Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 143 Thanos: Thank You For The Nuclear Bomb, 666! ! ! (Please Subscribe!)

"If I'm not mistaken, this should, probably, maybe, it seems to be Loki, the god of tricks!"

"Yes! Be sure, remove all these interrogative words, the guy who is being violently beaten in front of your eyes is the second son of Odin, Lord of Asgard - Luo H-

"Pfft! Are you going to kill me laughing?"

"Hahaha, Loki has become such a ghost, I really died laughing!"

"Brother has already recorded the screen, this kind of good thing must be appreciated several times a day, after all, not every Shendu is so weak!"

"Tsk tsk, Loki's fame is ruined at this moment?"

"Ah? That guy is still wise? Isn't he a little thief who is good at tricks?"

"Who is the boss upstairs! The number one magician in the Nine Realms can only be regarded as a small thief in your old sky, clasping 6 with both hands to show respect!"

"Ahem, I forgot if you didn't speak. Every time I see Loki, he always likes to use force. I thought he was a melee little trash."

"I also found out that this guy is a good magician and he must engage in close combat. The green titan is really sorry for himself for not hammering his shit out.

"Call Thor, your good brother is being put to sleep right now!"

"At this moment, the face of the gods of Asgard is disgraced!"

"Hahaha, please clarify, this king, Loki is my adopted son, not from Asgard, and now I have expelled him from the Heavenly Palace..."

In the multi-universe, after a short period of ignorance, they couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing one after another.

This is really too funny!

Presumably what happened today will cast a shadow on him for the rest of his life!

At the same time, countless people couldn't help but feel respect for the green titan, this guy really defies the world and disrespects the gods

Stepping on the alien legion, hammering the god of tricks.


"This Hulk is so weak, two fake Shendu can't kill him!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the Hulk in our universe is a destructive existence. He is so terrifying that we use all the power of the world to banish him to the depths of the universe..."

"Just this Hulk can blow it? It's just trash, Lushang Hulk knows it, tearing Thor with his hands, stepping on Odin with his feet, Immune mind control, endless anger devours everything!"

"Oh, it's a trick, our entire universe is now under the rule of Hulk, the warlord, and Thanos has to kneel when he comes. The little green man in the light curtain really made me laugh!

But in the multi-universe, a large group of 21 people quickly emerged, and they didn't agree with the Hulk in front of them at all, because in their eyes.

This guy is too weak!

In the parallel universe No. 199999...

Looking at Loki who was being treated as a toy by the green titan in the light curtain, and was being thrown back and forth like a sandbag, the mild-mannered Dr. Banner couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Green titan, he really is..."

Carry out violence to the end!

But when he thought about what Loki had done, Banner felt that it was not impossible to do it this way, everything was done by Loki himself, and it would be good to keep him alive.

As for the Avengers present, they couldn't help laughing, and eased their dignified expressions. Regarding what happened in front of them, they were busy fighting on their own at the beginning, and they really didn't know.

Good guy!

Green titan did a great job back then!

It is worthy of being the main output of Avengers, and this ridicule is directly full.

Tony Stark even turned around and gave a thumbs up to Banner beside him, which means that the promotion is great!

Only Thor looked slightly embarrassed at the scene.

Anyway, Loki is his younger brother, but now the picture of being beaten up is being posted in countless multi-universes, this is really...

Like the image of Asgard and his name!

Yes, he didn't really care about Loki being beaten, anyway, he wasn't dead...

Besides, Thor couldn't help saying, when he was eight years old, he used to like snakes very much, but Loki, the boy who knew magic [turned into a snake and came to him.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to his original shape, not only scaring Deadman, but even more infuriating that this guy actually hit his waist with a knife!


Do not learn well at a young age!

Deserves to be blasted!

Inside the TVA Time Variation Authority  ……

Staring at the brand-new timeline in front of them, with everything unknown and at a loss, Loki and Sivir still didn't know what to do, and the two subconsciously found a place to hide.


Sivir looked at Loki with a surprised face, and the sizing up and down eyes made Loki feel the hair in his heart, subconsciously straightened his back, coughed softly twice, and opened his mouth slowly and calmly with a gentlemanly demeanor.

"What? Now I finally find out how handsome I am?"

After knowing that they killed Kang the Conqueror, the entire timeline has changed drastically, and Loki is already a bit broken.

What's more, he now thinks that the career he has done is already shocking.

