Outside Luther Castle.

As a capital elite, Lex would not be bad at choosing a location.

The lush forest surrounding the castle exudes fresh oxygen.

The soft light of the morning sun shines on the three of them through the gaps between the branches, adding a bit of soft beauty to their temperament.

Clark looked at Lois.

Looking at this woman destined to be his wife in countless parallel universes.

To be honest, he was disdainful in his heart.

Is Louise beautiful?

Beautiful indeed.

With long brown hair, fair skin, a high nose that sets off her delicate facial features, and those long legs, she is more than enough to be a model.

But Clark just didn't feel like he liked her.

Because the fierce aura between the woman's eyebrows makes people feel that she is not easy to mess with.

She is not as gentle as Lana.

This was Clark's inner thought.


"Lois Lane, Daily Planet reporter, hello." The woman raised her eyebrows and boldly and bluntly stretched out her right hand.

"Clark Kent." Clark, who had experienced a lot with Gino, was no longer the shy boy who would blush when he saw a girl. He also extended his hand.

The two hands held each other lightly and then parted quickly.

Clark turned to look at the boy beside him with his arms folded on his chest: "Jino, I have something to tell you."

"Go in and talk."

The three of them walked into Luther Castle and were quickly greeted by the loyal old butler.

Gino gave the old butler a look, and Old Jack politely but forcefully invited Louise to visit this historic castle.

Clark followed Gino to the hall.

Slumping into the sofa, Gino asked lazily: "Tea, or milk? Or amber wine?"

"I'm not going to drink now." Clark sat across from Gino, his face full of bitterness.

Just kidding, now his mind is filled with the scene when Martha was killed, and he is so anxious that he wants to die.

"Okay, calm down and tell me what happened."

Compared to Clark's panic, Gino seemed much calmer.

In the DC universe, you have to adapt to all kinds of bad things that happen all the time and get used to them, and maintain a good attitude.

Otherwise, sooner or later you will be driven crazy.

It can only be said that young Clark still has a long way to go.

"That's right." Clark took the milk handed by the maid and held the milk cup tightly with both hands: "I went to the nursing home with Lana this morning, and there I met an old lady who claimed to be able to predict the future."


Clark told Geno what he saw and expected.

"You mean."

Listening to Clark's story, Gino had a strange expression.

"A flying iron man, a strong blond man with a hammer, and a woman who can use scarlet energy from her hands?"

"Do you have any clues?" Clark looked at Gino eagerly.

"Yes, of course." Gino pinched his chin: "These people are probably from another universe."

Iron Man is most likely Tony Stark, the one holding the hammer is undoubtedly Thor, and the one holding the red light is naturally the Scarlet Witch.

Their identities were confirmed, but Gino was thinking about another thing.

If the future Clark foresees does come true, he has several questions.

1: How the Avengers came to their own universe through the dimensional barrier.

2: Why was he not there when Martha was killed?

Although Masha and his wife had different views, Gino felt that he would not sit back and watch his friend's parents being killed.

Jino narrowed his eyes slightly: "There must be something wrong with this."

What's holding me back?

There was still something there that he had to leave the town to deal with.


Meeting Clark's pitiful eyes, the boy suddenly smiled.


When did he, Geno Luthor, become a foresight and hesitant being?

"Clark." Gino drank the milk in the cup and said firmly: "I am responsible for everything."

Gotham City.

Wayne Manor.

Through the cold and transparent luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the crooked-neck tree growing on the lawn outside the manor.

Even during the day, Gotham City's bad air makes the city's sky look gray.

And at the basement base of the manor.

Bruce Wayne sat on a chair, holding his chin with his hands, looking gloomy.

He stared at the big screen with blue light, which displayed a brief message: They are coming.

"They're coming." Bruce narrowed his eyes, thinking out of habit.

The owner of this message comes from a planet that he visited not long ago.

Bruce Wayne from another universe.

The two Batmans established a connection through some means after meeting.

According to Bruce's guess about himself, after sending this message, Bruce in that universe may have encountered something unexpected.

"This news must be told to Geno Luther."

As the top pillar of the Justice League, Bruce knows that if he wants to fight against the forces from outside the universe, he cannot do without Geno.

"Afu, prepare the Batfighter for me, I'm going to Metropolis."

Bruce stood up, slowly straightening his slightly stooped body.

He picked up the uniform scattered on the chair.

A busy day has begun again.


Luther Castle.

After bidding farewell to Clark and Lois, Gino received another bad news from the old butler.

Batman demands to see him.

For this superhero who has always been known for his resourcefulness and cunning, Geno knew that the other party would not come looking for him for no reason.

It's very possible that something happened again.

"Well, there's always no time to spare."

Stepping out of the hall, the young man jumped lightly.

The next moment, the figure rushed into the clouds and flew in the direction of the metropolis.



Justice League.

"Oh, God!"

Bart, who had just finished playing the game, turned off the large-screen computer and saw a figure suddenly reflected on the black screen.

A huge black cloak enveloped the figure, like a large bat.

"Who are you!" Bart almost jumped up from the sofa, turned around and stared at Batman nervously.

Although he really wanted to join the Justice League, Gino had already rejected Bart due to his young age, but also gave him a janitor position: responsible for guarding the Justice League hall.

"I'm warning you, this is the Justice League, leave here immediately..."

While Bart was complaining, Batman gently threw out a black object.


The golden light flashed and the Speed ​​Force was activated. Batman felt a flash of light in front of his eyes. The child he had seen before was standing by the phone in the corner without knowing it.

Bart stared at the token in his hand and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Batman?"

The black iron plate on his hand was plated with a layer of luster like the Milky Way, which represented his membership in the Justice League.

"Is Gino here?"

Batman ignored the noisy Bart and walked straight to the conference room.

"Come in."

A familiar soft voice interrupted Batman. It seemed that the person he was looking for had arrived.

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