Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 154 Iron Man: Damn, It Looks Like Who Can't Snap His Fingers! (Please Subscribe!)

In the parallel universe No. 199999......

Hawkeye, who had always been silent, stared at the picture inside the light curtain, his calm and composed face could not help showing a hint of shock, and the hands that were holding the bow and arrow were suddenly bulging with veins.


Never knew that when Thanos snapped his fingers, his wife and children all turned into clouds of smoke and disappeared into the sky, disappearing into his own life...

Once upon a time, he participated in this war to defend the whole world.

But now, he has a brand new reason to fight for it, because of his family.

At this moment, countless people felt the change in Hawkeye's whole body, and his fierce eyes pierced through the clouds like Hawkeye, directly hitting the majestic spaceship in the sky.

Fearless, determined and courageous!

In short, one word, war!

At this moment, the Avengers present had one more reason to win this battle, because the outcome of this battle was already related to the families of their comrades.

And since the people who are integrated into a family in the battle of life and death will never shrink back or fear in the slightest.

Everyone didn't speak, but the raging fighting spirit in the eyes was directly revealed at this moment without any concealment, and the aura of the audience seemed even more turbulent at this moment.

Because, no one can predict that when Thanos sounds, whether their loved ones will turn into grains of dust in the air.

In an instant, all the people present were flying like dragons and snakes, swallowing up mountains and rivers with murderous aura!

Like a sharp sword shadow, piercing the sky, piercing the sky, pointing at Thanos!

And such a mighty momentum on the ground naturally attracted the attention of Thanos who was on the throne in the sky, and the ruler who ruled the world slightly moved Qu Ji's huge purple head.

Immediately, looking at the ferocious humans churning continuously on the ground, the disdain in his eyes gradually showed.


Even, at this moment, Thanos couldn't help laughing, what a sad human being, do you really think that if you unite as one, you can change your fate against the sky?

The real destiny is often in the hands of a few people.

Thinking of this, Thanos couldn't help shrinking his eyes slightly, staring at the picture inside the light curtain slightly, and couldn't help but recall in his mind the method of changing his life against the sky introduced in the light curtain

Use the time disorder of the quantum field to complete the time travel machine, and then collect Infinite Gems that no longer exist in the past timeline.

Then use the supreme power of Infinite Gems to restore everything that has been wiped out, and bring back half of the lost life.

"It's really a good idea. As expected of the person I follow, Tony Stark, your talent really makes everyone envious and envious."


"You only get one chance, and your plans have been leaked!"

Thanos stood up slowly, looked at Tony Stark on the ground with eyes full of admiration, but a big smile appeared on the corner of his mouth in the next second.

Taking a picture with Wanjie really helped him a lot.

If not, it is really hard to say whether the battle will be won or lost.

As for now, the outcome has been decided!

Thanos stared down at the screaming crowd on the ground with aloof and confident eyes, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

Really a bunch of ignorant, poor and ignorant human beings!

But at this moment, when the two swords were on the verge of breaking out, a powerful wave of air suddenly rose from the distant horizon, carrying bursts of smoke and dust across the sky and struck ferociously.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

But when I heard it, ear-piercing roars rang out in my ears, and countless people couldn't help but looked up and stared away in amazement, but in the next second, everyone's faces showed a trace of inconceivable horror.

At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, countless huge missiles suddenly appeared, forming a matrix in the midair, covering the long sky like ten thousand arrows fired together.

When everyone recovered from the panic, countless people only felt their scalps go numb.

Damn, what the hell is this!

What's so special about this lineup in front of you is that it has taken out all the missile storage capacity in the whole country?


The dog is forcing the government, don't you know that there are countless superpowers and troops on the scene?

And the people who were working together before, staring at the countless missile warheads in the sky, instantly became extremely flustered.

The panic and bewilderment on everyone's face is undoubtedly revealed. At this moment, the whole column, which was originally mighty and ready to go, turned into a cloud of smoke in an instant, especially some soldiers, who only thought of life and death at this moment, threw away the weapons in their hands and fled crazily stand up.

Trying in vain to survive the countless missile attacks in front of him.


