Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 81 Carrie

Su Zicheng held the little girl's little hand, stood on the main road with cars passing by, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Can you tell me your name?"

Little Loli rolled her big eyes: "Galli!"


It sounds pretty good......




Su Zicheng stared angrily, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

damn it!

"Have you ever eaten?"


"Still hungry now?"


Su Zicheng asked many questions in a row, and Jiali answered them very obediently.

In the end, taking a deep breath, and combining with the little Jiali who was so good at eating just now, Su Zicheng finally confirmed her identity.

Jiali, her original name should be Nata.

Nata "880" is the planet devourer, the daughter of Uncle Tun!

The corners of Su Zicheng's mouth twitched, and I said, why can't he read the heart of this little loli? Damn, if you give him another ten billion, or even a trillion, he won't be able to reach the same level as the little loli. Mind reading? What dreams!

Who is Jiali? An existence that is not weaker than the gods of the universe, and even mocked the gods!

Moreover, in the official Marvel, there is a special power system, the lowest is 1 and the most popular is 7.

First is intelligence: 1. Retarded/impaired, 2. Normal, 3. Learned, 4. Ability, 5. Genius, 6. Super genius, 7. Omniscient.

Strength: 1. Weak (cannot bear objects with the same weight as itself), 2. Normal (can bear objects with the same weight as itself), 3. Limit of ordinary people (can bear objects with twice its own weight), 4. Beyond ordinary people (800pt~25t), 5. Beyond ordinary people (25t~705t), 6. Beyond ordinary people (705t~1000t), 7. Difficult to calculate (over 1000t).

Speed: 1. Subnormal, 2. Normal, 3. Superhuman (but not higher than 700 miles per hour), 4. Sonic (Mach 1) \ 5. Supersonic (Mach 2), 6. Speed ​​of light (1,860,000 miles per second ), 7. Velocity distortion (faster than the speed of light).

Stamina: 1. Weaker, 2. Normal, 3. Enhanced, 4. Renewable, 5. Bulletproof, 6. Beyond normal, 7. Nearly immortal.

Energy emission: 1. Cannot release energy, 2. Release energy by contact, 3. Release single energy with short range in a short time, 4. Release single energy with medium range in a medium time, 5. Release long distance in a long time Single energy with a range, 6. Can release multiple energy forms, 7. Can release multiple energy forms almost infinitely.

Fighting: 1. not good at, 2. general, 3. some training, 4. experienced fighter, 5. proficient in one fighting style, 6. proficient in several fighting styles, 7. proficient in all fighting styles.

And Jiali's level table is 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7. If they are connected together, they are omniscient, with a strength of at least 1000t, a speed faster than the speed of light, almost immortal, and can release various forms of energy almost infinitely. The Super Boss of Fighting Style!

Instantaneous movement, zooming in and out, changing shapes, and pausing time are just the most standard Abilities.

Su Zicheng is envious, a group of people who are really envious, damn it, people and people, oh no, people and gods are just different, an existence like Jiali is really born in a position that countless people can't look up to at the peak .

However, perhaps this is not enough to directly show her terrifying power, let's just say that, with a complete set of Infinite Gems in her hand, plus other peak-state Thanos and the son of Professor X, she has countless Alpha-level Mutant personalities and A large group of people who can use their Ability at will, and they can't even reach the level!

What Odin, Ancient One, Thanos, in front of Jiali is a mass of nutritious and delicious food.

It is conceivable that this little loli, who looks harmless to humans and animals, is the ultimate boss of what level, and Lord Earth can only tremble in front of her and beg her not to eat him.

Su Zicheng suddenly thought of a possibility.

Immediately opened the danger perception.

Sure enough, after Jiali didn't want to eat herself, "the perception of danger that made him feel so painful that he died has disappeared.

Damn, it really is you little guy!

No wonder the perception of danger can be so scary, it turned out to be you who gave it to me.

The corners of Su Zicheng's mouth twitched. Just now, I thought it was possible that the little loli was telling the truth, so I couldn't read what was in her heart. I wondered why I didn't read anything when the little loli said that she was full. ……………

Think about it now.

How overwhelmed!

There are only two situations where mind reading skills cannot read the hearts of others.

First, what you say matches your inner thoughts.

Second, the opponent is stronger than him.

It's obvious which one Galley is.

Su Zicheng shook his head, but he didn't have much fear in his heart.

If he was facing Uncle Tun now, he might be gone. After all, Uncle Tun was not only a cosmic god, but also a super villain, the kind who specialized in eating planets.

But Tunmei Jiali is different, this is a kind little guy, although it is a bit wrong to call her a little guy, who knows how many years this little loli has lived, but Su Zicheng doesn't have much to say about Jiali's appearance.

Gali is a representative character of kindness in the comics. She lives on the earth, not only does not eat the earth, but also eats the alien hazards before the earth. It can be said that she is a very beautiful little loli


He can't afford to support this little loli.

Su Zicheng pretended that he didn't find out who Jiali was, patted Jiali's small head, and said in a soft voice: "Is that Jiali? Go find your family, the big brother is going home."

Jiali pouted and grabbed Su Zicheng's corner: "My father is not here at 5.9."

Do you still want me to go find him?

God, I'm just an ordinary person who can't even go out of outer space.

Su Zicheng complained endlessly in his heart, but on the surface he still looked like a gentle big brother, trying to shake Jiali away.


It was as if Jiali had fallen for him, and she followed him no matter where he went, she would go when he went, and she would stop when he stopped, just like a little follower.


Su Zicheng turned around, looked at Jiali's aggrieved look, and finally softened his heart: "Do you have to follow me?"

Although Jiali is powerful and omniscient, she can pick out any technology that can surpass the earth for thousands of years, but in terms of character, she is pure and kind, and she only wants to eat.

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