Survival or death, this is a question of choice.

When facing certain major events or difficult choices, the meanness or nobility of human nature will shine in this choice.

Similarly, the impression a person gives to others will also determine others' feedback on this person.

When facing a mean person, people will despise him.

When facing a noble person, people will admire him.

But in the end, what kind of person you will become is only decided by you.

And now, a question is placed in front of these soldiers with guns.

Facing the boy with a smile and a warm temperament.

Should they raise their guns and shoot at each other, or put down their weapons and follow him?

"Tell me your answer, soldiers."

Kino opened his arms, and as his arms were raised, a dazzling golden light originally illuminated by the night enveloped the boy's body, like a beam of light falling from the sky covering him, giving him a mysterious temperament.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. "Fuck!"

A soldier threw down his helmet in anger, stiffened his neck and yelled at his companions around him: "Those damn congressmen are calling us to die!"

He looked up at Kino in admiration and said: "It was Mr. Kino who didn't care about our offense and was even willing to give us a chance!"

"My daughter and my children are all his fans, and I have heard a lot of rumors about him."

The man turned off the safety of the rifle in his hand, threw the gun to the ground as if he had given up on himself, and cried with his face covered: "Let me shoot him, I can't do it!"

These words seemed to speak out the voice of all the soldiers present.

People are always like this, like a flock of sheep without a purpose. When a leader stands up, they will follow the leader.

The man's behavior was like a signal, or it might be with the meaning of not punishing the masses by law. More and more soldiers dropped their guns and stood there blankly.

To be honest, asking them to catch Kino is like asking a six-year-old kid to challenge Tyson in his prime.

"My friends!" Seeing the soldiers drop their guns, Kino's smile became brighter: "Don't feel sad and confused about your future. I promise you that you will be safe." He raised his head again, and at the same time, the smile on his face and the gentle temperament faded like ice and snow, replaced by a hint of murderous intent, which enveloped the handsome face of the young man. His eyes looked through the metropolis to the far west, where Washington was. People heard Kino say: "Someone should pay the price for this, but it's not you!" Before he finished speaking, the boy was like a jet fighter, whistling through the night and pulling up a heavy sonic boom that resounded through the sky! Now, it's time to settle accounts with those shameless bureaucrats who have joined the blood clan! Flying in the night, the boy's originally blue eyes glowed scarlet, and in the endless night, he was as terrifying as the death god who was asking for his life. Washington. The Pentagon. Mr. President was sitting in the underground air-raid shelter, staring at the staff not far away with blood-red eyes.

The other party was holding a walkie-talkie to communicate with the general on the front line: "What did you say? You refuse to act? Do you know that your behavior is betraying the free America!"

The staff, a middle-aged white man, looked furious. He pressed the phone angrily and immediately reported to Mr. President, the elderly white man: "General Lot refused to attack the Justice League!"

"Really? As expected."

The president did not speak, but the vampire sitting in a chair in the corner spoke. From this, it can be seen that the president's identity has not changed, but he is still a puppet pushed to the front.

"Forget it, I didn't expect him to take down Gino Luther."

The vampire sighed. As early as the beginning of the action, they had discussed Gino with Lord Barney.

At the same time, a professional psychological profiler was invited to describe Gino's characteristics.

The answers were "selfish", "decisive", and "smart".

It can be seen from the fact that the other party founded the Justice League and never participated in the trophy awarded by the American government.

The other party really doesn't care about the thoughts of the American high-level officials.

And just as he was thinking.


It was like something heavy was piercing his head, causing the entire underground air-raid shelter to shake.

Stone chips were flying, and tables and chairs were shaking.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Everyone's face was full of panic, and the light bulbs hanging above everyone's heads seemed to flicker and go out because the circuit was affected.

When darkness enveloped the room, pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in the underground air-raid shelter.

"All vampires, get ready for battle."

The leader of these vampires spoke in a heavy tone, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

It was as if his thoughts were confirmed.


The heavy cement was drilled through like tofu dregs!


A figure stood in the darkness, and the blood-red light in his eyes was far brighter and grander than the sum of all the vampires in the room.

"It's quite lively here. Are you having a carnival party here?"

Kino laughed contemptuously. His perspective ability allowed him to easily see through the darkness and see the ugly faces in these air-raid shelters.

"Are you going together? Or will you die one by one?"

What responded to the young man was a group of roaring vampires.


A vampire charged with a big mouth.

"Don't open your mouth so wide!" Jino smiled and gave the vampire a heat gaze in his mouth.

The extreme high temperature tore apart its mouth, melting the mouth together with its head and exploding into a trail of ash.


Jino did not stop, and still controlled the heat vision to swing back and forth, launching a one-sided massacre against the vampires attacking from all around.

Wherever the heat vision passed, it was like an old farmer wielding a sickle to cut wheat straw in a wheat field. Each vampire could not even let out a scream before exploding under the sweep of the heat vision.

"Uh huh huh~"

Humming a tune and crushing the head of another vampire, Jino lightly snapped his fingers to cast heavenly magic.

The warm light dispelled the darkness and also revealed a frightened face.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. President?"

Jino narrowed his eyes and smiled, but kept walking quickly towards the president. This old man with white hair was squatting under the table with his head in his hands.

"Ki, Mr. Kino."

An embarrassing smile appeared on His Excellency the President's face.

This was the second time he and Jino met.

For the first time, the opponent killed two generals in front of him.

And this time, maybe, probably, it will be his turn.

"Okay, don't worry, you can hold a press conference with me."

Keno grabbed the president by the collar and pulled him out from under the table.

"Then you can die in peace."

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