Marvel Comics: Starting with the Ability to Replicate Superhuman Talents

Chapter 145 Moving towards the outside of the universe

“Crows fly!”

Inside the Luther Chemical Plant.

Bizarro clapped his hands happily and squatted in the corner, intently watching the cartoons on the TV.

In front of the experimental table not far away, Lex was carefully removing a soft black mask.

The dazzling Milky Way flows on the black cloth as light as a feather, which looks extremely gorgeous and mysterious, just like the stars twinkling in the sky.

"for you."

Lex handed the black cloth in his hand to Gino's hand.

He looked at his brother. The handsome blond boy picked up the mask and played with it in his hand.

"Have you really decided?"

Lex pursed his lips and hesitated to speak.

"Didn't you confirm that there is nothing wrong with the mask?" Gino pulled the mask away with both hands and smiled at Lex: "There is no need to say any more parting words, my brother."

"The world is vast, the universe is mysterious, and the scenery outside the universe is even more worthy of my exploration."

Jino took a deep breath and slowly put on the mask, his beautiful eyes ignited with fierce flames: "I want to go to other universes to take a look."

Lex watched the boy put on the mask and joked: "And if you have the chance, conquer those planets?"

"No, secret control is far easier and more convenient than conquering."

Jino put on the mask, and the light on the mask began to rotate: "The premise is that I can successfully jump out of this universe."

Before he finished speaking, the stream of light on the mask enveloped the young man's body, and Jino's figure glowed with luster, and then flew away like light dust.

What is there outside the universe?

What is the nature of the world?

After these complicated thoughts flashed through my mind.

When everything in front of me was darkness for several minutes.

When Jino opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a strange space.

Countless indescribable bubble-shaped creatures flew past him on both sides.

One after another, dark and deep light balls wrap around one universe "model" and float in disorder.

From time to time, two bubbles will collide, causing the "model" of the universe inside to be annihilated.

It's like the scene where the Ancient One showed Doctor Strange the multiverse appeared in Keno's field of vision.

My head was slightly dizzy and I quickly adapted to this state.

Gino squinted his eyes and looked around.

If you look closely, those bubble "universes" are all different.

If you look closer, those "bubbles" will change into different sights and sounds from time to time.

For example, there is a "bubble" not far away from Keno. If you look closely inside, you can vaguely see a cat and a mouse chasing each other. What's even more horrifying is that even if the cat is chopped into several pieces by the mouse, it makes a miserable sound. You can't die even if you scream.

"It's a cat and mouse world."

Gino gently kicked his legs and let his body float backward, away from the world.

According to theoretical speculation, the combat power of funny characters is the most unpredictable.

There is no concept of death in the concept of the universe that these creatures live in, and from time to time they can rely on the "power of my thinking" to come up with different rules and props.

Moreover, the purpose of Keno's trip is to benefit himself. Tom and Jerry are indeed very strong, but disobedience is a headache.

He didn't want his castle to be demolished by cats and mice every day.

Jino bypassed the "bubble" and flew into the distance again.

Another "bubble" floated across his sight.

Jino listened carefully and soon heard the sound coming from the universe inside this "bubble".

"Decepticons, attack."

"Autobots, transform!"


A sci-fi sound effect sounded from the "bubble", and Keno couldn't help but become interested.

"Transformers World!"

He looked at the picture revealed in the black universe, where a cool motorcycle full of technology twisted and transformed into a tall and powerful Autobot. This was a metal romance unique to men.

Gino pinched his chin, an expression of interest flashed across his face.

"The decision is yours!"

Keno doesn't like procrastination. Now that he has made a decision, he will implement it.

He stretched out his palm and slightly touched the edge of the bubble.

The next moment, the originally calm "bubble" kept trembling as if it was disturbed. A terrifying suction force pulled Jino, and the siphon effect caused a twisted space vortex to rotate around the "bubble".


Jino cursed angrily, and his body changed and twisted. He only heard a "pop" sound, like an exploding bubble, and was instantly pulled into the "bubble" by the terrifying suction force.

It's like a tight glue adhesive, but also...

In short, Keno's experience when he broke into this universe was very bad.

The entire world and universe seems to be repelling Jino's entry, like some kind of cosmic will, and like the self-protection of this universe.

It is very resistant to the visit of Keno, an unauthorized intruder.

However, Superman's body of steel easily breaks through the solid "barrier" of the universe.

The biological stance protects Jino, and its extreme speed causes the energy of the surrounding stance to ignite a high-temperature blue flame, which is like a blue fireball in the universe.

After breaking through the barrier of the universe, Jino flew in the dark universe.

In fact, after entering this universe, you can easily identify your location.

Because the sun hanging in the center of the universe is like a bright light bulb in the dark and attracts attention.

Controlling the position of the creature, it slowly moved towards the bright sun.

Feel the warmth of the light hitting your body.

Jino's eyes fell on a blue planet not far from the sun.

There is the Earth in this universe.

Like a spear of God piercing the atmosphere, the blazing high temperature brought by the extreme speed enveloped Keno and dived straight down.

It's late at night here.

Under the dark night, the boy was like a shooting star streaking across the night sky.

There may be some uninformed fools who regard it as a shooting star to make a wish.

Breaking through the clouds.

Clouds and mist billowed.

The surrounding air scene continued to change, and soon, a city made of steel forests came into view.


Jino slowly opened his arms, controlling the position of the creature to let the air flow through his arms, blowing up Hunter's robe.

Jino chuckled and murmured: "I'm coming!"


Like a small meteorite, Jino found the correct location and suddenly landed in an alley somewhere in this city.

The originally potholed alleyway was shattered into pieces, with stones flying and dust filling the air.

The sleeping homeless man hiding in the corner was awakened by the huge movement.

The homeless man clutched the newspaper tightly with a nervous look on his face. He opened his eyes and looked at the smoke-filled place.

As the dust dissipated, a figure slowly walked out of the smoke.

A blond boy wearing a white shirt, black sweatpants and sneakers walked slowly towards this side with a lazy expression.


Gino took out a pile of bills and threw them at the tramp's feet.

There was no room for rejection in his tone: "Let me ask you, what city is this?"

The homeless man looked at the banknotes in Jino's hand, a look of greed flashed in his eyes.

He swallowed and said respectfully: "Of course, dear sir, this is Houston, Texas."

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