Marvel Comics: Starting with the Ability to Replicate Superhuman Talents

Chapter 342 Four Packs of Forty-Four Tony Stark's Experience

Chapter 342: Four Packs of Forty-Four Tony Stark's Experience

"This is really strange."

Stark Tower.

On the top floor of a high-rise building built with billions of dollars, Tony Stark leaned against a floor-to-ceiling window that was three people tall and could overlook all the buildings in New York, with his bare arms and a gloomy look.

His assistant, Pepper, was wearing a professional dress and holding a large stack of documents that needed to be signed by Stark himself. She looked at Stark quietly, who looked like he had entered a state of sainthood.

Something was wrong, very wrong.

Who is Tony Stark?

The richest man in New York, the smartest man in New York, the owner of the Stark Group, which is rich enough to rival a country, and the American government has to give him a little face.

At the same time, he is also a playboy, a bohemian, poisonous, arrogant and conceited bastard.

As for why Pepper noticed that something was wrong with Tony?

Not only because of the other party's recent melancholy eyes, but also because she was often harassed by him after becoming Tony's secretary.

But it has been a week since Tony held a pool party on the top floor of the group.

Tony didn't even harass her, he hadn't even slept with a woman for a week.

This novel change made Pepper feel incredible, but at the same time, she was also very worried about Tony's condition.

After all, many geniuses like to think wildly, and people who think wildly will inevitably end up with philosophical questions such as what is the meaning of life.

Then the more they think, the more confused they become, and finally they come to the absurd conclusion that the meaning of life is meaningless, and then commit suicide to embrace death.

Pepper is very worried that Tony will become like this. Not only have they been together for a long time, but they have also developed some friendships. The most important point is that although this boss is a pervert, he has a good salary, right?

In fact, most of the time, workers don't care what kind of person the boss is. If the boss is sharp and mean but he pays you hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, then even if the other party has many shortcomings, they will only turn into shining advantages.


Pepper glanced at the empty wine bottles on the round table made of precious nanmu not far away. It was hard to imagine how much Tony had drunk in the past few days.

And it was not difficult to see from the deep eye bags under the haggard face that Tony had a bad time recently.

"Is it a document that needs my signature?"

Tony sighed, raised his arm weakly and waved: "Put the things on the table, I will sign it later."

"Of course there are documents that do not require your urgent signature, but there is an important meeting with the military."

Pepper took out a document and said: "A multi-billion dollar order in the Middle East, which also involves Hammer Industries."

After saying this, Pepper fell silent. After all, in the past, when she mentioned Hammer Industries, Tony would come up with a spicy comment and sarcasm.

But this time, unlike in the past, Tony just shrugged and said nothing.

"I will go."

He looked out the window again, but what he thought of in his mind was his life.

If you ask what is the most important moment in Tony Stark's life?

On the day his parents died, he felt extremely painful.

The other thing happened not long ago, and he knew the truth about the cause of his parents' death.

He was brutally killed by a guy named Bucky.

During this period, he had posted thousands of rewards on the employer's website in order to find the murderer who killed his parents, but with little success.

This made Tony very distressed. If the murderer died of old age, wouldn't he be unable to avenge his parents for the rest of his life?

Just as Tony was worried about avenging his parents, at the same time in a luxury apartment.

The portable notebook was open, and a man with a scarf on his head was shown on the fluorescent blue screen. The other party was looking at the man with a big belly sitting on the sofa through the screen.

"Obaday, thank you for the information you provided us."

The terrorist leader looked at Obaday with contempt. A traitor who betrayed his own people would be looked down upon no matter where he was, but this had nothing to do with him. They kidnapped Tony just to realize their own plan.

"Then keep in touch, Obaday."

After saying this, the leader hung up the phone immediately.

The computer returned to calm again, only the silver-blue light shone on Obaday's uncertain and slightly ferocious expression.

"No, I did all this for the Stark Group to go further!"

Obaday slowly stood up, swaying his heavy body to the French window, quietly looking at the scenery in the distance.

He founded the Stark Group with Howard. He is a veteran of the group and has shed blood and sweat for the group, but he has to endure the arrogant Tony every moment.

"I've had enough of all this!"

"So, did you succeed this time?"

In the Middle East, the endless desert was only boring and uninteresting. Tony stared at the scenery outside the car window expressionlessly, and responded to the big head soldier who escorted him back: "Of course, because I am Tony Stark."

Although he was upset, Tony was obviously not the kind of person who would vent his anger on innocent people.

"Then, can you sign for me?"

Several big head soldiers were eager to try, after all, this was Tony Stark! A star-like figure.


Tony had just started to say the word "ran" when he felt dizzy. No, it was literally dizzy. The desert outside the window seemed to be turned upside down and hung in the sky, and the sky seemed to be upside down below.

If physics did not fail or aliens attacked the earth

After a simple thought, Tony's face turned pale in an instant. If he guessed correctly, they were attacked!


A violent explosion sounded, and then the armed pickup truck slammed heavily into the desert.

"Enemy attack!"

"Be alert!"

The roar of the escort came from outside the window, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the roar of bullets and the sound of hot weapons firing.


"We must leave here!"

The soldiers in the car kicked open the car door and dragged Tony out of the car.

At this moment, the yellow sand mixed with the bloody smell in his nose made Tony feel dizzy.

He was dragged to hide behind a rock.

"Just wait here and don't move around!"

After saying this comforting word, the soldier responsible for protecting him quickly joined the battle.

Then, he was shot in the head by a sniper from thousands of miles away.

This battle came and went quickly.

It is obvious that the American soldiers, who were praised as the gods, were not invulnerable.

Faced with a premeditated, organized and planned attack.

This group of people were soon eliminated one by one like rabbits in a rabbit hole.

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