Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 706: A Group Of Little Ones

Chapter 706

At this moment, the war alarm sounded immediately, and the undead on the opposite side also rushed over frantically.

However, looking at Su Zicheng, it seems that except for Heimdall with a huge sword behind his back and a few inches of soldiers, the rest of the people are unarmed people, no matter how tough they are, they are not afraid of death , Then you can't just meet "Zero Seven Seven" with your bare hands, isn't that sending you to death? Counseling and sending to death are two different concepts.

Until this time, Su Zicheng understood that at this critical moment he still had to rely on himself.

Although when he came, Loki told Su Zicheng to solve the troubles of Asgard, but Su Zicheng always thought that as long as Hela was solved, all problems would be solved, and his mission would be considered complete. But now, Hela didn't see it, so he made himself a coolie first.

It’s okay, it’s okay, the opposite side is just a group of young people, even the soldiers who have followed Hela through the war, in Su Zicheng’s eyes, they are just like ants, if Su Zicheng is willing, he will be wiped out in minutes Lost.

When the undead army was approaching, the giant wolf behind also took a step and rushed over. For a while, a front and back attack really formed.

Su Zicheng was about to leave when suddenly there was a gap in the sky as if something was flying over. Su Zicheng used Hawkeye to patrol the midair.

Suddenly, a space battleship flew over. Moreover, looking at the shape of this battleship, Su Zicheng has a feeling of deja vu. Thinking back carefully, it seems that when Su Zicheng was looking for the tenth-level star core in Sakaar, he happened to meet Thor and the others who were hunted down by Gao Tianzun.

That is to say, this battleship should be Valkyrie Valkyrie? At this time, Su Zicheng can guess who is on the battleship without relying on the Marvel plot in his memory

Hawkeye pierced through, and Su Zicheng directly saw the scene inside. He guessed correctly, in the battleship, Banner, who had recovered his normal human form at this moment, was driving the battleship, and at the cabin door, Valkyrie Valkyrie was standing there.

I saw Valkyrie wearing battle armor and wearing a sword on her waist... If anyone guessed that she was going to jump down to meet the enemy, it would be a big mistake.

Continue to look at Valkyrie, I saw that after she was dressed, she pulled a heavy machine gun from the side of the cabin door. It was a barrel thicker than Gatling, and it could basically catch up with the caliber of a cannon. , Even the bullets next to it are connected to the machine gun in a whole box, and each bullet is as thick as an arm, and so long, so it can be seen how powerful this heavy machine gun is.

Like everyone else, Banner looked at Valkyrie in disbelief, as if he didn't quite believe that this innocent-looking woman could handle such a heavy weapon.

However, a 0.7 surprising scene appeared. Looking at Valkyrie, she and Banner looked at each other, then smiled, as if sniffing at Banner's distrust. Then, Valkyrie, who had adjusted her state, did not fire immediately. Instead, he took out a bottle of wine from nowhere, and took two gulps of wine into his mouth first. Then, he threw the bottle away, wiped his mouth, burped deeply, and pulled the trigger in his hand with a satisfied face. .

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