Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 145 Iron Man: Hot Chili, Turned Into A Punch Superman, Blasting The Audience! (Please Subscr

"Fuck! This is fake, it must be fake!"

"At that moment just now, I couldn't help but feel a heart attack, because the scene in front of me reminded me of the extraordinary Spider-man I used to be..."

"The dark night, the silent bell tower, the unforgettable death..."

"Damn it! I never thought that this kind of thing could score twice, this is really damned!"

"Ahhh! I don't believe it. How could Little Pepper die? This is absolutely impossible. Hurry up, tell me everything is an illusion."

"Tony's prodigal son returned to his heart and finally got on the right track with Little Pepper, but now...

"Killian, this bastard, kill him and cut him to pieces. Didn't he inject Extremis to regenerate his limbs! Cut him into a stick every day!"

"What is this, let me come, cut off the flesh and blood of this speech, and then let him taste it, the hot flesh and blood like magma will burn his soul!"

"Good idea! Just do it like this, and let this dog die!"

"Wang Defa, my favorite Iron Man can't escape the bad luck of superhero, has he been on the road of being lonely and helpless since then?"

"Spider-man's fate is like this, but why is Iron Man still like this? Is all this fate!"

Countless people in the multi-universe stared helplessly inside the light curtain. Little Pepper's helpless and terrified figure kept falling. At this moment, he only felt a faint pain in his heart.

Although countless people have ten thousand unwillingness in their hearts, but......

The facts are right in front of us.

Regardless of the fireworks below, if an ordinary person goes up to the scorching heat, he will be swallowed by the flames in an instant. With such a high distance, an ordinary person will have only one end if he falls down like that - his body will be smashed to pieces!

As for the little pepper, they couldn't be more familiar with it.

A secretary who silently accompanies Tony, apart from possessing an extraordinary mind and personality, has no super-ability at all......

This time, it was really powerless!

In the parallel universe No. 120703...

The extraordinary Spider-man has become an extremely beautiful landscape in New York City at this moment, and the belief in justice exists in the hearts of countless people, and no matter what kind of crisis it is, it is buried and easily resolved.

And all this is due to the two rewards of Wanjie Photo, which directly made his combat power soar, what rhinoceros, Vulture, Doctor Octopus......

The Sinister Six, gradually formed by these criminals, is simply vulnerable in the eyes of the extraordinary Spider-man.

As a result, the entire New York City fell into unprecedented security, and even people dared to walk 183 alone on the dark road in the middle of the night.

Little Sunspot can no longer be arrogant.

Because the prisons in New York City have already been overcrowded, and the New York City is safe and sound, and it has really become worthy of the name...

And the behind-the-scenes leader, Chaofan Spider-man, is now at home with his girlfriend who was rescued by changing his life against the sky, watching with relish the edited video of Wanjie's photo.

At the moment of crisis, the venom battle suit possessed Gwen's body and protected it, which made Chaofan unexpected. However, with the blessing of the venom battle suit, his girlfriend Gwen also got the mark of Wanjie Photo.

Now, daily viewing of Wanjie pictures has become a daily entertainment for young couples.

It's just that the expressions of the two of them have become extremely embarrassing now, especially Gwen's hands are only holding Chaofan's clothes, and the whole person can't help but cuddle up to his thick chest.

The whole person asked in disbelief, Little Chili, did she really die like this? Just like me back then?"

After obtaining the imprint of Wanjie Photo, Gwen naturally reviewed the top ten Marvel Spider-mans, and found that without the intervention of Wanjie Photo, he would die in the Battle of the Bell Tower in the fate of history.

This terrifying news made him feel relieved for more than half a month.

And now looking at the little pepper falling into the endless burning abyss in the light curtain, Gwen couldn't help but feel suffocated, and emotions such as worry, fear, and happiness kept churning in his mind at this moment.

Chaofan hugged Gwen tightly in his arms, asked Gwen on the forehead, and then expressed concern, "You are fine, everything will pass, as for the little pepper in the light curtain... Don't jump to conclusions without seeing the real corpse."

Although he subjectively believes that it is absolutely impossible for Pepper to survive.

But objectively, he still hopes for a miracle to happen, because he is very aware of the feeling of his lover dying in front of his eyes, the pain that is enough to obliterate everything.

In the parallel universe No. 199999...

