The day passed quickly.

Under the gloomy black curtain, the night rain fell.

Rain wets the dirt roads, turning them into mud.

The cold air from the mud spread into the air, causing the temperature on the ground to plummet by several degrees.

This is the border between a battlefield between Britain and Germany.

Lead a military camp somewhere in the empire.

From time to time, the sound of artillery fire sounded from a distance, like thunder dropped by God from the sky, making the earth mourn.

"Damn beast, move quickly!"

Soldiers holding reins and beating the carriage horses.

The wounded were being helped off the battlefield by their comrades.

A huge rat hiding in a mud puddle and peering around.

Because there is no shortage of "food" on the battlefield, it looks shiny and shiny.

Weeping children were covered in dirty clothes, and women who had lost their husbands knelt down and cried bitterly.

Anyone who watches these realistic and heavy scenes will feel heavy.

War is not beautiful, flesh and blood and killing are its main theme.

Two figures walked on the muddy road, wearing military uniforms from the British army. Kino and Diana easily evaded interrogation.

Witnessing the tragic scenes around her, Diana's eyes were red and she could hardly suppress the tears in her eyes.

Especially when she saw the helpless look in the child's eyes, Diana couldn't help but step forward to help the girl.

However, a strong hand grabbed the girl's wrist to stop her.

"If I were you, I would only choose to focus on the task in front of me, Diana." Gino said with a hint of saltiness. This kind of scene may be shocking to everyone's heart for the first time they witness it, but it happens more times. , perhaps only numbness remains.

Gino's words caused Diana to glare angrily. She couldn't bear to look at the girl and said, "She is just a child!"

"There are still thousands of children that you can't save." Gino dragged Diana forward: "If you really want to save her, what you need to do is to stop the war and avoid more children losing their parents."

Based on the information that Keno obtained from the tavern and sneaked into a high-level conference room, this battlefield will be the last war between Germany and Britain.

The war that lasted for several years had already depleted the numbers and economy of both sides.

Now, the two countries are like gamblers who are losing their minds, putting all their last chips on the gambling table.

The winner will gain favorable leverage at the negotiating table, while the loser will lose everything.

"The winner takes all, the loser perishes!"

Located in the basement of a military fortress somewhere in Germany, Ludendorff held his head high and his gray eyes full of arrogance, holding a round cannonball made of steel in one hand.

His eyes swept across the generals sitting on the seats around him, and he raised his head to let everyone's eyes fall on the round cannonball.

"Here, I need to thank my assistant Dr. Maru. She seemed to have received some enlightenment in her dream and successfully created a chemical weapon that can allow poisonous gas to penetrate the mask."

The man smiled cruelly: "We only need to send troops to attack to attract firepower, and then use artillery fire to launch these shells onto the battlefield."

"But, are there our soldiers on the battlefield?" someone asked.

"Annihilate all the enemy forces at the minimum cost, I believe the boys will be willing." Ludendorff didn't care, a flash of ridicule flashed on his resolute face: "Besides, if we don't tell, who will know?"

Trenches have been designed since the beginning to resist attacks and hide soldiers.

At this moment, the frontline trenches were crowded with countless disgraced soldiers in military uniforms.

Everyone has different expressions on their faces, including numbness, fear, and fear.

And high in the sky where no one was paying attention, two figures were floating above the clouds, looking down at the battlefield below them.

The extreme height even made the air become thinner, but to the two of them, it was insignificant.

The battlefield at this moment,

There was smoke and chaos.

Thick crowds crowded the trenches, and the two sides were like chess pieces in a military chess game, waiting for a pair of invisible hands to move them to fight each other.

"How long do we have to watch?" Diana clenched her fists.

People were dying every moment, which made her angry at Ares even more intense.

Gino ignored Diana. He stared at the battlefield below his feet, looking at the German trenches that began to slowly commotion, and said in a faint tone: "It has begun."

On the battlefield below, the originally weak German army, urged by the supervisory team, clenched their weapons and launched a seemingly suicidal charge towards the British army.

This stupid behavior was naturally met with bullets from the British army. In the intensive artillery fire and bullets, Germany soon fled in defeat. The British army naturally would not give up the opportunity to expand the results. Under the order of the commander, they picked up their rifles and charged. Chase out of the trenches.

He ran away from her.


"Bang bang bang!"

Dense shells fell into the center of the battlefield, and the iron sheets shattered on the ground. With shrapnel flying, clouds of rich brown gas covered the entire battlefield like a whirlwind.

Wails and screams echoed in the mist.

These poisonous gases continue to corrode people's skin and limbs, causing them to let out inhuman roars.

"We're waiting." Kino said calmly, looking at the artillery camp located behind the German trenches along the flight trajectory of the artillery shells.

Eyes like eagles easily passed through the thousand-meter-high clouds, and locked onto a burly middle-aged man standing at the back end of the artillery position. His big square face was full of a twisted smile, and he was watching the artillery shells rising into the air and falling. The poisonous smoke takes away people's lives.

"Well, we found Ludendorff." Geno chuckled and pointed at the trench.


Before Diana could recover, Gino had already let go of the girl's waist and gave her a gentle push as she fell.

The girl who fell from high altitude fell suddenly. At the moment when she was stuck in the air, she heard Jino's voice:

"Not far from where you landed is Ludendorff."

It was a familiar feeling again, the night wind and air brushing against my cheeks.

But this time, Diana's eyes gradually became firmer.

Swinging her waist and abdomen to adjust her posture, like a rocket landing from a high altitude, Diana landed in the artillery camp at a terrifying speed.


It was like a lead ball dropped from a high altitude, kicking up a large amount of dust and shattering the ground beneath its feet. It immediately caused the two artillery carriages to topple over. The artillery shells that were supposed to be fired into the battlefield instead exploded in the artillery camp.


As the thick brown smoke filled the air, the artillerymen let out shrill screams one after another, like chickens that had their necks wiped, they fluttered in panic and finally fell to the ground unable to survive.

Ludendorff was also startled by this sudden unexpected situation, and he subconsciously clenched the gun at his waist.

The poisonous gas seemed to have no effect on him, and Ludendorff squinted at the cannon pit not far away.

In the thick smoke, a cold voice sounded faintly. She seemed to be suppressing her anger and said word by word: "Ares, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

As the words fell, an afterimage rolled up the smoke and rushed towards Ludendorff like a red and blue lightning.

Diana gritted her teeth and roared: "Sinner! You should atone for your sins!"

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