Marvel Comics: Starting with the Ability to Replicate Superhuman Talents

Chapter 345 Who said Iron Man can't use a shield?

"Sir, welcome."

The multi-ton metal explosion-proof iron door slowly opened, and a cold female voice echoed in the corridor: "Dr. Erskine is in the laboratory with Mr. Luther."

Listening to the singer's report, Gino nodded and walked in with Tony and Ethan.

As soon as he entered, Gino heard the argument between Lex and Dr. Erskine.

"Why weaken the dose? Only by maintaining the dose can we create the most powerful warrior."

"But Mr. Luther, you cannot ignore the impact of this drug on people's minds. If the dose is maintained and used on a large scale, it will only create a group of lunatics with antisocial personality."

The two guys who were quarreling, one had a bald head, but his face was full of collagen, and was a young man, while the other had a Mediterranean face, an old fat man with an old and out-of-shape figure, who was picked up by Keno from an unknown Marvel movie at the time. Dr. Erskine abducted from the universe.

Just like the law of true fragrance, at first, the doctor who came here disliked this place very much.

He wants to go back to his own time and make some contribution to the world.

However, the law of true fragrance is hard currency in any universe.

What you once despised will become what you look forward to.

What you once loved may become something you hate.

Compared with the 19th century, the technology and food of the 21st century are considered to be a crushing blow to the 19th century. The power of the times fell, which made Dr. Erskine feel dizzy. In the end, he chose to stay in this universe. And continue to improve his super soldier serum.

"What are you talking about?"

Gino intervened in the conversation between the two.

"I'm going to make some serum in bulk and sell it to the army." Lex shrugged.

Although he has money, money is a consumable, and because of Lionel's disgusting father, Lex has limited funds to use, so sometimes he will use technology to make some money.

"But that kind of thing"

An eager look appeared on Dr. Erskine's face. He looked at Gino. There was an unwritten consensus in the Luthor Group. Lex Luthor was the uncompromising tyrant within the group. If anyone could dissuade him or say that he could The only person Lex could listen to was his Superman brother Geno Luthor.

He has always been a good scientist.

Yes, good scientist.

After witnessing the blood he created creating a monster named the Red Skull, Dr. Erskine ran to the United States and tried to use the power of the United States to eliminate the evil he created.

This is undoubtedly an idealist.

But the world needs idealists. If a country or a society is filled with all kinds of refined immediatists, it will be a painful blow to human civilization.

"Ah, Lex, you should give the doctor some time." Gino comforted casually. He understood Lex and was a pragmatist.

"Huh, two weeks at most." Lex stretched out two fingers, glanced at the mustache behind Gino, and raised his eyebrows: "Who is this guy?"

Maybe it was the sympathy between scientists, or something else, but Lex thought the mustache looked quite annoying.

"I'm Tony Stark." Tony puffed out his chest: "The armor you put outside the laboratory is very well made. The idea of ​​the micro nuclear reactor is quite good, but what kind of material do you use to make it stable? The instability of nuclear power?”

Tony was a little curious. As a genius, he had once imagined building a small nuclear reactor, but due to material issues, he was often unable to do so.


Lex raised an eyebrow, a smile forming on his face.

No matter which world they are in, geniuses are aloof, conceited, and flamboyant.

Lex is actually very unhappy because most of the people around him follow the path of "self-cultivation". Oh, to put it simply, they use fists to fight and solve problems, including Batman, who obviously has super technology, but... He always likes to put on ridiculous uniforms and beat those nasty criminals with his fists late at night.

If Lex Destroyer were to do this in his own right, he would definitely make a bunch of programmed Robocops and kill them all if they dared to commit crimes. Wouldn't this solve the problem better?

But the power of technology has always been underestimated, which made Lex very unhappy.

But now someone can actually see his masterpiece, just like someone at an invention booth praising his invention, which makes Lex feel a lot better.

"That's because I used it."

In a good mood, Lex did not forget to tell Tony his thoughts.

"But I think if it changes"

The brainstorming collision between the two geniuses brought deep inspiration to each other.

Gino didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two, but focused on Dr. Erskine: "Doctor, prepare a bottle of super soldier serum for me."

"Huh?" Dr. Erskine was slightly startled. His first reaction was that Geno wanted to use the super soldier serum, but when he thought about it, he almost laughed at his own idea.

Keno needs the super soldier serum?

The opponent is a terrifying existence that can shatter the moon with one punch, and the super soldier serum can only hold back an armed helicopter at best.


Erskine nodded and turned to the lockers on the other side.

But in the corner where he couldn't see, the boy had a playful smile on his lips.

Yes, from the beginning, Gino did not intend to rescue Tony himself.

That would be too boring. The unchanging rules are stable, but they can also make people feel bored.

Gino wanted to play, oh no, to experiment with something interesting.

For example, let Tony be injected with the super soldier serum improved by Dr. Erskine. Will Tony, whose physical fitness has been greatly improved, be beaten to a pulp when he faces Dong Bing and Captain America in the future?

Gino said that he was looking forward to seeing the scene when Captain America broke Tony's armor and old Tony raised his fist to give Captain America a set of military boxing.

Well, Tony Stark with eight abdominal muscles, it's quite interesting to think about it.

What? Who said that scientists can't be close combat? Isn't this the same as King Loki not being an assassin? Why can people from the God Realm do it but people from Earth can't?

This is planetary discrimination, dear!

Okay, let's get back to the point. When Gino was thinking about it, Dr. Erskine quickly brought the serum.

"Mr. Kino, improved model VI."

"More specific?"

"More stable, more convenient, more powerful, and safer."

"Very good!"

Listening to Erskine's summary, Kino nodded with satisfaction. With his own cheats for Tony, it would be difficult for Tony to lose in the civil war among the Avengers!

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