Obviously, when these missiles landed, there was only one end in the space of tens of miles around, except for some superpowers with strong vitality.

That is death!

"Sir, the missile group in the sky contains 30 miniature nuclear bombs, 40 heavyweight nuclear bombs, 66 neutron bombs, 82 hydrogen bombs and a number of other intercontinental missiles`

"If the spaceship is right in the middle, the falling nuclear radiation and thermal light waves are enough to burn everyone on the scene, and the survival rate of ordinary humans is less than 99.99%

At this moment, Friday's cold electronic voice of a woman suddenly sounded, appearing in Tony's ears, and the seriousness of the scene was self-evident.

"Damn it! If I survive, I won't make those idiots feel better!"

At this moment, Tony, who has always been sarcastic, couldn't stop yelling, and his heart was full of anger at those executives who only knew about extravagance and lust, and were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Is this TM destroying alien warships or destroying humans who resist aliens?

Why, this group of idiots can sit in high positions!


"what should we do?"

Black Widow gasped, stood up and stared at the people present with sad eyes. Such scenes were the only horrible scenes she had seen in her life.

Even though she is experienced, she couldn't come up with an idea for a while.

And at this moment, Doctor Strange, with a stern and condensed expression, took a step forward, and then gradually rose into the air with the swing of the cloak behind him.

Immediately, everyone heard him say with determination in his words: "I have a solution, you must appease everyone at the scene, remember that we need the help of these people

Now, swearing and discussing the culprits doesn't make any real sense except to vent your anger.

It's better to take practical actions to save all living beings!


They are all effective forces against Thanos' alien army.

"I'll go as well!"

"Bifrost should be able to guide some...."

In an instant, Vision and Thor also came out to fight, and the moment the words fell, the two of them flew into the air without any excessive explanation, and the follower Doctor Strange flew towards the densely packed missiles above the sky.

The remaining Avengers on the ground looked at each other one after another, and then instantly dispersed and rushed towards the many panicked crowds.

At this moment, facing a sudden crisis.

They just do their job!

But compared to the panic on the ground, Thanos at this moment will squint his eyes with interest and stare at the seemingly mighty, but in fact non-threatening nuclear bombs in front of him.

The mocking smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious at this moment.

In an instant, he clenched his left hand tightly, and the four Infinite Gems shone brightly, like stars shining brightly, "The sad earthlings always mistakenly think that their existence is incomparably powerful.

"The ridiculous nuclear bomb also regards it as a killer that can stop everything."

"Things that pollute the environment should not exist on the earth at all, but since I have chosen to go to war, I hope the earth can bear my anger..."

When Thanos' words gradually fell, Ebony Maw saw that in the blink of an eye, the majestic emperor disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, Ebony Maw's elegant, indifferent and calm face could not help showing a hint of excitement, and his strategy was successful.

The wrath of the Lord has already begun to burn.

And now, sad earthlings, wait for the wrath to sweep the world!

At the same time, just as Doctor Strange and others flew to the sky and were about to use means to make these missiles disappear, suddenly, a purple figure Thanos in golden armor and holding a tyrant's butcher knife appeared in front of him.

But see, he stretched his left hand slightly to aim at the countless missile groups in front of him.

In an instant, countless mighty and hard missiles stopped abruptly, accompanied by Thanos' palm stagnating in place, and the next second, the Reality Gem on the Infinity Gauntlet could not help but flash.

Countless missiles instantly turned into smoke and disappeared with a gust of wind in the sky.

At this moment, Doctor Strange and the others widened their eyes, staring at Thanos in amazement, their eyes full of inconceivable expressions.


how is this possible!

Thor was the only one at the scene, holding a storm ax and watching Thanos' figure vigilantly.

No one knows better than him, the horror of this man in front of him...

And at this moment, inside the light curtain...

The reunited Avengers remnants traveled to the future through the space-time shuttle, and then brought back all six Infinite Gems.

But during the period again, accidents happened.

Loki obtained the Space gem and disappeared into the long river of time and space. The Soul Gem can only be obtained by asking for his life. The calm Black Widow, who was sad and difficult to get out of in the past, is because Hawkeye seized the opportunity in the process of fighting for his death, and then fell.

