The whistling fist hit the hard faceplate hard.

The huge body hit the cement wall of the high-rise building hard, easily piercing the entire high-rise building.

"Damn bastard!"

The metal armor on his body left deep iron fist marks. The anti-monitor stood up with difficulty, supporting the hammer with his hand. The former unruly look in his scarlet eyes was long gone, replaced by a thick A look of fear.

After a brief confrontation, the anti-monitor immediately noticed the gap between the two.

The numbness in his arms proved that the opponent's strength was not inferior to his own. Moreover, looking at the boy's breathing that was not even disturbed by the battle, the anti-monitor knew that this guy was far stronger than he thought.

"What? You can't fight anymore?"

Floating in the night sky, Gino stared down at the Anti-Monitor.

"Hehehe, this matter is not over yet." The anti-monitor shook his head, turned the giant hammer in his hand, and a blue light engulfed him, and Jino was also keenly aware of the changes in the surrounding space and time energy.

"Next time we meet, I will regain all my strength!"

He glared at Jino fiercely until the energy carried him through the long stream of time.

Jurassic era.


A triceratops stared at the two-horned beast that suddenly appeared out of thin air, roaring and issuing a warning.

The sharp horns on its head glowed with cold light, and its limbs were constantly rubbing together in eagerness to try.

"Get away, you beast!"

The Anti-Monitor, who was already in a bad mood, raised his hammer and fired a bolt of lightning.

The high pressure struck the dinosaur, causing its huge body to twitch and collapse.

The surrounding wild animals were also frightened by this sudden change and scattered.

After doing all this, the Anti-Monitor dropped the giant hammer in his hand, sat down on the lush grass, and breathed the fresh air of the primitive era. The Anti-Monitor began to think about his next plan.

Although he said that he was not afraid, it was obvious that the damn Earth human had deeply shocked him, so much so that the Anti-Monitor began to think about how to solve the problem of Geno Luthor.

"Not only that human, but Darkseid should be dealt with as well."

The anti-monitor only feels that there are a lot of things waiting for him to solve, but there is not much time to solve many things.

With this thought in his mind, the anti-monitor, who was staring at the grass beneath his feet, suddenly found a shadow covering him.

The howling wind also sounded overhead.

When he looked up, he saw a wailing Tyrannosaurus rex crashing down at an extremely fast speed.


Not surprisingly, the Anti-Monitor's body easily broke through the fragile body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a large amount of blood stained the armor red. However, the humiliation brought by this move was far greater than the destructiveness.


The Anti-Monitor ripped off a pair of dinosaur legs hanging from his suit, raised his head and roared at the sky: "Geno Luther! I'm going to kill you!"

His voice shattered the clouds in the sky, and the dinosaurs who responded to him were flying towards here one after another.


After the Anti-Monitor swung his hammer and smashed the head of another dinosaur, Gino's figure also emerged from the clouds.

"Don't like the gift I gave you?"

"Damn, how did you chase me?"

Before the furious Anti-Monitor could finish speaking, Gino appeared in front of him in the next second, stretched out his hand and grabbed the Anti-Monitor's neck, holding the tall monster in his hand like a little chicken. .

"It's time for this boring game to end, and it's time for us to make a break."

A grand golden light flashed, and at this moment, the god-like young man smiled: "I will use the power of heaven, the roots of the world tree, the light of Krypton, and the power of dreams to kill you together."

As his words fell, the entire earth and even the earth were enveloped in a grand golden light.

"no no!"

As the colorful light drowned it, the Anti-Monitor's last words were a scream of terror.

Justice League.

In the conference room on the highest floor of the Universe Observation Tower.

"So, we need to call on all the forces we can muster, including the bad guys?"

Clark, who was sitting on the chair, was the first to disagree. He shook his head wildly: "It's impossible for those bad guys to change their ways, let alone do their part to protect the earth. They only want to cause chaos in the world, because they are all a group of lunatics."

"I think these scumbags have people who can be used." Lex narrowed his eyes. He agreed with Batman's statement, but Lex was not in much mood to discuss the next plan at the moment. He was full of thoughts. To protect the safety of his brother Jino.

While everyone was discussing, the portal opened and a burnt corpse was thrown into the hall.

"Using villains?" Jino walked into the hall, put his hands in his pockets and smiled: "You are worried that they will not be controlled, right?"

"That's right." Clark was the first to nod, and Diana also nodded slowly, with a happy look on her face: "Kino, did you kill that guy?"

"Yes, he was killed by me. It will take longer to resurrect him next time, so he will calm down for the time being."

After everyone listened to Jino's words, the big stone in their hearts couldn't help but fall to the ground.

It seems that the crisis on the earth has been temporarily resolved, but a greater crisis is still to come.

"The damn Mad King Darkseid is the bigger threat."

Mr. Miracle, who had been hiding in the corner and listening silently, finally spoke. He looked at everyone hesitantly: "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. Unite all the forces that can be united, and then do your best." Jinuo glanced at Mr. Miracle, his eyes swept over everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Darkseid is indeed very strong, and he is also famous in the universe."

"But I don't think he is invincible. A terrible tyrant can bring fear to the whole universe and make people disgusted."

"There are also many forces that want to resist him."

Kino's eyes swept over everyone. Now every minute and every second is very precious, so he doesn't plan to let everyone vote.

"Batman, you are responsible for contacting all forces and governments on Earth, appealing to them with emotion and reason, and those extreme criminals will follow the method of the Sky Eye: inject nano bombs into their necks, and blow them up to the sky if they don't obey!"

When saying this, Jinuo's eyes were cold.

In times of emergency, a decisive attitude must be taken. If these bad guys cause trouble for them when the war comes, it will only attract more attention from everyone.

"Lex and Batman will work together on this."


"Got it."

Batman and Ranks were not the type to waste time. They stood up and immediately walked outside, planning to rush to Earth to organize forces.

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