"Er... this?"

Tony, who was reviewing the past in the light curtain, looked at the video screen in the light curtain, and he couldn't help being stunned, and his expression couldn't help but become weird.

Then he slowly turned his head to look at Xiaojiali who was still alive, and muttered involuntarily, "Who cut this, it looks like my wife is dead."

"Although I thought so at the time, but fortunately, Little Pepper was lucky at the time, and she managed to survive (cbdc)..."

This editing skill is really amazing.

Looking at the flashing bullet screens in the light curtain, Tony couldn't help but feel emotional again. If he hadn't experienced these things himself, he really almost believed the evil of Wanjie Photo.

But in the next second, Tony's eyes became extremely sharp!

Because after this incident happened, he specially created a nano-steel armor for Xiaojiao, and no one can hurt his woman...

And at this moment in the light curtain...

Tony watched his beloved die in front of him. For a moment, the suppressed anger in his heart could no longer be contained, and the anger in his chest exploded.

When a suit of battle armor randomly flew in the air and possessed him again, Tony fiercely struck Killian whose body had recovered to its original state, but despite Tony's iron fists falling and laser stabbing, all attacks seemed useless.


One second Killian's face was still bloody and bloody, and the next second it immediately recovered, even if his limbs were broken, he was able to break limb reborn!

What was even more troublesome was that Kiri's body temperature continued to rise, and his epidermis instantly turned a fiery scarlet, and then his whole body turned into a burning man like a molten flame.

With a quick movement, he grabbed Tony with one hand, "Crack!", and the battle armor was torn and discarded, turning into a pool of molten iron on the ground.

Swinging the palm quickly, it is like a sword that cuts iron like mud, it melts when touched, even the steel armor is no exception, the high temperature of thousands of degrees can melt everything at this moment.

Can't beat it, can't beat it at all!

The attack at this stage can't break through his Regenerative Healing Factor at all, and ordinary battle armor is even more difficult to withstand the high-temperature melting of thousands of degrees. Suddenly, Tony was in a predicament, and his battle armor broke one after another.

But what a talent Tony is. Seeing the return of the prodigal son's armor, he instantly controlled all parts to fit them on Killian's body, and let the steel armor cover his whole body.

Although this guy is powerful, he is still considered human!

In an instant, countless people saw that Killian was controlled by the armor in mid-air, making it difficult to move. How could the strength be able to compete with the machine?

Then, before he vainly tried to use his own high temperature to melt the armor, the prodigal son's armor was already sprinting towards the ground under Tony's control.

Fast as the wind, fast without a shadow!


Immediately, everyone saw that the moment the prodigal son's armor touched the ground, the armor instantly launched a self-destruct procedure, and a group of fiery flames burst out like a firework, sweeping the entire ground.

This level of explosion is powerful enough!

The damage of the battle armor is indeed not enough, but right now, this is enough to make people die without a whole body!


Seeing this scene, Tony couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, this guy is done!

But at the moment Tony came to the ground with his embarrassed body, he was horrified to find a familiar figure appeared in the flames in front of him, it was Killian.


not dead!

Extremis is so damn tenacious!

Watching Defective's unbearable body recovering slowly, he turned towards Killian, whose face was distorted and murderous, and who staggered towards him.

Tony's pupils dilated instantly, and he was stunned!

What kind of international joke is this fucking, are you Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?

Suddenly, at this moment......

In front of everyone's eyes, a huge amounts of iron rod appeared instantly, carrying the power of thousands of horses and horses, it flew across the sky with a "咻!", and landed on Killian's head precisely.


Killian, who hadn't recovered at this moment, was headshot in an instant, and his body disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant like a feudal candle entangled in the wind.

In an instant, countless people were stunned!


Who made the move?

Then a face that no one expected appeared in the light curtain. It turned out to be Xiaojiao who was in the sea of ​​flames and death just now. At this moment, his whole body was glowing red, as if his body was burning.

Seeing Xiaojiali's appearance, countless people in the multi-universe were instantly cleared up.


This is injected with Extremis!

"Hey! This is too good!"

Hot Chili, love it, love it!"

"This impure valkyrie is back in the world!"

"So handsome, Extremis is such a dick!"

"I knew it, I knew Little Pepper would be fine!"

"Fuck! 6666!"

