"Damn it, Gino Luthor!"

On the streets of New York City, Fury almost roared out the name "Gino".

The moment he saw Gino, he realized that he had been dumped.

The Destroyer Armor was not returned to Asgard at all, but was taken away by Gino.

Looking at the young man stepping on the top of the Destroyer Armor, Fury wanted to take out his handkerchief and bite it.

This thing should have belonged to him, but he didn't expect it to fall into Gino's hands.

Fury hated it in his heart, but he couldn't get angry.

There was no way, the other party was stronger than him, and he didn't dare to say anything to resist.

"So, Thor left?"

Gino looked around curiously, but didn't see the figure of Thor who had regained his power.

"He left. He said he was going back to Asgard to ask Loki the truth."

Fury took a deep breath, glanced at Gino, and couldn't help but test: "Your armor?"

"Ah, don't think about it. I can't give it to you." Gino rejected Fury's test without hesitation.

What a joke, there are also a lot of technologies hidden in this Destroyer armor. If I take it back to Lex, maybe I can figure out some black technology.

With such thoughts in mind, Gino waved his hand at Fury who was about to cry and said, "See you next time."


Justice League.

The DC universe is still the DC universe.

Chaos, killing, and darkness are its main themes.

In the circular hall with seven chairs, Bart, who was responsible for guarding the hall, looked at the chair in the center with envy.

The golden throne was so dazzling and noble. Bart put himself in Gino's perspective and laughed.

"What are you grinning at?"

At this time, the closed sensor door suddenly opened. Before Bart could come to his senses, he saw Clark sitting in his seat with a curious look on his face, looking at Bart with a smile on his face.

Clark was very friendly to everyone, not to mention that Bart was like a mascot for the Justice League, which allowed everyone to chat with him.

"Ah! No, nothing."

Bart's figure flashed and disappeared, and then reappeared, and there was an extra glass of milk on Clark's table.

Perhaps because he had been with Gino for a long time, Clark no longer liked to drink beverages, but liked to drink milk.

"But Uncle Clark, why are you here?" Bart looked down at his calendar and looked at the older boy curiously: "Aren't Batman and Aquaman on duty today?"

"That's right, but Lex and Batman notified all of us to come here for a meeting."

Clark knocked on the table and drank the milk on the table: "And I haven't seen Gino for a long time. I don't know how he is now, where he is, whether he has eaten on time, and whether he is doing well."

"Well, I envy your brotherhood." Bart smacked his lips with envy. Since Ruge and Uncle Gino have such a good relationship, he may be the captain of the Titans team in the future.

"Who knows, he's always mysterious."

While Clark was talking to Bart, Diana wiped the blood off her armor and walked into the hall, full of murderous aura and dissatisfaction in her eyes: "I even learned to send text messages on my mobile phone for him, but that guy just disappeared."

While speaking, Diana stroked her divine wristband: "He'd better not let me know that he has contact with other girls, otherwise..."

"Kino has indeed been gone for a long time, but I can guarantee that he has not contacted other girls." Clark hurriedly spoke to cover for his good brother. Although he didn't know where Keno went, he had some guesses in his heart.

Maybe it was the Marvel Universe that he had traveled through before, or something else, but in short, he had to help Keno stabilize Diana.

This is not only what a friend and brother should do, but more importantly, he wanted to know how Keno would eventually deal with the relationship between himself and several women.

This matter is very important, and it is related to how Clark decides to deal with the relationship between himself and several women.

Well, in simple terms, he will do whatever Keno does at that time.

"I feel the breath of my great-grandfather." Bart, who was listening to the play with his ears erect, changed his face slightly, and he turned into a blue lightning and disappeared.

Then the next second,


Golden lightning flashed, and Barry Allen sat on his lightning-colored chair, picked up the milk on the table and drank it all, and ran to the snack cabinet in the corner to stuff his mouth with a high-calorie bomb and eat it.

As a holder of the God Speed, this is very bad, and he must eat quickly after exercise to replenish the lost physical energy consumption.

Barry said vaguely:

"When did this become a Gino's rant?"

"Who has Gino's hell jokes? Tell me a few and I'll write them down in my League joke book."

(PS: Barry has a booklet that records the jokes of the Justice League members. It is full of the members' embarrassing stories. For example, Aquaman met Fiona when he was wandering in the town not long ago. The two had a fight and Aquaman was beaten and ran back to the deep sea.)

"If I were you, I wouldn't choose to do that."

The sensor door opened again, and this time Lex, who was smiling and wearing a white scientist's coat, and Batman, who was still wearing a black robe, appeared.

Clark didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that Batman was darker than before, and the opponent's strength seemed to be much stronger.

If it weren't for the fact that both sides were comrades, Clark would really want to use his perspective ability to see through Batman's inner self.

Batman ignored everyone, he threw his cape and sat on his own chair, then silently took out chocolate from his pocket and put it into his mouth to taste.

This made Clark, who had been observing him, raise his eyebrows again. As far as he knew, Batman never eats any sweets.

What's going on? Could it be that the Batman he knew was replaced by someone?

Just when Clark was thinking about whether to use his ability, a huge metal armor suddenly appeared in the huge hall.


A huge sound exploded in everyone's ears.

And the moment this armor appeared, everyone reacted.

Diana drew out her sword and waited for it. Clark floated in the air with red eyes. Batman threw his cape and the Venom Symbiote inside surged.

Even Barry activated the speed force and planned to fight.

This is not their fault for overreacting, but in the DC universe, everything must be handled with 100% of the mentality.

Hua La~

As the white mist dissipated, the figure on the metal armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, everyone is here, so lively?"

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