Thor sees his dead mother again, has mixed feelings, and regains control of Mjolnir.

Tony Stark had close contact with his father and had a lot of feelings.

Captain America showed his "buttocks" posture and turned into "HYDRA", goodbye Carter, with regrets in his heart.

But the scariest thing is...

Nebula was captured, and all plans were known to Thanos in the past. Just as everyone brought back six Infinite Gems, Hulk appeared with a snap of his fingers, and the people who had passed away reappeared in the world.

Winter Soldier, Black Panther, little Spider-Man, Doctor Strange...

They only felt in a trance, and the time passed for a brief second, and then they returned to reality, and only Doctor Strange understood all this.

"",It's now!"

A meaningful tone blurted out, and then the portal opened, bringing little Spider-Man and the Guardians of Galaxy back to Earth.

At the same time, Thanos, who was planned by Tony Stark and others, was noticed.

At this moment, by studying Pym technology to control the principle of time and space travel, the moment when the fingers snapped appeared and returned instantly, the moment that came to the world [Endless shells re-shot the Avengers Building.

In an instant, artillery fire roared, the flames soared into the sky, and ruins and wrecks were everywhere.

At this moment, many Avengers realized that the Thanos of the past had come to reality directly, and a war about the Infinity Gauntlet began in an instant.

but see...

Hawkeye started to flee in a hurry around the Infinity Gauntlet, wreckage, ditches, ruins - shuttle, green titan, Captain Marvel, little Spider-Man teleported to each other.

with this

At the same time, on the battlefield, Thanos fought against Thor, and the tyrant's butcher's knife and the Stormbreaker slashed at each other, instantly triggering countless lightning and thunder, sweeping the entire battlefield.

But Thor, who has never exercised all year round, is one step behind, facing the crazy attack of the tyrant's butcher knife and retreating in a row.

And Captain America's proud Vibranium shield, under the crazy slaughter of the tyrant's butcher's knife, turned into countless fragments and burst into pieces.

But what everyone didn't expect was the moment when the shield fell apart.

Captain America, who was still down one second, summoned Mjolnir directly in the next second, and lightning fell from the sky at the scene. Captain America held Mjolnir in his hand and directly started a 50-50 fight with Thanos.


For a moment, the two were inseparable.

But the really important battlefield is not here, but the snatching of Infinity Gauntlet. A group of Thanos' men chased after him, but in the end the Infinity (ma Zhao) gauntlet was defeated in the legend of little Spider-Man.

The handoff ended up in Tony Stark's hands.

Tony couldn't help but look a little dazed at this moment.

But when he saw Doctor Strange turned his head and looked over, he stretched out his finger and made a "one" to him, the only one with a one in ten million chance of success

In an instant, staring at the scene was chaotic, smoke was everywhere, and the flames of war were constantly on the scene.


Suddenly clear.

Why Doctor Strange would rather hand over Time Gem than save it, everything is for today, for now.

Not the slightest hesitation, but see...

Tony put on the Infinity Gauntlet in an instant, and looked at the crowd with a smile, ignoring the shock in their eyes, "I am... Iron Man!"

He left a sentence that symbolized his life, and then slowly snapped his fingers.

In an instant, powerful, brilliant and ferocious energy burst out from the glove, and countless strong electric shocks were born at the same time, attacking Tony Stark first!

The countless superpowers who were caught in a bitter battle at the scene felt a strong rush of energy before they could react, and immediately there was a terrifying, constantly alien

The legion immediately turned into smoke and dissipated into the sky.


Just as countless people were surprised, the Avengers who were paying attention to everything ran towards Tony Stark one after another.

Because at this moment, his whole body was flooded with countless electric shocks, and at a glance, half of his body was directly turned into a black paste, and his whole body was powerlessly leaning against the wreckage.

Countless people burst into tears at this moment!

And everyone in the multi-universe, seeing this scene, couldn't help being dumbfounded, they never imagined that the final ending would be like this.


He sacrificed himself!

It turns out that this is the secret of the entire ultimate battle!.

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