[You need to be careful, there is a child who has gained the speed force and has been appearing in Metropolis recently, and he claims to know you and me. 】

The town of Smallville.

Sofa in the castle hall.

Lana is still pleading with Gino, hoping that he can bring Clark back.

Jino closed the phone, a thoughtful look flashed across his expression.

Speedster? Know yourself?

Just like Clark's doubts, Gino also couldn't remember such a person in his memory.

He, Geno Luther, is a young man in his early twenties. He has no bad habits, does not smoke or drink, has few friends, and does not remember being a kid at all.

Shaking his head, the boy looked up at Lana.

The girl was biting her lip at the moment, looking sad.

"He's in Metropolis." Gino sighed, not understanding why Lana was so persistent in looking for Clark.

Are you afraid that Clark will run away with someone?

"Where is the specific location?" Lana's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Gino shrugged: "I don't know, I just know that he is in Metropolis."

While they were talking, there was movement from the stairs.

"Da da da~"

Like the tapping sound of slippers on the floor, the maid's panicked voice sounded from the second floor: "Miss Kara, please slow down!"

Lana and Chloe followed the sound, and from the top of the stairs, a blond girl was playing a lattice game like a child, jumping down the stairs.


Stepping gently into the lobby on the first floor, Kara, who was dressed in a simple home style, blinked her smart eyes.

Wearing a cashmere shirt and black slim-fitting pants, the girl glanced around, ignoring the surprised expressions of Lana and stunned Chloe, and locked her eyes on the figure sitting on the sofa. A sweet smile appeared on Kara's little face.


The girl ran towards Jino and naturally jumped slightly towards the sofa so that her small body sank into the sofa. She put her arms around Jino's arm and looked at Jino seriously.

Under the gaze of everyone, Kara opened her red lips, stared at Jino with her big eyes, and said seriously: "I'm hungry!"

Silence and a subtle atmosphere filled the hall.

It was like the awkward atmosphere of being embarrassed in public in elementary school.

But Kara didn't care about these subtle atmospheres. She blinked her big eyes and pouted her small mouth and said, "I want to eat chicken legs."

For Kara, if she wants anything, she should boldly state it. This big brother named Jino does not seem to be a bad person, so in the girl's subconscious, he has been regarded as a trustworthy person.

"Ana, take her to the kitchen." Kino reached out and pressed Kara's forehead, pushing the girl away.

Soon a maid came and took Kara away.

However, the original awkward atmosphere still existed.

Lana's face tightened and she glanced at Chloe, who looked pale and sluggish.

Sighing slightly in her heart, Lana hesitated for a moment before asking: "That girl?"

"a friend."

Gino did not explain in detail to Lana's inquiry.

"I, I suddenly remembered that my dad was going home for lunch. I have to go home and cook." Chloe stood up with a "swish", turned around and walked out of the hall without looking back.

"You!" Lana glared at Kino with hatred, stood up and chased after Chloe.

Not long after the two girls left, the old housekeeper Jack Shiran walked into the hall.


The old housekeeper said calmly: "The two ladies have left."

He looked in the direction of the door of the manor and said with a sigh, "Perhaps this is the last time I see that Miss Chloe."

"Okay, butler, go and do your work." Keno ignored the butler's sigh, took out his cell phone and dialed another hidden number of Clark.

After a few busy signals, the call was connected.

"Hello?" Clark's voice sounded.

Jino held the phone tightly:

"Tell me about the boy."



"I want to eat this, that, and that!"

Holding the menu handed over by the old butler, Kara kept pointing at the dishes with her eyes shining.

These goodies are foods never found on Krypton.

The chefs were working enthusiastically, and soon, pieces of food were placed on the table.

The fragrant steak was cut open. Kara held the fork and stared at the steak on the plate with her big eyes.

Rubbing her eyes, the girl smiled happily: "I want to eat you!"

Insert the fork.

There was a sound that made people feel toothache.

The knife and fork scraped against the dinner plate, making a loud screeching sound.

Kara looked at the dinner plate on the table with a blank expression. The steak that was originally placed on the dinner plate disappeared.


The old butler standing in the corner also widened his eyes. Not only Carla, he also saw the steak that suddenly disappeared.

Kara put down her knife and fork and looked at the empty plate with only a few grease stains. The girl was silent for a moment.

Immediately, Kara jumped off the dining table, ran out of the kitchen like a gust of wind, and rushed towards the hall.

"Okay, I know."

Just as Jino hung up the phone, there was a sound of wind behind him.

"Kino! The steak is gone!" Kara ran behind Kino and hugged his neck, saying in horror: "The steak I put on the plate disappeared in an instant!"

"Disappear?" Gino narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the speedster Clark mentioned to himself before.

"Interesting." Kino stood up and patted Kara on the head: "Let's go, I'll take you back to get your steak."


Luther Castle.

By the pool.

The boy with dyed yellow hair held a piece of steak in his hand and ate it happily. He tasted the aroma of beef and muttered in his mouth.

"The food at Uncle Jino's house is so delicious. I don't know why my father wants me to stay away from his manor."

Bart didn't take it seriously: "Uncle Jino now doesn't look as scary as the future."

Scenes of the future flashed through his mind. The majestic figure who established a powerful organization spanning all the worlds was even revered as a god because he was so powerful.

The boy ate the steak very quickly, finishing a whole piece of steak in just two or three bites.

He stood up, and the familiar golden lightning enveloped the boy's body again, and he planned to use top speed to find some food from the kitchen.


Bart subconsciously closed his eyes and moved his legs.

Golden electric light flashed, but the familiar sound of wind blowing past his ears did not sound.

"Huh?" Bart opened his eyes in confusion and found that he was still standing where he was.

"What's going on?" The boy's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that he was running on the spot before.

He started to go at top speed again, but the surrounding air was like a viscous mud pond that was holding him back.

The speed that he was proud of was restrained by the invisible air, and the huge force even made Bart blush and couldn't get rid of it at all.

"No, it can't be."

Bart's red little face was smeared with bitterness, and he had a bad guess in his heart.

A cold voice sounded from behind, and a tall figure stood behind the boy at some point. The arm that looked like it was made of steel gently clasped the boy's neck: "Break into a house without permission."

The cold murderous intention came like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, and Bart heard a voice behind him:

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

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