Throughout the ages, no matter that Loki of the multi-universe, like himself, can sacrifice the timeline and appreciate the destruction and restart of all things!

If you don't have a photo of Wanjie, you won't see the entire Marvel's top ten Loki.

I'm really sorry for him!



The Sivir girl next to him, Loki, is also good!

But who would have thought that after hearing his proud words, Xivir's expression became more and more strange, and his scrutinizing gaze made people feel even more creepy.

Immediately, a big white eye appeared on Xivir's heroic face, he raised the Ten Thousand Worlds photo mark in his hand, and said helplessly.

"I don't know if you are handsome or not, but I know that you have become the object of ridicule in the multi-universe, and at the same time, you have destroyed the character designs created by Loki in countless parallel worlds."

Then he glared at Loki again, stepped on Loki's shoe fiercely, and said through gritted teeth, "And now, I can't wait to kill you!"


The word Loki has become a joke in the multi-universe.

And the root of everything is because this guy in front of him is really popular!


Loki grinned in pain, and almost jumped up like a rat with fried fur, but the coolness in his heart overwhelmed everything, just when Sivir raised the Wanjie photo mark.

A powerful malice rose in his heart instantly, and an exhibitionist who was all green and only knew to wear jumping pants appeared in his mind instantly.

If he remembers correctly, the parallel universe number 199999 is the universe he is in.

Iron Man inventory...

Wouldn't my own embarrassment also appear in it?

With frightened hands and a trembling heart, he slowly clicked on the Ten Thousand Worlds photo, but he saw that his face was numb as if in a daze, and his eyes were lost in the concrete floor...

And next to him is a fat green man with a disdainful face!


In an instant, there seemed to be a sudden heartbreaking sound in the void, and Loki's rosy face instantly turned pale, and the flashing barrage in the light curtain quickly passed his eyes.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang..."

It was like a bolt from the blue, adding fuel to the flames, Loki felt his face fell to the ground, and he could never get it back!

In an instant, Loki wanted to cry, but stomped his feet violently, filled with remorse.


Being young and ignorant, ruining one's life by mistake!

In the future, how will he mess around? When other Lokis see him, they will probably kill him directly to vent their anger...

And at this moment, inside the light curtain...

When Loki was slammed into the ground, his eyes were dazed and he began to think about life, the green titan left a contemptuous mocking word in disdain.

"What a fragile god!"

In an instant, countless people in the multi-universe laughed again. The words were really wonderful. They would be the first to disagree with anyone who dares to say that Hulk has no brains.

This literary talent is so lively!

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes focused on Black Widow, who was wrapped in a black tights. She had crossed the alien army and reached the top floor of the Stark Building.

Knowing from the doctor who has recovered his mind, the only way to close the space portal opened by cosmic magic is to use Loki's scepter, Black Widow immediately relayed the news to everyone.

Take action now....

But at the same time, seeing the status quo of the invasion of the alien army, the officials of the U.S. government appear simple and rude, holding a fearless idea that they are not in New York anyway, and a nuclear weapon will solve everything.

As the saying goes, nuclear peace world!

Immediately, a flight vehicle carrying a nuclear missile was flying towards New York, and the nuclear missile was launched from hundreds of miles away in an instant...

At this moment, the superpowers in the multi-universe couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards the plan of the US government officials.


Pig Brain Fatty Intestines!

What else to do besides disregarding human life?

Countless moments of anger exploded, and at the same time, he couldn't help feeling anxious, wondering how the Avengers in New York should overcome the difficulty in front of them.

That is a nuclear bomb capable of destroying the world!

And the avengers inside the light curtain were also shocked instantly, those idiots actually dropped a nuclear bomb directly, this is New York, the whole city has thousands of citizens.

How dare they!

Just when everyone was at a loss and was in deep panic, Tony Stark stood up, and flashes of light flashed all over his body armor, and then the firepower of the injector surged...

I saw that Tony Stark flew over countless alien legions in his steel armor and came to the sea outside New York City in an instant.

And at this moment, a shocking idea suddenly burst into Tony's mind, staring at the incomparably huge amounts of space portal above New York City.

"I know where to let it go!"

Immediately afterwards, he flew under the nuclear missile, put his hands on his shoulders, sweat dripped from his forehead, took a deep breath and said, "Use all your energy to turn, J.A.R.V.I.S!"

This go, he knows.

It is very likely that I will never return!


