Marvel Comics: Starting with the Ability to Replicate Superhuman Talents

Chapter 401 The ugly duckling turns into a white swan

Inside the largest bar in the town of Smallville.

The organizer was originally a student named Jack. At first, he just invited the two legends Clark and Geno with the mentality of giving it a try.

There is a saying that whenever students in a small town leave the town and meet friends from outside, no matter who they are, they will ask them about Gino and Clark. And the people in the small town are also proud of these two legends. As long as they tell them about themselves Once you have spoken to them, you will win the envy of many people.

Closer to home, after Jinnuo decided to attend the dance, he gave Jack, the organizer, a large sum of money for the venue and asked him to rent the entire bar.

Naturally, Jack couldn't restrain his excitement. He spread the news throughout the town that Keno and Clark would attend the party, so that in the end the bar had to clear out all the tables and chairs, and even expanded the venue to the backyard. In order to accommodate people who want to attend the dance.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

On the dance floor, there were not many people dancing to the music. No matter who it was, their eyes were focused on the two figures sitting on the sofa in the corner of the bar.

It seems that Lana still hasn't forgotten Clark, but Gino doesn't want to get involved in the relationship between these two talents.

"Yeah, yeah."

Not the ordinary pretty one!

Clark didn't know how to describe this feeling. Ever since he learned that many Clark's wives in the multiverse were Lois, his feelings for Lois had gained an indescribable emotion.

"Ah? Of course." Clark looked at the girl's beautiful appearance curiously. He lowered his voice and whispered to Jino: "Is there such a beautiful girl in our school?"

"Huh? Love letter?" Clark scratched his head. After recalling it carefully, he quickly shook his head: "No, I didn't receive it."

Little Black Pete, who has grown up a lot, is wearing a black suit and trying not to look in the direction of Clark.

"Hey, Superman, can you sign your autograph for me?"

While Clark was deep in thought, a piece of paper was handed to him, interrupting his thoughts.

Her boyfriend did not doubt Lana and nodded in agreement: "You're right, to be honest, I really want to ask him for an autograph. Nowadays, just Clark's autograph can be fetched thousands of dollars online. Very collectible.”

Just like what the organizers said, the two legends really attended the dance, and at this moment they were holding pens in their hands, writing their names on the paper that the fans came to.

I have to say that even Jino, who is used to seeing beautiful women, thinks this girl is indeed very beautiful.

"Let me tell you, I can't remember how many copies I signed." Clark complained to Gino, and he even regretted attending the dance.

"Hey honey, why don't we go say hello to the great Clark?"

"Hey Clark, long time no see."

Why is White Moonlight called White Moonlight?

"Lana?" The smile on Clark's face froze slightly. He thought that his relationship with Lana was very tense, but he didn't expect that the girl would take the initiative to say hello to him.

"Fortunately, I saw a lot of familiar faces."

It was as if something was ignited by a fire in her heart, and the anger called jealousy burned in Lana's chest.

"And Chloe and her cousin."

Lana squeezed out of the crowd and looked at Clark with a smile on her face: "We haven't seen you for so long, but you still haven't changed much."

Will he become a couple with this woman?

Clark didn't know.

Clark was naturally involved, and in the middle of the celebration, the Ravens mascot appeared in the crowd wearing a hood, and the football players, being the bad boys that they are, took off the mascot's hood and let A girl with pimples on her face was exposed to everyone, and then they laughed at the girl's appearance wantonly and loudly.

That is, the memory of her cannot be changed even if she comes in person.

But I don’t know if Clark’s voice was too loud, or maybe the girl’s hearing was sharp. She smiled and said, “I’m Abby, “Bean Blossom Abby.”


Clark looked at Louise standing with Chloe with complicated eyes.


Obviously, with the passage of time and changes in status, Little Black Pete felt that he and Clark were no longer in the same world, and the other party's reaction made Clark a little sad. He felt that everyone was still friends. But it seems that many people have distanced themselves from him, and it seems that the only person accompanying him will always be Jino.

Lana didn't care what her boyfriend said. She took the lead in walking in the direction of Clark. The girl's pretty face combined with her menacing aura quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"Ah, I went to a beauty salon to cure my shortcomings." Abby smiled and played with her short blond hair while putting a business card into Clark's hand. She smiled and winked at Clark: "I remember in high school. I wrote you a love letter back then, but I don’t know if you received it.”

The Xiao football team held a celebration party to recruit younger and stronger players.

Jino shook the red wine glass, and he used bio-force field control to automatically write down names on the papers and pens handed to him. This magical scene naturally caused many people to cheer and shout Jino's name.

When Jino heard Lana's words, he couldn't help but sigh at the girl's high rank.

Clark was somewhat happy for Abby. He sincerely praised: "To be honest, you are very beautiful now. You are completely different from you in high school."

Lana brought her new boyfriend, a tall and not bad-looking man with a sweet smile, but Gino could keenly observe that whenever Lana raised her glass, her eyes would involuntarily look over here.

Clark followed Gino's gaze, and then he saw a lot of familiar faces.

"Hehe, is it too late to receive it now?" Abby approached Clark gently, and her ambiguous behavior successfully attracted the attention of Lana who was secretly observing here on the other side.

And the ugly girl's name at that time was Abby.

Clark was slightly stunned, and in an instant, his thoughts were pulled back to the year when he just entered high school.

A sweet-looking blonde girl stood in front of Clark, showing a sweet smile to the boy.

"Wow, Lana, it's been a long time since I last saw you." Abby also noticed Lana who broke in, and a hint of disgust flashed in her eyes.

As a woman, she naturally knew what the other party was thinking. How could this damn bitch come to ruin her good thing at this time?

She obviously has a boyfriend, but she wants to monopolize Superman?

She Abby will never allow it!

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