Countless spectators caught off guard in the multi-universe erupted in an instant, cheering excitedly one by one. Not only was Little Pepper fine, but he even tore Killian with his hands.

Handsome men and beautiful women, two swords combined, invincible in the world!

At this moment, Tony rushed up excitedly and embraced Xiaojiali who was still in a daze at the moment, leaving tears of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, the picture inside the light curtain couldn't help but change. After experiencing this incident, Tony realized that he is him, no matter what changes have taken place, whether he has the Iron Man or not, he is still Iron Man.

The panic that once existed in my heart was relieved at this moment.

but see...

In the operating room Tony has removed all the missile fragments from his body, and he no longer needs to use the reactor to keep himself alive.

At this moment, he no longer needs the steel armor to give him a sense of security.

In the years to come, everyone saw that Tony invited Dr. Banner, a genius, to start a technological research and development together, trying to protect the entire earth with advanced technology.

Artificial intelligence, the most advanced human technology.....

However, due to technical problems, it has always been difficult to actually create and apply it to reality, which once caused Tony a lot of headaches, so he had to modify and verify constantly.

During this period, Tony, Captain America, Thor, green titan, Hawkeye, Black widow and other superheroes went to attack the remnants of HYDRA that robbed Loki's scepter.

The powerful combat power of Avengers wiped out the remaining power of HYDRA in an instant, and everything seemed invincible and invincible!

In an instant, the HYDRA remnants only cast

down the life.

But at this moment, a pair of unique twins with super abilities cultivated in the remnant organization of HYDRA, a teenager with silvery white hair and melancholy eyes Quicksilver and long red wavy hair, Man

Scarlet Witch, a beautiful girl.

The two ignored HYDRA's orders, and made head-to-head gestures with Avengers on their own initiative. Their figures were like lightning, making people only see the breeze, but the invisible Quicksilver

Playing with Hawkeye and others with disdain.

Iron Man was even possessed by the Scarlet Witch Hypnotic Ability, which can control the mind, and the whole person fell into the deepest fearful thinking deep in his mind. Countless people only saw

Iron Man suddenly came to an extremely dark place like a starry sky in the universe, and there were steps and steps in front of him, but it was unbelievable that there were corpses of all his comrades on it

Blood flowed like a sea, wreckage scattered, so terrifying!

The world seems to be falling into doomsday, everyone is dead, all of them are dead, and the countless Kirita army is heading towards the earth through the space portal...

Death will come to the world!


Tony only felt a thud in his heart. When he suddenly woke up, he found that everything around him was very normal without any changes, and then he quickly took away the

Loki's scepter then quickly left.....

Seeing this scene, Scarlet Witch, who was hiding in a dark corner, raised her seductive and plump red lips slightly, revealing a hint of a conspiracy-defying smile.

All of this is the false memory he injected into Tony Stark.

And from now on, the so-called Iron Man will indulge in the tremendous pressure of world destruction, which will drive him crazy sooner or later.

A runaway Iron Man?

What stupid thing would he do?


Scarlet Witch's nameless bright eyes flashed countless excited eyes, full of anticipation, and this matter will definitely become very interesting.

As for the Iron Man who returned to the Avengers Building, he became restless, and once again fell into the fear of the impending end of the world.

Tony couldn't calm down his impetuous and fearful heart at all, until the moment he and Dr. Banner discovered that the program results in it seemed to be incompatible with artificial intelligence when developing Loki's scepter.

can match.

And this is exactly what Tony wants to develop.

Because of the existence of artificial intelligence, he will build the Iron Legion in large quantities. Under the command of artificial intelligence, the Iron Legion will become unrivaled, reaching twenty-four small

Always online.

The safety of human beings will usher in an unprecedented guarantee.

In an instant, Tony and Dr. Banner started research, constantly cracking the program in Loki's scepter and grafting it on the artificial intelligence Ultron.

And after countless failures.

The experiment was successful!

Artificial intelligence——Ultron "has come to the world!

But at the same time, a huge amounts of crisis will also be born from this...

In the multi-universe, countless people marveled at Tony's great plan, but when Tai Meng saw the birth of the artificial intelligence Ultron in the light curtain, everyone's hearts couldn't help but rise up.

A sense of resistance

A big question lingers in everyone's mind.

artificial intelligence?

Is it really reliable?.

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