loki came, that is, when he fell from the sky, he should have seen Su Zicheng's true appearance. What's more, Su Zicheng and Loki looked at each other just before he passed out.

Think about it too, since Loki knew that Su Zicheng's family was here, and he was able to find it, it would prove that Loki already knew that Su Zicheng was a bounty hunter.

People who now know the secret that Su Zicheng is a bounty hunter, except for S.H.I.E.L.D's Black Braised Egg, Natasha Romanoff, Dormammu, and now there is another Loki. (definitely there are only two remaining fingers of the Hand, a Mrs. Gao, and another person.) It seems that Su Zicheng is not far from the time when he is really exposed to everyone's eyes.

"Go ahead, Loki,"

"Why did you come to Earth to find me?"

Looking at Loki who was thrown in a daze, Su Zicheng asked.

"Um, uh..."

0………seeking flowers…………

"Mr. Hunter..."

It may be that Dormammu's attack was really a little too ruthless, but Loki took a long time to slow down.

"Mr. Hunter,"

"We're in big trouble,"


"Well, yes, it's Hela,"

"how do you know?"

"You go on.

Sure enough, Su Zicheng guessed correctly, Loki would not have come all the way to seek Su Zicheng to be beaten, if he guessed correctly, Thor must have thrown Loki over, and asked Loki to ask Su Zicheng to fight.

As for why Su Zicheng was able to guess that it was Hela. It's not just because Su Zicheng only knows the plot of Marvel is so simple, after all, the plot may also be disrupted, and the chronological order is different from what Su Zicheng remembers.

Definitely, it's not surprising that Su Zicheng could guess that it was Hela. Because, a long time ago, probably a few months ago. I still remember that Su Zicheng went to Sakaar under the guidance of the Kerry star female president. At that time, Su Zicheng met Thor, Loki, and the green titan Hulk. .

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