Gotham City.

The weather is cloudy.

The air was as gloomy as ever.

From time to time, sirens sound one after another in this huge city, forming a beautiful scenery.

In the alley at this moment.

The sewage flowed on the stone slabs of the street, and stained Batman's black cape the moment he fell.

The pungent, rancid smell was nauseating, but to Batman, none of that mattered.

Physical torture is far less painful than mental pain.

If Batman were asked to record today's battle log, he would definitely type "awkward" words on the keyboard.

Yes, very embarrassing.

Not only was Diana using the mantra lasso to reveal his inner plan, but more importantly, he did not expect that Diana, who had survived from World War I to the present, had some special means.

After silently recording in her mind that Diana has a rope that can force people to tell the truth, the corners of her mouth under the mask slightly twitched: "Now that you know what you want to know, let go of me."

However, Diana shook her head and turned a deaf ear to Batman's request.

She grabbed the rope, causing Batman, who was about to get up, to stumble and fall again.

"Why is that?" Diana tilted her head, confused: "Why do you want to spy on Jino?"

In the woman's impression, Jino is mysterious and powerful, and he never kills innocent people indiscriminately. She appreciates Jino's outlook on life very much.

Batman was silent. Judging from the raised head and slightly trembling buttocks and chin, he didn't want to answer this question.

However, the mantra lasso tied to his body obviously made him unable to resist.

As reluctant as he was constipated, Batman gritted his teeth and said, "Because I don't trust him."

“The common problem in human nature is that with great power comes less responsibility.”

"Not everyone can face it calmly after they have great strength."

Batman said like a philosopher: "The rise of ability is usually accompanied by the expansion of ambition."

"And the expansion of ambition is usually accompanied by the destruction of order."

"I'm worried that Geno Luthor will have some terrible thoughts and act on them."

"In my opinion, his move to form an alliance is more like recruiting a group of beings as powerful as himself, and then achieving some goals through this alliance."

"I understand." Diana interrupted Batman roughly.

The girl frowned and said: "What you said is only based on your own speculation. In the words of you humans, it is persecution paranoia."

Regarding Diana's story, Batman silently recorded in his heart that the other party was not human. He did not refute because he knew that the other party was right.

Everything he said was actually based on speculation.

"Last question." Diana stared at Batman with some curiosity, crossed her arms, and looked at him with a rather critical eye: "How do you ensure that you can join the Justice League?"

To be honest, according to Diana's observation of the superhero Batman, the opponent's strength cannot be said to be strong, but can only be said to be a slightly stronger ordinary person. If there is a life and death fight now, she is sure that she can do it in one second. time to kill the opponent.

So, does such a weak being really meet the criteria to enter the Justice League?

The mantra lasso flashed with golden light, and under the influence of divine power, Batman silently raised his head and said, "I have money."

"There's lots and lots of money."

"Are you rich?" Diana stepped slightly and took a deep breath: "What does this have to do with money?"

"You do not understand."

Batman shook his head: "If Gino really plans to establish this organization, then the cost must be not a small amount."

"But Gino is also very rich, isn't he?"

"His money is not his money." Batman said in a roundabout way: "According to my understanding, Lionel is not a qualified father, and he will not invest money in such charitable organizations. alliance."

"Furthermore." He said after a moment of silence: "Furthermore, according to my observation, Geno Luthor does not like management and business matters."

Judging from the way the other party threw him into the maze and tortured him before, as well as his attitude towards those ninjas, Batman can be sure that Gino doesn't bother to do management business.


the other side.

Jino didn't know that there was someone who knew him better than himself.

At this moment, after saying goodbye to Clark and leaving the company, the boy had returned to the small town of Smallville.

It's still the familiar Luther Factory.

The same group of employees he had seen before were busy in the factory. When Jino met them, everyone's face was filled with eager smiles, but under the smiles, there were hidden emotions such as fear and fear.

"Things are not what they used to be." After saying a sentence in Chinese, Jino shook his head with a smile and walked towards the experimental base under the factory.

Passing through the familiar protective iron door, he pushed past Bizarro who came forward with a silly smile.

Lex's underground laboratory is as clean and tidy as ever, and scientists are busy shuttling in and out.

However, what is different from before is that in addition to the still crazy bat monster and Byron's charred corpse, a huge Kryptonian battleship is parked quietly in the corner, and there is a beating thunder stored in a transparent glass display case.

Gino can always find his brother Lex among a group of scientists in white coats.

That iconic bald head makes him look very friendly.

"I heard you formed an alliance?"

The brother he hadn't seen for a long time appeared in the basement. Lex took off his electric gloves and walked towards Gino.

"What, you also want to be a superhero?" Gino smiled and teased: "Then go catch that thunder. You can give yourself the title of Thunder Man."

Ignoring Kino's teasing, Lex shook his head and led Kino towards the Cosmic Cube where the singer was: "I have discovered some strange phenomena recently."

"Beyond our universe, there seems to be another universe." Lex pinched his chin: "But there is a layer of separation between the two universes."

He rubbed his chin in distress:

"I don't know how to break through."

"So, is your scientific exploration spirit causing trouble again?" Gino raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised that Lex was able to discover parallel universes.

The boy was about to tell Lex about the precautions of the multiverse, but the sudden ringing of the phone interrupted Gino's thoughts.

The call came from Metropolis. The security guard at the door said that a powerful woman had barged into Keno's office.

"It should be Diana." Geno hung up the phone: "It's time for me to leave. Another strong teammate is joining the alliance."

Lex nodded: "If you need technological and financial support, just ask."

"I will."

Jino smiled, and the next moment, the young man's figure disappeared out of thin air.

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