According to Gino's classification, the yellow level is considered the weakest, and generally only nearby Justice League members will be assigned to deal with it.

For example, if someone breaks into a house somewhere in Metropolis, the singer, who is the assistant of the Justice League, will directly assign Bart or Clark to deal with it.

The next level up is the blue level. For example, if you encounter some powerful super villains and the superheroes who go to deal with them cannot handle them, the singer will send additional manpower.

For example, when Billy is cheated and shouts "Shazam" to cancel his transformation, the singer will also contact Clark or Bart to help when the situation is critical.

When it comes to purple alert, it means that the situation has fallen into a serious form, usually something closely related to the fate of all mankind.

As for red alert?

All members of the Justice League must drop what they are doing and rush to the lobby.

"I see."

Batman responded coolly, while pressing the tablet on his right arm: "I have mobilized the Batfighter, Alfred, you contact Gordon and ask him to send someone to send Killer Croc back to Arkham Asylum."

He looked up quietly at the night sky of Gotham City: "Also, tell Dick that when I am not in Gotham City, I allow him to put on the Bat suit and do heroic deeds."

"Really? That would be awesome!"

Before Batman could turn off the communication device, a young and excited voice came from the other side of the headset.

Batman twitched his lips: "Try not to hurt anyone."

Dick Grayson, the orphan he adopted from the circus.

In the days when he got along with Geno and the members of the Justice League, Bruce also clearly realized the importance of the team.

For example, as the reputation of Justice League and Keno spread around the world, many people also paid attention to Batman.

The human god Gino, the cheerful boy Clark.

The dashing Diana, the unsmiling Batman.

The combination of these four people is undoubtedly very eye-catching, but it also makes many crazy people pay attention to Batman.

As a result, more and more lunatics and psychopaths poured into Gotham City, which also gave Batman the idea of ​​forming his own small team.

So not long after the black metal incident, Bruce selected a qualified boy with a sense of justice from the orphans in Gotham City and trained him to be his Robin.

So Bruce found Dick Grayson among the many orphans.

A boy who grew up in an orphanage, after Batman's investigation, it was discovered that he had a strong sense of justice in his heart, as well as extremely high fighting talent and agility developed in the circus.

But unlike himself, Dick sees fighting criminals as a fun game, which gives Bruce a headache.

It's like a mature parent watching a naughty child playing with a gun. He has no idea of ​​the dangers of those criminals.

"Oh, Ah Fu, keep an eye on him while I'm away."

Bruce sighed. If he wanted Dick to grow up, he had to let him face those dark things.

Gently swinging the hook lock, Batman hooked the tail wing of the stealth fighter, and jumped into the Bat fighter with the hook lock rippling.

The pure black mysterious Bat Fighter roared into the distance.

Mount University.

Clark looked at the changes around him with a blank expression.

The students were still singing and dancing, intoxicated and dreamy, but the women whose heartbeats were abnormally different from those seen before had long since disappeared.


A text message popped up on the phone with a purple alert written on it.

Clark's originally plain face turned serious in an instant. Thinking about the disappearance of Gino and the commotion just now, it seemed that things were getting a little serious?


Before Clark could recover, Lana spotted Clark among the crowd at a glance, with a surprised smile on her face.

"How will you be here?"

She pulled Chloe and pushed through the crowd towards the big boy, while Chloe looked around, pouting a little glumly after not finding Gino.

"I have something, Lana, I'll talk about it when I have time."

After receiving the information from the alliance, Clark still had the time to care about the love between his children.

What he has to do now is to rush to the Justice League headquarters immediately.


Before Lana could speak, a gust of wind blew on the girl's cheek, causing the words she wanted to say to get stuck in her throat.

"It's like this again." Lana felt aggrieved and wanted to say something but couldn't.

Chloe shrugged with a accustomed expression: "This is the price you have to bear if you want to be a superhero girlfriend. Sometimes you want him to be by your side but can't."

Clark doesn't know Lana's thoughts, and he's not even as romantic as Bruce when it comes to guessing a woman's heart.

But Bruce's way of expressing his love is to buy, buy, buy, and the two of them are evenly matched.


With the strong wind, Clark fell from the clouds like a bolt of lightning and stood on the rooftop of the Justice League.

There was an engine roar not far above his head, and then Clark saw a bat-shaped fighter plane landing horizontally and vertically on the tarmac.


The flap door opened, and Batman walked out of the fighter plane with an expressionless face.

Glancing at Clark, the sound of thunder lit up above his head, and Batman pursed his lips: "Shazam is here too."

Before he finished speaking, Thunder Shazam made his debut as a superhero kneeling on one knee.

"Everyone is here early!" The tall man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, had a silly smile on his face. Billy scratched his head with a smile. He was a little afraid of Batman, so he simply leaned towards Clark.

"Everyone is almost here, let's go." Batman took the lead to leave the roof. He didn't think it was a good decision to waste time here.

Clark and Billy looked at each other helplessly. The two followed Batman into the elevator on the top floor. As the elevator descended, when they came to the conference room, Diana was already sitting in her seat.

In the corner, a pale woman was tied up with the Lasso of Truth.

Batman keenly noticed that the chairs around him had also changed styles.

The red and gold one was Diana's, the blue and red one was Clark's, the red and white one was Billy's, and as for the gray and black one?

No need to think about it, it was his.

Batman and everyone sat in their seats.

"Okay, everyone is here now."

Kino knocked on the table, glanced at everyone and said, "I called you here this time because of something about the vampires."

"Wait? Vampires?" Shazam raised his thick eyebrows: "I always thought that vampires were just a legend."

"There are many useful books in the Eternal Rock. If you read them carefully, you will know that vampires exist, and now they are reaching out their claws to our world."

The boy pointed at Irene, and the woman began to talk about the vampires quite consciously.

As she talked, everyone's faces became more and more ugly.

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