Luther Castle.

"I don't think there's anything good about that woman Lana. She's not right for you, Clark."

"Your character is indecisive, and she likes the uninhibited and unrestrained type, which can be seen from her ex-boyfriend Whitney."

In the hall, Lex, who had not been seen in the laboratory for a long time, also took the time to give himself a day off.

At this moment, Lex held the dart in his hand and aimed at the bullseye on the wall and threw it slightly.

The roaring header hit the center with precision.

"I know."

Sitting on the sofa, Clark was crestfallen.

After Lana said these words to him, Clark was also confused.

I have been in love with Lana for almost 11 years, and even if I am just being a bitch, I still have feelings for her.

This relationship is not so easy to let go of, but Clark doesn't know whether he should give up the little wolf girl.

He feels like a stowaway standing at the US-Mexico border, unable to make a choice between left and right.

Clark glanced at Gino pitifully, but his friend was holding a book and studying it carefully without raising his head and said: "Don't look at me, Clark, I never care about women."

"If a woman loves you, she will wait for you."

"On the contrary, if she doesn't insist on waiting, it means she doesn't love you that much."

Jishuai, who knows? Listening to it at night makes people’s hearts warm.

"Yes, is that so?" Clark was hesitant.

"Forget it, stop wondering." Gino sighed, glanced at Clark and said, "Just wait here, I'll ask Lana."

The young man waved gently towards the wall: "Singer, Monte University."

The original stone wall wallpaper was torn open and a spatial crack was opened, and Jino stepped into it.

"Kino!" Clark panicked: "Wait for me!"

The older boy hurriedly followed his best friend's footsteps.

The bright full moon hangs high in the sky.

In the forest not far from Monte University, two figures walked out one after another.

"Huh, this is Monte University?"

Clark looked around, seeing the huge teaching building and students walking on the road.

Well, how to describe it?

It's similar to the small town of Smallville. The only difference may be that this university is much larger than the high school?

"Change your appearance."

Jino controlled the biological force field to change his appearance and turned into a handsome Asian young man.

Clark also followed suit and changed his appearance through a biological force field.

Just like when Superman wears glasses and no one can recognize him as Superman, the biological force field is like an invisible mask worn on the face, preventing others from seeing the person's true appearance.

"Where is Lana?"

Clark looked around and soon saw an old castle not far away through his clairvoyance ability.

A lot of people gathered there, and Clark's ears were sensitive to Lana's voice.

"They are in that old castle!"

Not far from the women's dormitory of Monte University, it is located in an ancient castle and is crowded with people.

"Honestly, I didn't know it was going to be this busy here."

In the crowd, Lana looked delighted and talked to Chloe.

The two people who met not long ago were surprised to find that the other person was admitted to the University of Monterey like themselves.

This joy of reuniting old friends made them quickly get together, and from an emotional point of view, both of them were losers.

"Welcome! Welcome everyone to the freshman sorority!"

While Lana and Chloe were curiously looking at the two-story castle, on the second floor near the escalator, beautiful white girls were standing on the second floor with their waists twisted.

They looked down at the girls, like aloof queens.

These women's hair is as smooth and bright as flowing light, and their skin is white and clear, looking like gems.

She looked around at everyone with an inexplicable smile on her face.

They looked at the men and women in the audience, smiled and shouted: "No long speech, let's start the carnival!"

As she finished speaking, the speaker in the corner began to play beautiful music.

The difference between America and the red on the other side is that people here can get high anytime and anywhere.

Soon a group of men and women began dancing and swaying.

"It's really lively here."

Clark followed the crowd and blended in with a silly grin, but he found Gino looking seriously at the representatives of the fraternity party not far away.

"Those women?" Clark approached Jino and poked Jino's waist with a wicked smile: "Why, do you have a crush on them?"

"Clark." Gino sighed: "Sometimes I really doubt what's in my head."

He raised his hand and grabbed Clark's ears: "Concentrate and listen carefully!"

Following the boy's angry rebuke, Clark subconsciously held his breath and concentrated.

He listened carefully, and the noisy voices around him suddenly became quiet.

Focusing on the three big white girls, Clark had a surprised expression on his face.

In the silence, he could only hear the whispers of the three women, but he could not hear the sound of their blood flowing in their blood vessels. He could not even hear their heartbeats!

"She, they are not human?" Clark had a ghostly expression on his face, frowning subconsciously, and his eyes glowed red.

"These damn monsters dare to come to the university. I will kill them right now!"

He is submissive in the face of humans, and strikes hard in the face of monsters.

Clark was just about to take action, but Gino grabbed his wrist: "Calm down, don't be impulsive."

Jino's eyes were slightly focused, with a turquoise light shining in his eyes.

Through his clairvoyance ability, he could see that the blood in these women's bodies was different from that of normal people. It basically did not flow, like solidified jelly.

What does this mean?

The blood that does not flow, the missing heartbeat, and then thinking of Western legends, the answer is ready to come out.

"These people are vampires."

Gino knocked Clark on the head: "And judging from their performance, it seems that they have been here for a while."

In Western legends and myths, vampires have always been very mysterious and noble. They are not only immortal, but also have abnormal recovery abilities and physical strength.

But in Jino's view, they are just a group of rotten monsters.

They enjoy sucking the blood of others and infecting others, and are afraid of the sun and the cross. Just from their fear of the cross, it can be seen that these guys are not favored by God.

"So I'm going to see what they're going to do."

With a sarcastic smile on his lips, Jino glanced at several women.

The earth belongs to humans, and creatures like vampires cannot be classified as human beings in the boy's dictionary.

Think about it, if the earth is full of vampires and cannot reproduce, the future of the entire planet will be doomed.

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