Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 702 That's My Throne

Chapter 702 That's My Throne

Aiming at Hela, Thor continued. Even when he was saying the last sentence, Toer looked at Hela, as if he was disappointed in her, curled his lips, and shook his head again.


"Get up,

"Stand up from where you're doing,"

"Keep your ass away from it..."

"That is, my throne.

Having said all of this, Hela can no longer stand Thor's superior tone and attitude just like Odin's.

The next moment, Hela raised her hands, gathered her hair with both palms, and wiped it back. Immediately after 06, an amazing scene happened. As Hela's hands gathered back, the originally black and thick hair, the hair that was originally hanging down on the back, stood up one by one at this moment, as if sprayed with countless hair gels. Every strand, every fork, every strand is condensed together, like the antlers on the head of an elk, symmetrical and elegant, and like coral, beautiful and dangerous, these gathered hairs have extremely sharp tips, it looks like It doesn't look like hair anymore, but more like a pitch-black helmet.

Seeing Hela in this state, those who understand already know that Hela is already in a fighting state at this moment.

"Father once told me, "

"A wise prince never wages war."

Seeing that Hela already had the urge to do something, Thor also became cautious at the moment. Holding the golden spear tightly in his hand, the man also stood up from the throne. While talking step by step, approaching like Hela. And always be prepared to guard against her sneak attack. After all, Hela, who is known as the goddess of death, can't think of her as simple as she imagined, and she is always ready. Even if it is a sneak attack, Thor must be prepared in advance.

"But he also has to be ready to fight."

Interrupting Thor's words, Hela didn't finish a sentence, took out two daggers without handles from nowhere, and rushed up directly.

At the same time, Su Zicheng and Loki also rushed to the city of Asgard from their foothold.

Oh no, to be precise, Su Zicheng and Loki met all the people of Asgard on a Bifrost. (This Bifrost is not that Bifrost, this Bifrost is a real bridge, because it is built on the sea of ​​Asgard. Because the bridge is very long, the bridge deck is also colorful and looks like a rainbow, so it is named like this, but, The place where this Bifrost leads is used to meet the real Bifrost, that is, the place used for space teleportation.)

In mid-air, Su Zicheng looked at the group of Asgard people fleeing in a panic under their feet, and guessed that they probably wanted to use Bifrost to escape from the Asgard planet first.

However, Su Zicheng looked at the distance again, that is, the two ends of the Bifrost under these people's feet, and then felt that the plan of these people did not seem to be so easy to realize.

"Do you want to go down?"

Su Zicheng observed the situation, because the Asgard army has been wiped out by Hela alone, so the people who are left are basically people who have no fighting power. They are masters in the field, but they are too weak for a strong army.)

At this moment, almost all the people of Asgard are on this bridge, and now they are moving cautiously. However, it seems that it is not Thor who takes the lead, but a blind man. .

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