This is exactly his mission, so far he still remembers what the doctor said to him before he died - don't make fearless sacrifices...

And now!

It's time for him to die!

At this moment, J.A.R.V.I.S, who seemed to know the master's mind, couldn't help but reminded, "Sir, do you want to contact Miss Peggy?" It will be years after leaving.

Tony couldn't help but startled, but he didn't refuse, "Let's get in touch!"

But it's a pity that Pepper is currently on a private jet, staring at the reporter's report on TV with a worried face, paying attention to Tony's safety, and not paying attention to the mobile phone for a while...

But at this moment, with the nuclear missiles speeding forward, Tony was getting closer and closer to the Stark Building, and he changed the energy output behind him with a nervous expression.

Immediately, under the gaze of everyone, Tony carried the nuclear missile

Changing his course and heading towards the sky, the small and weak figure was magnified at this moment.

The perspectives of countless people are all staring at him.

but see...

Tony Stark actually carried a nuclear missile and rushed into the dark blue space portal quickly, before disappearing before the eyes of countless people.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go on!

At this moment, staring at Tony Stark's lonely back, all hearts couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence.

At this moment, Tony, who was flying to the depths of the universe, only felt that the surroundings were pitch black, his breathing became more and more rapid, and the endless vacuum chill hit him, but he still didn't let go.

"Sir, Miss Paige...."

Until the system screen of J.A.R.V.I.S disappeared in front of Tony's eyes, the light emerging from the armor couldn't help dissipating, and the hands carrying the nuclear missiles slowly fell.

Tony's figure couldn't help falling slowly towards the space portal below, and his wide eyes stared at the endless cosmic starry sky, accompanied by the sight of the nuclear missile, he saw the incomparable

Huge, terrifying and suffocating alien legion.

Until a bouquet of gorgeous Firework blooms, the dazzling white light resounds throughout the Xiazhuang.

Tony's tight heart was instantly relieved!

myself, succeeded!

The earth is saved!

All sacrifices are worth it!

And at this moment, 003, unable to bear the discomfort of his body anymore, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a daze, as if he was falling from the ground.

The space portal below fell.


At this moment, Captain America saw that the nuclear bomb explosion was about to endanger the earth, and ordered Black widow to close the portal.

In an instant, countless people in the multi-universe couldn't help being startled.

"Come on! Come on! Be sure to come back in time!"

"Now I suddenly understand why Iron Man can become the belief in people's hearts. It's all because he is worthy, and what he has done has moved the world.

"Don't worry, Tony will survive!"

"Suddenly, I felt an unimaginable distress. Since becoming Iron Man, Tony's life has been endangered from all directions. He could have been otherwise."

"Tony Stark is someone I really admire!"

"Suddenly discovered that the first place really deserves its name!"

"Thanos: 6666, thanks to Earthman Iron Tony Stark for sending ten nuclear bombs."

"Kirita people:!!! The nuclear bomb will be sent at the beginning, how about playing?"

"Love Tony!"

"First place, I am really convinced by this first place!"

Everyone couldn't help but compare their hearts. If they were Iron Man at that time, would they be willing to take this step?

The answer is of course no!

And at this moment, those originally rebellious existences in the multi-universe were completely convinced at this moment, because Tony Stark proved himself with his own life.

He is Iron Man!

Unique Iron Man!

But inside the light curtain...

Tony fell out at the last moment when the portal closed, but the scary thing was that his power showed no sign of slowing down.

Fortunately, a green figure sprinted towards him. It was the green titan Hulk. He jumped and took off to catch Tony Stark in mid-air.

In this way, the alien invasion of New York ended, and the name of Avengers was also launched in the universe.

Tony Stark also stepped into his life again, but if the earth is in crisis again, the Avengers will gather again!

In the multi-universe, countless unruly Iron Man fell silent at this moment.

I kept recalling every move of the classic Iron Man in my mind, that act of no hesitation, incomparable resoluteness, so hard to think about hesitation, I just felt a little suffocated.

They recognized it at this moment!

Classic Iron Man, well deserved!

Rao is a white pot Iron Man, and his eyes became respectful at this moment. After experiencing a series of things, he clearly understands that strength is not the criterion for measuring a person.

Because this time has too many ways to control the power and improve yourself.

And the mind is the most important thing.

If not, no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless!

Galactus Iron Man is an obvious example of this...

At this moment, they really lost, they lost terribly, they lost to collapse...

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