Tony didn't know how he woke up.

When he opened his eyes from his soft bed quilt, which was too big to sleep on four or five women, the harsh ringing of music rang in his ears.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you not to call me no matter how big the issue is when I'm sleeping?"

Lying on the bed, holding the phone in one hand, Tony answered the call, and soon a strange male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Good morning, Mr. Tony."

The caller didn't seem to be proficient in English, and his words had a strong smell of Arabic barbecue.

"Arabs?" Tony raised his eyebrows, his face changed slightly, and he was about to hang up the phone.

There was no other reason. The damn Middle East had left a deep shadow on him, so Tony's hands were very fast and he pressed the hang up button in an instant.


Throwing the phone on the bed, Tony lay back down again, but before he could squint for too long, the phone rang again.

"Hey, are you bothering me? No more."

Before Tony could finish his roaring words, he was interrupted by a woman's cry.

"Tony, oooh, oh, help me!"

The woman's cry echoed down the phone, and at the same time, Tony, who was about to curse, was stunned in place.

The reason is also very simple. The owner of this voice is none other than his loyal secretary Pepper.

"Damn it!" Tony's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. How could he not guess what happened now.

His secretary was kidnapped.

Moreover, the group of guys who kidnapped Little Pepper were probably the same group of people who kidnapped him in the desert.

"What do you want to do?"

Tony stood up from the bed with a cold face, and with a slight tap in the air, his loyal AI assistant Jarvis began to analyze the place where the call came from.

"What do you want to do?"

A cold laugh sounded on the other end of the phone: "We heard that Mr. Tony is currently building a new type of armor."

"When you were invited by us to instigate us, you planned to create a terrifying weapon for us, but you made a mistake. Now, we want you to give us that suit of armor!"

Listening to the kidnapper's words, Tony's face became even more ugly.

The other party not only kidnapped Pepper, but he also knew about his latest weapon.

If he was just suspicious of Obadiah before, now Tony can conclude that it was Obadiah who betrayed him.

"Okay, I know, where is the address."

A glimmer of light flashed in Tony's heart, and he also made up some ideas and plans.

It's time for a showdown with Obadiah.

It’s also time to understand all this.

"Very good, I have the new character of Mr. Tony, Hao Shuang!" The kidnapper on the other end of the phone smiled with satisfaction. After speaking in broken English, he invited Tony to meet at the south pier at twelve o'clock tonight and then hung up the phone.

Of course, the other party did not forget to warn Tony not to play tricks, otherwise he would kill Pepper as punishment.


Holding his forehead, Tony sat on the edge of the bed without a moment's hesitation. He knew that what he needed to do most now was to act immediately.

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hey, I need your help."

New York City Harbor Pier at dusk.

The moored fishing boats are rocking from side to side driven by the waves, and the fishy smell that comes from the deck from time to time is enough to make people who are not familiar with seaside life vomit.

In a small warehouse not far from the deck, a woman in a suit was tied to a chair with ropes.

There were some tear stains on her cheeks, and she looked like she had just cried.

"You bastards!"

Although she was tied up, Pepper still roared at the kidnappers around her.

However, it is not difficult to see from the confused eyes of the kidnappers that most of them did not understand what she was cursing.

"Okay, ma'am, be quiet."

At the far end of the warehouse, a fierce-looking man with a big beard was staring at the screen. When he saw a sports car driving into the harbor in the surveillance video, an excited smile appeared on the man's face: "Tony .The shit is coming!”

He pointed at the two younger brothers beside him. The two understood and immediately walked out of the house holding the latest weapons developed by Stark Industries.

The two walked out of the warehouse, carried guns, walked to the Lamborghini sports car and knocked on the car window.


The car window rolled down, and Tony's cold face appeared in the car.

"I brought the stuff, it's in the trunk."

The man pointed to the back of the car, and as he pressed the button, the originally closed trunk opened, revealing a steel armor lying quietly behind the car.

The two kidnappers patted the metal armor. The gilt armor looked extremely dazzling and eye-catching.

The two of them worked together to lift the armor from the car. It had to be said that this thing was very heavy.

But it can also prove from the side that this thing is true.

Ignoring the two boys who were moving away the armor, Tony raised his head and looked at the camera on the exposed pole and said, "The things have been handed over to you, now let the little pepper go!"

Time passed minute by minute, but soon the originally closed warehouse door opened, and Pepper stumbled out of the warehouse and hugged Tony.

The two hugged each other and cried, and at the same time, they also knew each other's feelings.

"Tony, let's get out of here." Pepper held Tony's arm tightly, but she saw Tony shook his head slowly and firmly: "I'm afraid these people won't let us leave easily."

As he spoke, Tony took out a red and gold shield from the car and said to his female companion: "Hide behind me."

It seemed to confirm Tony's guess. Soon, groups of kidnappers rushed out with hot weapons.

Facing enemies that were several times his own, Tony tightened the shield in his hand. He knew that the battle was about to start.


A truck from Stark Industries drove into a villa.

"Finally, I've been waiting for it!"

Obaday was standing outside the villa at this moment, like a wife waiting for her husband to come home. He watched his men open the car door, and the golden armor made by Tony was quietly placed in the car.

"Let me see." Obaday was intoxicated and reached out to press the nuclear reactor on the chest of the armor.


The originally silent armor suddenly moved, stretched out its hand and grabbed Obaday's arm: "Sure enough, the traitor Mr. Stark was talking about is you!"

A young and tender voice came from the armor, and this sudden change also made Obaday's eyes widen.

No, how could there be a person hidden in the armor? What's going on?

"Damn Tony!"

Obaday only felt that his hand was imprisoned by steel and could not move at all, and then he heard the person in the armor saying to himself: "Mr. Stark, I caught the traitor!"

"I'll be there soon!"

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