Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 77 The Four Asgard Warriors Break Through The S.H.I.E.L.D Base

the next morning.

Su Zicheng looked at the 400 million balance and smiled happily.

Another task has been completed.

It can be unrestrained for several days.

Su Zicheng looked at his handsome self in the mirror, smiled narcissistically, put on his schoolbag, and prepared to go to school for a day.

And at the same time.

In a small town in New Mexico.

Four people in strange costumes, all holding axes in their hands, are gathering with Thor.

Jane on the side looked at the few people in front of her and the enthusiastic Thor with a dazed expression.

"Oh, never thought I'd see you again, my friends!"

Thor looked excited and hugged them one by one.

The four people in front of me are not others.

It is the three Asgard warriors Vostagg, Hogan, Fandral, and Heimdall's sister Sif, who is Thor's best friends in Asgard.

The four of them are also very excited. It is hard not to be excited when old friends reunite after a long absence.

"My friends, I have something to ask you."

Thor scratched his head, 28 said: "My hammer has been blocked in a desert, and I need you to help me get it back together!"

At this time, Thor has not yet formally metamorphosis, but has developed feelings for Jane, and feels that being an ordinary human is not bad.

However, in his heart, he still longed to get back that energy.

"No problem, Thor, we'll help you."

As the only female among the four, Sif nodded heroically.

"You say yes?"



Vostagg, Hogan, and Fandral waved their weapons and roared menacingly, scaring away many guests around them, thinking that they were a group of psychopaths.


Seeing that a few of them are really going to attack the base abruptly.

Jane immediately stopped and said: "They have weapons! There are many, many! And it is different from the usual military area, where there are other forces involved, and the blockade is very strict, you can't break in!"

Since Su Zicheng stole the hammer, in order to avoid the news leaking out and causing panic, S.H.I.E.L.D did not disband the base, but instead built it more like a fortress, so Thor didn't go in and find the hammer last time.

However, after hearing her words, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif burst out laughing as if they heard some joke.

Even Thor couldn't help but shook his head: "I forgot to introduce, Jane, these are my best friends in Asgard!"

"The fattest one is called Vostagg. When he was young, Vostagg was a strong and powerful Asgard warrior. However, because he liked to eat and drink, he became completely fat. However, Vostagg after getting fat , and still possesses a powerful combat ability [is an outstanding blade fighter, swordsman, rider, archer, outstanding boxer and iron-headed stick master!"

"There is also this one, Hogan, who is stronger than ordinary people, his strength is slightly better than that of ordinary Asgardians, and his body tissue is more durable and resilient than that of an ordinary person , resistance, making him more resistant to physical damage, not afraid of so-called firearms at all, and, like Vostagg, he is an outstanding hand-to-hand fighter and rider, highly proficient in all Asgardian arms."

"This is Fandral, a self-proclaimed swordsman and romantic man who can't be restrained..."

"The combination of the three of them is the three Asgard warriors of Asgard!"

"The only lady in the end, called Sif, is the younger sister of Heimdall, the guardian of Bifrost. She is stronger than the three of them, but don't underestimate her. Sif has super powerful hand-to-hand combat skills and extraordinary swordsmanship. , Her combat ability ranks among the top three among the goddesses in Asgard, second only to Valkyrie Valkyrie."

"And, like all Asgardians, the bones, skin, and muscles of all four of them are denser than that of a single human being, and all belong to a Superman and a Koji!"

"I'm much stronger than I am now."

Having said that, Thor looked a little sentimental.

From an extremely powerful prince being demoted to an ordinary mortal, this kind of stimulation didn't make him lose his mind, it was because of his strong mental ability.

Seeing that Jane seemed shocked by his introduction, Thor patted her on the shoulder.

"Jane, don't go this time, we'll be back soon."

Saying so, he greeted the three warriors of Asgard and the goddess Sif to immediately go to the base blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Looking at the backs of the five people, Jane sighed with complicated expressions.

Except for Thor, an "ordinary person".

Vostagg, Hogan, Fandral, and Sif rushed directly to the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

The four Asgard warriors all wear armor and carry various weapons and shields.

It looked very strange.

Immediately attracted the attention of the gatekeeper agent, and reported to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury glanced at the monitor, under the wind and sand, there were indeed four guys rushing towards here at an inhuman speed.

He frowned slightly: "Stop them, if you continue to move forward, kill them all.


Nick Fury's orders were quickly carried out.

A few agents in suits with bulging waists stepped forward, looked at the four people, and shouted: "Stop immediately! Otherwise, we will start firing!"

However, their voices are completely useless.

Which of the four warriors of Asgard hadn't been a cub who had lived for thousands of years and had gone through countless wars, so it was impossible for them to be threatened by these young cubs who seemed to them to be very young.

Seeing them approaching.

Several agents looked at each other, and immediately took out the firearms from their waists, and fired a few shots without any hesitation.

The pistol bullets hit the armor of the four soldiers, and they fell to the ground in a bang, without causing any harm to them at all.

Vostager laughed out loud, but his fat-looking body was extremely agile. He leaped several meters, and easily knocked these Teddins down without using a weapon or a few punches.

Definitely, this is the result of his keeping his hand, not using all his strength, otherwise, these agents who belong to the category of ordinary people may have their brains splashed and blood spilled on the spot in an instant.

Watching several vanguard agents being knocked out, Nick Fury's already dark face became even darker.

"Hit them with heavy weapons! Don't show any mercy! Don't let them enter the base!"

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