First day of school.

Saturday was supposed to be a day off.

The little wizards of Harry Potter's generation had to get up early, crawl out of their warm beds and rush to the Quidditch playground.

The new Professor Geno Luther chose a spacious open-air stadium to teach, which was enough to accommodate a large number of people.


But what's even worse is that it's drizzling in the sky that should have been clear.

"It's really terrible~"

Ron, who had woken up early on purpose, cursed and fiddled with the water drops in his hair, stepping on the mud with his boots. However, what made Ron even more dissatisfied was the sarcastic laughter from the other Slytherin snake, Malfoy.

"A disgrace to purebloods."


All these words made Ron very angry.

"Ignore them, Ron." Hermione worriedly patted Ron's shoulder to express relief.

"Why hasn't Professor Luther come yet?"

Unlike Hermione who comforted Ron, Harry kept looking left and right, hoping that the boy he saw last night would appear quickly.

"Could it be that you went to bed late?"

The sleepy Neville rubbed his eyes and clenched his fists nervously.

In the huge playground at this moment, six pillars stood around it.

The young wizards who had been waiting for a long time gathered here. To be honest, they did not have high hopes for the new professor.


Another burst of thunder exploded from the sky.

A string of silvery white lightning flashed across the sky.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and more and more little wizards were becoming restless.

To be honest, the feeling of being caught in the rain is not pleasant.

People are getting restless.

Many little wizards are already planning to leave this damn mud playground and return to their dormitories for a good night's sleep.

Children always do what they think of.

Just when someone planned to skip class and return to the dormitory to sleep, he moved his feet.

A magical scene happened,

All around, the rain falling from the sky was stagnant as if the pause button had been pressed.

"What happened?"

"How is this going?"

The little wizards looked around, almost unable to believe their eyes.

The rainwater that should have fallen to the ground and smashed into the dust turned into water droplets hanging in the air.

There were even curious little wizards who stretched out their hands to prick the raindrops and let the water stains stay on their fingers.


As the water droplets burst, the originally flat grass suddenly seemed to be pinched and transformed by an invisible hand.


The earth trembled,

Dust scatters everywhere,

A high slope of wall made of moist soil stood slowly in front of everyone's eyes.


As if appearing out of thin air, the blond boy whom everyone saw in the hall last night stood on the stage at some point.

The young man was wearing a clean black suit. The tight-fitting black suit supported his straight figure.


Under the spotlight,

He spoke softly, and the majesty contained in his tone made people involuntarily desire to surrender from their hearts.

The world seems to change color here.

The originally gloomy sky suddenly broke into dark clouds.

It is like the vision appearing in the sky when Jesus came to the world, and it is comparable to the heroic gesture of Gautama Buddha with one finger to the sky and the other to the earth when he was born.

Jino slowly raised his head, stared at the gloomy sky and said, "I say, there must be light!"

His voice was cold, but miraculously, the sky that should have been covered with dark clouds parted from both sides like a loyal knight, allowing the sun that was obscured by the black curtain to be revealed to everyone again.

The warm sunshine fell on the earth, shining on the robes of the little wizards, drying their clothes.


Jino raised his head, looked at everyone with a smile, and said with a playful expression: "I just observed you for a long time."

"I find that most people are already a little impatient, right?"

Jino smiled and crossed his arms, looking at the many young wizards with a playful expression.

"Lu, Professor Luthor?!"

The little wizards in the audience were not in a hurry to return to the dormitory at this moment.

After witnessing Jino's seemingly miraculous strength, no one was in the mood to go back to the dormitory.

If, if I could learn this kind of magic, it would be really cool!


Jino still looked calm and relaxed, smiling lightly and looking at everyone: "Is anyone willing to go back?"

No one responded. The little wizards in the audience unconsciously looked away after seeing Jino's smile.

They don't want to go back.

After witnessing Gino's strength with his own eyes, no one would doubt the strength of this Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Everyone's face was full of excitement.

Especially Harry's performance is the most outstanding.

"Luthor, Professor Luther is really amazing!" Harry looked excitedly at his two friends beside him.

No one knows what is going on in his mind.

He thought of Gino's promise to him last night.

A wish!

You can even resurrect your dead relatives!

Harry naturally thought of his dead parents.

If James and Lily were resurrected, then I would definitely be very happy.

"Well, it looks like no one's leaving."

Gino shook his head slightly disappointed.

"Actually, I feel that if more people leave, it will be more convenient for me to teach."

"It's a pity that no one left."

Gino sighed and stood up with a chuckle.

"Okay, before class."

Gino chuckled and said, "I think I should apologize to you first."

"It's no secret that every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor before me didn't last long."

"And this also brings about a very helpless situation."

Jino sighed: "Because teachers change frequently."

“Our subject progress has been stagnant.”

"Even, I think most of you may not know how to deal with those evil dark wizards."

"This situation is not right."

Jino looked serious, and his gaze seemed to sweep across every little wizard.


"I'm not saying this to discourage you."

"But I want to tell you."

"Then was then, and the present is now."

"You couldn't learn the black magic before." Jino chuckled and said, "I'll teach you how to do it."

"I've finished what I need to say. What do you want to ask now?"

Jino straightened his back and looked at everyone with a chuckle.

"Lu, Professor Luthor?"

Among the crowd, Malfoy, who had always been bold, slowly raised his right hand.

There was no trace of arrogance on the face that was proud of coming from a pure-blood family.

He hesitated and said, "You, what are you going to do?"

After all, they did not receive the magic textbook that Professor Luther required before the start of school.

Is it possible to teach with empty hands?

"I understand your concerns." Gino was so smart that he instantly guessed Malfoy's concerns.

"I think this problem can be easily solved." Jino smiled and waved his hand and said, "On my planet, my brother believes that the truth comes from under his fist."

"Then the answer is obvious."

"Only blood and tears will make you grow."

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