One month later.

Smallville Township High School.

A yellow banner hangs high at the entrance of the yellow teaching building, with the words "Welcome back!" printed in red.

"I really didn't expect you to reconcile with that guy."

Peter and Clark walked side by side, looking at Clark with dissatisfied eyes, as if to say that Clark had betrayed him.

"It was my fault before." Clark sighed and glanced at Peter: "I know that because of your parents' affairs, you are somewhat prejudiced against the Luther family, but Peter, Gino and other Luthers are different."

The two were arguing, and in the campus parking lot on the other side, Keno also drove his sports car into the garage.

The boy closed the car door and asked Lex to study the quantum mask. I believe it won't be long before a conclusion can be drawn to verify whether Dr. Manhattan is deceiving him.

"Hey, good morning."

Being lightly tapped on the shoulder, Kino turned around. Chloe, who was wearing a floral skirt, looked at Kino with a smile.

"Long time no see, Chloe." Gino smiled and took the initiative to put his arms around Chloe.

The girl's face turned red from the sudden hug, and she pursed her lips. She was about to enjoy the short hug, but Gino had already let go of her hand like a gentleman.

Gino and Chloe walked side by side, chatting.

"How was your summer vacation?"

"Well, it's okay. I participated in an internship at the Daily Planet. To be honest, it was a disaster. The heavy work made me breathless. Fortunately, it was over and I learned from it. A lot of experience.”

Chloe kept chattering. After a while, she realized that she seemed to have said too much. She stuck out her tongue and asked:

"Where's you?"

"Well, Metropolis has learned some legends about angels and demons." Gino winked at the girl: "Also, maybe we have to enter the classroom. The first biology class is about to begin."

In the biology class, there are several rows of experimental desks, with various experimental equipment and bottles and jars placed on them.

"Seriously, I'm embarrassed in every biology class."

Chloe walked into the classroom holding books and Gino.

"Every year, that old-fashioned Mr. Kawasaki starts biology class by showing an old movie that's not suitable for young children."

"Maybe." Gino didn't care, just fiddling with the pencil in his hand.

"Dingling bell~"

The school bell rang. Immediately afterwards, a tall beauty with blond hair, blue eyes, wavy curly hair, and curvy hair walked out of the inner door of the classroom.

She was wearing a cool short skirt, with the slightly transparent material gently sticking to her skin. Every move she made made the pair of murderous weapons tremble.

This is undoubtedly a very hot woman, and her every smile is full of temptation.


There was a strange scream from the crowd.

Many of the boys in the classroom were in their prime of life. Many of them had their eyes widened, and the second brother showed signs of raising his head in salute.

Clark's eyes widened immediately, but the death gaze from beside him was like a bucket of cold water poured on Clark.

"Hmm, cough, cough, this teacher is not dressed appropriately!" Clark glanced at Lana beside him and whispered in a low voice.

Lana half-smiled: "I think Mr. Kent likes her outfit very much."

Clark grimaced, knowing that he was going to be unlucky today.

Chloe on the other side was also watching Gino's reaction.

But what surprised her was that Jino's reaction to a woman who exuded a different kind of charm was very dull.

As for why it’s dull? He has even seen angels. This woman's appearance cannot be said to be ugly, but it is still far from true beauty.

Well, the simple summary is that the threshold has been raised.

The woman who suddenly walked into the classroom didn't seem to realize that she had already fascinated many boys in the classroom.

She played with her wavy hair and smiled sweetly: "I am your new biology teacher, Teacher Ai Jinsi."

"I will teach you about health education and human growth."

Pete looked obsessed: "God, I didn't expect the new teacher to be so hot."

Ai Jinsi raised her eyebrows, pressed her hands on the teaching desk, and leaned slightly to reveal a large expanse of white, causing many swallowing sounds to be heard in the classroom.

"Now let's watch a movie first."

She pulled down the curtains and turned on the projector.

As the projector revealed the picture, a "sexy" biology teaching began.

"Dingling bell~"

The bell rang, and the students left the classroom in twos and threes. Just as Jino was about to pick up his books and leave, he was stopped by the new biology teacher.

"Mr. Keno."

Akins blocked Keno's path.

The two of them stood in front of the teaching desk. The woman was half-sitting on the teaching desk, her round buttocks squeezing the teaching desk. Coupled with the pair of wheat-colored skin and long legs wearing sandals, it was enough to make people and a man's heart beat faster.

The woman stared at Jino's cheek, gently stretched out her moist tongue and licked her lips: "Perhaps you can help me move this projector equipment back to the storage room?"

"As a reward." She slowly approached Jino, smelling of intoxicating perfume, and murmured in a low voice: "I can give you some rewards."

She emphasized the word "reward" and deliberately left room for imagination.


Jino nodded in agreement without refusing.

This caused a playful smile to appear on Aikins' lips, and her big eyes flashed with a satisfied look.

She knew that no one could refuse her request.

Jino held the projector in one hand and followed Aikins. The woman swayed along the way, and many boys in the corridor looked straight at her, but this did not include Jino.

The boy was just thinking at the moment, what exactly was this mysterious new biology teacher planning?

Gino admits that he is handsome, but not handsome enough to make women obsessed. Unless he uses angel magic, it will turn into walking hormones and drive both men and women crazy.


Aikins pushed open the door of the storage room.

There are some sundries placed in the small storage room, including broken footballs, basketballs and twisted iron frames.

"Just put your things there."

Akins pointed to the corner.

Jino put down the device and turned to look at Aikins: "So, Teacher Aikins, is there anything else you need my help with?"

Gino also emphasized the word "help" very hard, as if he emphasized it specially.

Akins looked at Jino.

The light in the small storage room was dim and the boy's eyes were bright. Aikins had to admit that this boy was very handsome, but it was precisely for this reason that she chose the boy Jino.


The woman chuckled lightly, and gently wrapped her soft and smooth arms around Jino's neck. Her beautiful face was slightly close to Jino's cheek, and the two of them could even hear each other's breathing.


She blinked and stared into Jino's eyes with an ambiguous attitude: "Is it okay if I give you a passionate kiss?"

"Of course, I'm extremely happy." Jino also put his arms around the woman's slender waist, and while wiping the oil, he responded to Aikins: "I'm looking forward to it, Teacher Aikins."

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