This is a detention room of medium size.

The crucifix of Jesus is hung in the center of the prison.

Inside the iron bars sits a man with messy hair.

He has a beard and a decadent look.

The strong smell of cigarettes and alcohol mixed on his body smells like salted fish that has been pickled for a long time. I don’t know how long this guy hasn’t taken a bath.

Not far from him sits a thin man with a pale face, but his eyes can’t help but sneak a glance at the man, as if he is very curious about him.

“I’m not gay. If you look at me again, I’ll dig your eyes out.”

The man rolled his eyes speechlessly.

But the thin white man next to him is also good-tempered. He just smiled and said, “No, I’m just curious.”

He pointed at the black preaching clothes on the other person, which is a typical pastor’s outfit. He believes in God and doesn’t smoke or drink.

But this guy is different from other pastors. Just from the black calluses on his hands, you can tell that this guy smokes a lot.

And there was a strong smell of alcohol around him.

In short, this guy smokes and drinks in private.

"What about me? He has nothing to do with you."

Jesse raised his middle finger to the thin man, and then a sheriff walked in and opened the cell door for him: "You can leave, Jesse, but don't be so impulsive to break other people's bones next time."

"Got it."

Jesse threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and waved goodbye to the sheriff.

Returning to the church where he lived, sitting on the seat at the bottom of the cross, Jesse lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and squinted his eyes comfortably.

It was late at night, and the night wind blew into the church through the open window, causing some loose wooden boards to make a "creaking" sound.

But Jesse, who was already familiar with all this, turned a blind eye.

He didn't believe in ghosts and gods.


Splash, splash.

It was like dense waves hitting the reefs, and just listening to the sound seemed as if something was approaching here at a high speed.

"What the fuck?"

Jesse uttered an American quintessence, stood up slowly by pressing his knees, and took out a pistol from under his robe.

In free America, you can be without money, but you can't be without a gun.

Most people's thinking is actually very simple. If he has a gun, then I must have one too.

After a while, everyone has one, and then no one will obey each other and it will be easy to accidentally discharge the gun.

Thinking so in his heart, Jesse turned around, and then saw a transparent object with a vague outline approaching him rapidly.

"What is that!"

The thing has no facial features, only a human-like outline, which looks weird and terrifying.

It has an extremely fast speed, and every time it moves, it will cause the surrounding tables and chairs to make a "swooshing" sound.

"Damn it."

In response to this supernatural situation, Jesse did not hesitate at all. He did not even open the safety of the gun and pulled the trigger directly.

Bang bang bang!

Three dull gunshots, three whistling bullets.

The weapon that could easily kill people since its invention passed through the phantom outline as if it was hitting the air, and landed on the church wall, splashing cement.

Then, without giving Jesse time to react, the transparent object hit the man's chest fiercely.


An indescribable feeling flowed through his body, and the feeling of nausea and nausea made Jesse squat on the ground and want to vomit something.

But he was just retching, and at the same time he was doubting his life in his mind.

No, gods and ghosts really exist?

But how is this possible?

Before he could think seriously, a stronger feeling of dizziness made him faint in the church.

The next morning, Jesse was awakened by the noisy birds outside the window.

He lived in a remote town, without industrial waste pollution, and the greening in the town was pretty good.

"Woo, how long have I slept?"

While thinking, Jesse stood up and looked at himself still wearing the dirty missionary robe.

The man didn't care, he casually patted his clothes and walked out of the church.

Not long after he walked, an old man came to him in a panic.

"Father Jesse, I'm sorry to bother you so early, but I had a quarrel with my mother yesterday. I want to ask you how I can make my mother forgive me. I didn't mean to quarrel with her."

The guy who came for consultation was a bald middle-aged white man. He looked at the priest who was drunk with some nervousness, and felt a little uneasy. He didn't know whether this priest was reliable.

But most Americans believe in Jesus, so the man decided to believe.

"Oh, so you had a quarrel with your mother?" Jesse rubbed his messy hair. He was still wondering whether the strange thing he saw last night was real or just an illusion caused by drinking too much.

So Jesse said perfunctorily: "If you want to seek your mother's forgiveness, you should be brave, open your heart, and tell her how sorry you are."

To be honest, Jesse became a pastor just to kill time and make a little money.

He is not interested in helping people solve their problems and guide their future.

After all, my own future is a mess, how can I be qualified to guide others?

Just live a muddled life.

"Okay, okay."

While listening to Jesse's words, the man's expression gradually changed from guilt to numbness, as if the other person's words were God's will, and he ran towards home without looking back.

"Oh, I'm such a good person." Jesse shook his head with emotion, stopped meddling in the man's business, turned around and continued walking.

On the other side, the bald man quickly ran back to his farm.

"Mother!" He opened the door and looked at his elderly mother sitting on the sofa eating a sandwich.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Mother."

The man slowly walked to his mother's side, then squatted down and picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table.


There was no time for the old woman in the floral skirt to react. The maple leaf blade instantly cut through his organs and chest.

The blood surged along the blood vessels and spread across every corner of the living room like exploding tomato juice.

This brutal and bloody scene also frightened the old woman, causing her to scream in terror.

"Oh, Paul!"

She yelled and reached out to grab her son's arm, but to no avail. The man just backed away slightly and avoided her mother's grasp.

Then, under the woman's mousy eyes, he slowly escaped from his beating heart: "I followed what the pastor said and had an open heart chat with you."

And these words seemed to have used up the last of his strength. The man fell to the ground with a look in his eyes, leaving only the old lady with a frightened face and screaming.

She had no idea what was happening, and fear spread in her heart.

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