Maybe it’s due to the illusion of dimensions in dreams.

The rabbit in a suit tilted his head and looked at Gino and Zatanna curiously.

Its legs were jumping around while taking out a basket from its pocket to collect the dream light balls floating in this room.

"I've seen you."

The rabbit opened its lips to reveal its teeth and looked at Zatanna.

It looked away again and looked at Jino: "But I haven't seen you."

"You never seem to dream."

It's strange to say that maybe it's because he's a traveler from another world or he's mentally strong enough to control his dreams, but Gino never dreams.

"Who are you? A working rabbit from the Land of Dreams?"

Instead of answering the nonsensical Rabbit, Jino took the initiative and asked.

"Working Rabbit?"

Rabbit puffed up his chest and shook his head and said, "I'm not a working rabbit, I'm the steward of the dreamland!"

"He is Lord Sandman's assistant..."

It talked endlessly about the importance and uniqueness of its responsibilities, and then it saw Gino and Zatanna exchange a look.


The land of dreams.

All kinds of cartoon creatures roam this world.

An alarm clock with two chopstick legs.

There are also cute cat heads floating in the air.

Weirdness, warmth and peace are the main theme of this land.

Underfoot is a fairyland-like green lawn, and above your head is a sky filled with countless rainbows.

Everything looks stunning, just ignore the poor sad-faced bunny.

At this moment, a finger was pressed against the back of its head, and it was slowly walking towards a towering tower in the center of the country.

The creature, which closely resembles the cartoon character of Bugs Bunny, has a pale face.

Ever since he witnessed Gino crushing a big tree with his fingers, he has consciously acted as the leader.


Dignity is nothing in the face of survival.

Jump over streams made of milk and walk through tree-lined paths paved with chocolate.

When Bugs Bunny pushed open the heavy castle door made of candy.

A hall neatly storing countless dream cans appeared in their sight.

Some dreams exude colorful light, while others exude melancholy and deep dark light.

"This is the Dreamland, the storage room where we collect good dreams and nightmares."

"Good dreams are used to keep the dream kingdom running."

"And nightmares will be stored centrally to prevent humans from being engulfed by nightmares."

Rabbit explained, puffing up his chest proudly.

Rabbits are full of honor for their mission of existence.

Ignoring the chirping rabbit,

Gino and Zatanna were walking in the Castle of Dreams. They stepped on the steps made of marshmallows and walked towards the second floor.

Different from the layout on the first floor, the rooms on the second floor are filled with all kinds of strange and weird objects.

There are wooden sticks used by human ancestors for hunting when they were born.

There are handwritten manuscripts from Shakespeare in the Middle Ages, as well as the navigation mirror of Columbus, the first person to discover the American continent.

Walking all the way from the entrance on the second floor, it is like seeing the evolution of human development.

Objects that symbolize every major event in human history will be placed on the second floor.

Zatanna looked at the items here with emotion. Every item she took out was something that could cause a sensation in human society. She said? "I can see that your boss likes humans very much."

Listening to Zatanna's words, Rabbit smiled excitedly: "Ah, I really like it, but there was a time when he was imprisoned by a human for hundreds of years. He..."


A slight cough interrupted what Rabbit wanted to say.

Follow the sound.

Beneath the gorgeous black textured robe, which is as smooth as light silk, is a thin body.

The pale cheeks have sunken eye sockets, and the collar on the chest has clock and hourglass patterns woven with white silk thread.

The messy black-bone-like hair can prove from the side that this person is sloppy, or is he unkempt?

"Guests from afar."

Under the gaze of expressionless Gino and curious Zatanna, Sandman slowly opened his legs.

The voice of this sickly, pale and weak man was soft and had a magical power that made people fall asleep.

"Welcome to the land of dreams."

Sandman grinned and stared at Jino with some emotion: "I recognize you, Dreamless Man."

"Hello, Dream God."

Gino smiled at him, took a step forward and extended his hand.

"Hello, Dreamless One."

The two hands clasped each other.

The pale man smiled and said, "Just call me Daniel."

"Okay Daniel."

Separating his hands, Jino sighed and looked at the young man named Daniel:

"I'm looking for you because of a dispute in human society."

"A guy who calls himself Destiny escapes from hell and hides in the dream kingdom."

Jino stared into the eyes of the Dream God. The powerful magic power allowed him to easily resist the eyes that would make mortals fall asleep just by looking at them.

"I need you to help me find him," he said.

"Destiny." Sandman closed his eyes slightly. As the master of dreams, he just closed his eyes slightly.

Everything in the entire dreamland opened up to him.

"I found it. He is hiding in the east of the castle and is using the Dream Kingdom to steal the nightmares here."

Daniel's expression gradually became serious, and then he felt a little embarrassed: "I have been maintaining the stability of human dreams and neglected to take care of nightmares."

Well, actually, I just got used to fishing and neglected to control my dreams.


Zatanna tilted her head.

"So he's become very strong now." Daniel's face became even worse.

As an endless family that serves all things, if we say who is the best in the family, Daniel will definitely win the championship. Sandman's strength cannot be said to be not strong, it can only be said to be very weak.

Can he be captured by a wizard and imprisoned in the human world for hundreds of years?

Well, it’s also the only one.

"Mr. Keno!"

Daniel grabbed Jino's wrist eagerly: "You must help me!"

Well, this time he completely turned against Tiangang, and it was Sandman's turn to ask for help.

After all, just by looking at his figure, you can tell that Daniel is quite weak.

"Okay, calm down." Gino smiled and calmly pushed away Daniel's right hand on his wrist. He smiled: "But you want to tell me, how to fight in a dream?"

Jino turned his head and glanced outside the castle.

The broken wood in the distance that was smashed by his fist has long been restored to its original state.

Dreams are not matter, and dreams cannot be killed by material means.

So, Keno needs to know the method, or...

The young man flipped his wrist, and the familiar mysterious golden card was held in his hand.

"Is it relying on dream energy?"

Holding the golden card that only he could see, he gently placed it against Daniel's shoulder.

As the golden light melted into Daniel's body, the pale young man shivered violently.

He looked at Jino and the surroundings with some confusion. Just now, he felt as if he was being stripped naked and spied on.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything."

Jino closed his eyes slightly, feeling the roar of dream energy rising from his body, so powerful and domineering!

The young man smiled scornfully: "Next, it's my turn."

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