When Zatanna's irony magic takes effect.


The originally dark night seemed to be torn open by a crack,

A heavy, evil and depressing atmosphere permeated everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, smelly sewage fell from the space channel.

An ugly, horrific, indescribable monster slithered out of the slime.

The thing's pure white body was covered with snake scales.

But what is more eye-catching is the hideous and terrifying mouth on the ugly, alien-like cheek, full of sharp white teeth.

Whoever sees Him will be filled with fear.

In comparison, the faces of Hecate and the resentful woman looked much more amiable.

"caught you!"

At the same time in the world, the eyeless monster twisted its head and focused its gaze on Hecate.

"Damn thief!"

He opened his mouth, and as saliva dripped from his mouth, a huge unknown terror covered the space.

"No, how dare you let it in!"

The moment they saw the ugly white phosphorus monster appear, Hecate's three faces screamed at the same time, and the floating body kept shaking in an attempt to escape from this latitude.

"Where do you want to run?"

However, the monster suddenly pounced on Hecate like a slithering snake, opening its big mouth and biting the rightmost cheek of the three faces.

"You stole my stuff!"

The dark magic aggregation called the Upside Down Man let out a sharp and strange laugh: "And now, it's time to come back!"

It carried Hecate towards the entrance of the space, obviously intending to fulfill its promise and eat Hecate one bite at a time.

"That's it now, Xiao Zha." Jino quietly grabbed the girl's shoulders and said, "Close the door."

Zatanna, who was stunned, nodded subconsciously and blurted out: "Close the door!"

As the magic of heaven spit out from the girl's lips, the simply constructed magic energy channel began to tremble and break.

The Upside Down Man, this monster with a long blood-red tongue, tilted his head.

It can feel that the magic nodes of this world are being closed and repaired.

This world does not welcome your arrival.

The space channel tremors are becoming more frequent,

The upside-down man was confused for a while.

If you force yourself to stay here, you must abandon the thief who stole your things.

But if I leave, I don’t know when the next time I can come in here will be.

The ugly white phosphorus monster licked its faceless cheek and finally dragged Hecate away from reality.

After all, in the hearts of the upside-down people, Hecate who stole his own power was more hateful.

"I remember you."

It stared at the two of them with its head without features, slowly twisted its body and slid into the passage before disappearing.

The terrifying pressure dissipated, and Gino fell down with Zatanna in his arms.

The young man's beautiful eyes stared at the night above his head.

He had a feeling that this matter would not end so easily.

"Gang, what was that just now?"

Before Gino could speak, Shazam looked horrified and said with trembling lips: "It's so ugly!"

Like an ugly anthropomorphic snake, it looks disgusting and stomach-churning.

Clark also had a look of decline on his face. Not everyone could remain calm when they saw the embodiment of magic in the dark dimension.

"The Upside Down Man is the embodiment of the dark magic that is waiting covetously outside the wall of the universe."

Jino sighed and looked at the gradually closing space channel, which heralded the end of the matter.

"Um, where am I?"

The Witch Mother's departure successfully freed Diana and Lana from their bondage.

The first one to wake up was Diana. The girl opened her eyes slightly and looked around.

Then, she saw Gino, Clark and a guy wearing a white cloak with a silly face.

None of this mattered until Diana saw the girl in Gino's arms.


Wonder Woman's beautiful forehead was raised slightly, and her originally confused look became grim.

Why did I wake up and my home was stolen?


Diana walked forward quickly. Although she deliberately ignored the girl who was hugged by Gino, her clenched fists made even the slow Clark realize that the atmosphere was a little abnormal.

"Good evening, Diana."

Gino naturally let go of his arm around Zatanna's waist and walked to Shazam's side.

"Introducing to you, Billy, who has inherited the power of the ancient guardians and is also a reserve member of the Justice League."


Diana glanced at Shazam and then looked away.

Amazons are good at martial arts, but I didn't see any sign of being capable of fighting in Billy.

"I want to know what happened." Diana brought the topic back on track.

"Ah, of course."

Gino smiled and patted the heroine on the shoulder: "But before that, let's get out of here."

"after all."

Gino looked around the desolate rock island and chuckled: "This is not a good place to talk."

He gently waved his hand to open up a dimensional passage back to Earth.


After leaving the Rock of Eternity, everyone returned to the small town of Smallville.

In a cafe, Lana gradually woke up, and Kino simply told the three women the cause and effect.

"So, the witch mother was eaten by a monster?"

Lana was a little tired and covered her forehead. Her head still felt uncomfortable.

"Yes, now my suggestion is that everyone go home and take a nap."

Gino picked up the coffee and took a sip. He felt a little nostalgic. It had been a long time since he had drank milk from the castle.


The familiar cell phone ringtone rang again, and the singer's cold, feminine image appeared through the screen.


The singer looked around and finally focused on his master: "Message from Batman."


Jino narrowed his eyes slightly: "He is not someone who never takes the initiative to contact others."

"what happened?"

The singer didn't respond, and soon, Batman's face appeared in the projection.

"Good evening everyone."

Batman in the picture seems to be looking at something, and the corners of his mouth exposed under the mask are still his trademark indifference.

"Maybe there's something I need to tell you."

The screen flips over, revealing the appearance of Gotham City.

But what is more eye-catching is the huge endless mountains in the city.

"Since when did Gotham City have a mountain?" Clark tilted his head and asked everyone's doubts.

The boy still remembered that when he first put on the red ring and ran to Gotham City to rob a bank, he had never seen mountains in Gotham City.

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Batman's face was serious.

"The thing about these mountains is that they appear out of nowhere."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere solidified.

Mountains appearing out of thin air?

There is no need to think too much, everyone who has experienced a lot has already made a conclusion in their minds.

This will be a hassle again.

Gino sighed and stood up helplessly: "Let's go, everyone in the Justice League."

"It's always one thing after another."

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