Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 700 Unique Lethal Means

Chapter 700 Unique lethal means

Although Hela and Haier are both gods, you must know that there are differences between gods and gods.

Hela's constitution is very special, she produces far less fatigue toxins than ordinary gods, or most other Asgard people, so, this also leads to her having almost unlimited physical strength. The low production of hormones also allows her to be immune to all pathogens, viruses, etc. that have been explored so far on the earth.

At the same time, because Hela's body density is three times that of humans on Earth, her body can withstand extreme impacts, extreme temperatures and extreme pressures, high-quality bullets, and powerful energy bursts, all of which will not cause any damage to her. harm. Like ordinary Asgard people, Hela also has regenerative healing factors, so a long lifespan, immunity to all diseases, and resistance to conventional damage should all be standard configurations of Hela.

In front of Ability, controlling all kinds of magic shouldn't be a problem. Moreover, as the goddess of death, Hela also has her unique means.

You know, Hela has the ability to control the life and death of the gods of Asgard, and the death of the gods of Asgard is different from that of humans on earth.

After ordinary people on earth officially die, their souls will instantly leave their physical forms. However, when the gods of Asgard die, their souls are just the opposite, remaining in their bodies until they are sucked out by the goddess of death and dispatched to its final resting place.

While Hela usually draws the souls of Asgardians when they are seriously injured and dying, she can also kill healthy gods through physical touch. This is also Hela's unique lethal method, which also caused the people of Asgard to avoid Hela in every possible way.

Not only that, but Hela can also use this method to restore the life of the sick Asgard gods. As long as their souls have not left their bodies, Hela seems to be able to restore them. This should also be the unique method of the goddess of death. , Bring the dead back to life, master the ability of life and death. It's just that Hela rarely uses this ability to save~people.

As mentioned earlier, Hela can control the lives of the gods of Asgard, but what about the people on Earth, similarly, Hela’s touch is quite fatal to ordinary people, but she rarely does this, because after the death of Asgard people Her soul is hers, but human souls are not.

0...seeking flowers...

What's more, with Hela's strength, under normal circumstances, she would not leave Asgard and go to the earth to find human contact.


In the main hall, Thor was still knocking on the floor, Hela also came to ask at this moment, standing under the throne, looking directly at Thor.

"elder sister.

As soon as he saw Hela, Thor stopped the movement of his hands, and, seeing Thor's expression, it seemed that he didn't feel the tension just now. Maybe it was when he really had to face her that he wasn't so scared anymore.

"Oh, dear brother,"

"You're still alive."

It sounds like the conversation between Hela and Thor doesn't have any other meaning, it sounds as normal as a conversation between ordinary siblings. Say hello to each other when you meet.

But if anyone really treats them as brothers and sisters, it won't matter. .

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