
London, England.

Gentlemen in suits and beggars in rags can be seen everywhere on the street.

The rich smile, the poor look wan.

After all, you can't blame a hungry person for smiling all the time.

The warm summer sun shines on people's faces, giving people a warm feeling.

For Muggles, wandering around the streets of London after having a good meal is the best way to spend time.

But it's a different story in a dark, crowded alleyway separated from the streets of London's Central Street.

At the entrance of a crowded alley, there is a hanging tag covered with rotten green and rust. Whenever the wind blows, it will sway in the wind.

"Crack, snap."

The iron plate hit the wall with a crisp sound.

"Da da."

Walking on a street full of bricks and stones, a tall figure wearing a black robe walked down a dark alley.

Enduring the rotten smell and walking in the muddy alleys.

Under the black robe is a golden mask, and under the mask is a pair of blue eyes.

Those eyes scanned the surrounding alleys.

There are shriveled frogs and creatures with slimy slime bugs for sale.

The shoes were stained with mud as they stepped on the potholed soil.

Everyone here is wearing a black cloak, with the words "not a good person" written on their faces.

The items sold in front of each stall are different.

There are mysterious and strange metal objects.

There are also all kinds of strange creatures.

Three roaring lions.

A platypus-like pet trembling in a cage.

Everything looks like a cruel trafficking market.

Maybe, if someone offers a high price, someone will take the risk and assassinate the Minister of Magic. Not sure.

And unlike ordinary vendors, the people here are taciturn. Whenever someone passes by the stall, they will be stared at by this group of people, and it seems that they will swarm up and snatch everything from this person in the next second.

Greed is synonymous with them.

Kino walks in Knockturn Alley, which is famous in the world of "Harry Potter".

To be honest, it is really not easy for me to enter this world.

First, he had a fierce fight with the guardian gods of this world, but unfortunately the gods here were too weak. Jino didn't beat him a few times before he knelt down in tears to express his surrender.

But it’s right to think about it. Compared with the DC world, which is a universe-level crisis of annihilation every time, the magic world has only experienced two catastrophes in hundreds of years.

Their strength is not at the same level, so naturally there is no need to compare.

In short, it can be said that Jino can now come and go freely in this world, and he also has the authority to call upon the magical energy of this universe.

Simply put, he is the god of this world.

Looking at the people coming and going, the young man's steps are light and his body is relaxed.

It looks like a relaxing outing.

This abnormal scene naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Who can stay in Knockturn Alley?

Outlaws and down-and-out nobles.

Everyone here has their own untold story.

Everyone has their own secrets and sins.

Therefore, when a seemingly innocent guy appeared in this sin alley, he quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Between garbage and garbage, only one look is needed to understand what the other person is thinking.

Soon, after the young man walked into a narrow alley, three or four men in black robes followed him in.

These three guys are notorious in Knockturn Alley, often robbing weaklings to make ends meet.

When they stepped into this alley full of sewage, they saw the young man in the golden mask they had seen before leaning leisurely against a slightly clean wall.

"Tell me, why are you following me? Do you want to rob?"

The young man spoke first, looking back at the people at the entrance of the alley.

A group of people tensed their shoulders and clutched magic wands of various shapes in their hands. They stared at the blond young man suspiciously, wondering if this man was an Auror sent by the Ministry of Magic?


Looking at the young man's empty hands, his tense body relaxed. Even a top Auror without a wand is just a loser.

"Boy, are you new to Knockturn Alley?" The tall and obscene guy spoke first.

"We give you a chance to hand over all the wealth you have and spare your life."

Another thin man said in cooperation.

It can only be said that they are indeed habitual criminals who have cooperated many times, and they cooperate with each other tacitly.

"Rob me?"

What did the blond young man leaning against the wall seem to hear? Ridiculous joke, I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head, playing with my hands.

"What, do you think you are very powerful? An Auror without a wand is not as good as a dog, you know?"


After listening to the words of several guys, Jino's expression became increasingly weird.

He took off the golden mask, revealing a handsome face.

"Do you think I need those gadgets?"

Jino's expression was playful, and his obviously young and somewhat excessive face was full of mockery.

The gods of this universe have all surrendered, but three idiots who don't know the heights of heaven and earth are trying to rob me.

Well, those who don’t know are fearless.

However, Geno obviously doesn't want to let these scum go.

He slowly raised his hand.

Accompanied by the swing of the boy's arms.

A huge, inexplicable fear,

Huge fear.

Extremely, without warning, this group of people felt a great sense of crisis.

Standing hairs, trembling body.

They discovered to their horror that they had lost control of their bodies.

As if their bodies had their own consciousness, they controlled the right hand holding the wand and slowly raised it.

The tip of the wand was pointed horizontally at their temples.

Sweat beads, sweat beads caused by fear slid down their cheeks. The fear of being dominated and the fear of death made them deaf.

They saw the young man's mouth slightly open.

"Avada eats a big melon~"


The dark green luster roared out of the wand and turned into a green lightning strike on the temple.


The wand fell out of hand, and three bodies that had lost consciousness and souls fell helplessly in the dark alley.

A little sunlight shines through the cracks in the alley and onto the moss-covered green walls.

A figure slowly stepped forward, and the slender figure drew long marks on the wall. It stepped past several overlapping and fallen figures, and there was only a series of crisp footsteps getting farther and farther.

Jino walked out of the alley with a bright face.

The sun shone on his profile, and many people spotted the young man's figure.

"Why isn't he wearing a mask?"

"This guy is really crazy."

"Who's going to kill him?"

Listening to the loud noise in his ears, Jino frowned slightly. The young man raised his right hand again and looked at these people.

With the authority of the world, he can clearly see that everyone here is carrying a murder case.

Everyone is a villain.

"So everyone!"

The young man said, "Excuse me, everyone, okay."

A smile formed on his lips.

"Go to hell?"

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