A long spear was like a stream of light, constantly shuttling through the streets and alleys of the city.

If this book was a casual novel, it might be called the flying sword of a cultivator.

However, the silver light was like Yongdu's whistle arrow, ruthlessly taking away every life.


After nailing a tall monster to the wall, the magic spear completed its mission, carrying the monster with its limbs cut off to the direction where Jinuo was, and was held in his hand.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this thing is really ugly."

Xiao Shan, who was hiding in the crowd, shook his head. This ugly creature was really ugly. Perhaps the creator of these things had a really bad aesthetic.

"As long as the monster is useful, it doesn't need to have too high ornamental value. It's not a succubus." Jinuo drew out his spear, and Clark, who was standing beside him, stepped on the belly of the monster that was struggling to get up, and stepped on it hard to the ground, making it unable to move.

He glanced at Barry, whose eyes flickered. This guy probably thought of some unhealthy plot. After all, the meaning of succubus in the West is equivalent to that of vixen in the East. They are all stories of encounters. Kino said helplessly: "Maybe one day I should take you to hell to see the manufacturing process of those succubi. Believe me, you will completely lose interest in that kind of creature from now on."

Barry scratched his head and blew his head down with guilt: "I'm just looking at the skin structure of this monster. It looks very novel."

"Such professional things should be left to professionals. You can't see anything with your eyes alone."

Kino shook his head and looked up at the sky: "Singer, send a message to Victor and ask him to come over."

"Received, contacting Cyborg."

"Cyborg has received your order. He is rushing to your location and is expected to arrive in ten seconds."

As soon as the voice fell.


A sonic boom sounded in the night sky, and a huge tail flame was like a painter's brush leaving an orange light under the black night sky, and the half-human, half-machine Cyborg fell from the sky.

"Boss, you're looking for me?"

The armor on Cyborg closed, and he walked quickly towards the crowd, saying hello to everyone.

"You're just in time, Cyborg. The singer is busy maintaining the operation of the Justice League Hall and the Watchtower, and there is no extra computing power to follow the team's actions."

Kino has even planned to go to the Transformers universe after this period of busy work to help the singer with a comprehensive upgrade.

To be honest, he missed the Transformers after not seeing them for so long.

Kino pointed to the monster struggling under Clark's feet and said, "Look at the origins of these monsters that suddenly appeared in the city."

"No problem."

Cyborg nodded.

He lowered his head and then an electronic compound eye shot a light across the monster.

As a cutting-edge product of Apocalypse Star technology, the Mother Box can provide Victor with a terrifying level of persistence.

He just glanced down, and the Mother Box helped him break through the local military's internal network through the Internet and began to retrieve information about this monster.

"Found it."

As the owner of the Mother Box, Victor flipped his right hand, and a projection screen appeared in his hand, showing a chubby middle-aged white man.

The moment he saw this man, Clark curiously poked his head out and asked, "Who is this guy?"

Victor stared at the files on the projection and said, "He is Dr. Samuel Street, an expert at the military biological station. Street was originally going to send a virus called "spores" to the military for safekeeping, but he created an unidentified intruder in the middle of the way."

A video popped up in Cyborg's hand, and some pictures began to play on the video.

A guy covered in a black robe, under the hail of bullets from the military, approached the room where the virus was stored.

"The intruder broke in there and entered a place called the Black Room and stole a craft called the Flame Pearl."

"Then poor Dr. Street was exposed to the virus, and suddenly turned into an ugly monster, and spread around at a fast speed."

"So, this guy is the pathogen, or the source of infection."

Kino pinched his chin and looked at Cyborg and said, "Do you know where this guy is now?"

"Let's kill it, maybe we can stop the spread of this terrible virus from the source."

Cyborg nodded, he closed his eyes slightly and opened them again and said, "According to the information I got, this guy is now at his ex-wife's house."

" And judging from the divorce documents, this man has a serious tendency to domestic violence. "

The Flash made a playful joke: "Fortunately, Wonder Woman is not here, otherwise he would definitely beat the monster."

Cyborg continued to talk about the current situation: "According to the analysis of the samples captured by the boss, this monster is extremely powerful and has the ability to create and assimilate others."

"When he is not here, he can mass-produce monsters as ugly as him, and he can also control them with his psychic ability."

"What is the speed of propagation?"

Batman, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked the point of the matter: "He can't split endlessly, which is not in line with the law of conservation of energy. How fast can he create monsters?"

"According to the cameras throughout the city, when the body temperature of these monsters is higher than that of humans, they will begin to split and spread their surface tissues to infect others, infecting one person every 10 seconds."

"This speed is not slow." Kino sighed, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention to him, and let everyone listen to him: "Now I will arrange the plan."

"You have all heard about the general situation from Victor. What we need to do now is to act."

"Flash, you and Clark go to attract the monsters scattered throughout the city to one place, and then." Kino glanced at Clark and said: "Use your thermal vision to kill those monsters."

"I understand."

Clark nodded seriously. Thinking that those monsters were humans in their lifetime, Clark felt that perhaps letting them die in the thermal vision was the real relief.

"As for Cyborg and Batman, you will act with me and go to the doctor's house to take a look."

Kino sighed and kicked the pebble on the roadside.

He knew that this matter was inextricably linked to the US Army.

Whether in the DC Universe or the Marvel Universe, the Army is a bunch of damn troublemakers, always creating all kinds of troubles for others to clean up after.

"After this is over, I will use my influence to get the White House to cut the budget for those bastards."

Kino felt that the reason these people could do such a thing was because they had too much money.

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