The two were discussing the formation of the Avengers.

Gino was not interested in joining Tony's so-called Avengers.

He was a boss wherever he went, so how could he go to work for Tony as a lackey? Therefore, Gino rejected Tony without hesitation and expressed his disinterest.

While the two were talking, a violent explosion suddenly echoed in the sky.

The horrible sound waves were like invisible heavy hammers hitting the transparent glass, making a deafening sound. Immediately, countless glass shattered, and the noise of the swimming pool outside the window broke into the living room, followed by sharp glass fragments flying everywhere.

Facing these sharp weapons that could pierce human skin and cause heavy bleeding, Gino just waved his hand gently, and these fragments stayed in place like a frozen time photo.


Gino waved his hand gently, and countless fragments fell on the cold floor like rain, making a crisp sound.

He looked out the window at the dark night sky. In those blue eyes, it seemed that nothing in the night could escape his eyes.

Those eyes tore through the darkness, across the endless sky and atmosphere, and then, Jinuo saw countless dense space battleships floating in the space outside the earth. These technological battleships representing advanced alien technology were floating outside the atmosphere not far from the earth. Then, as if receiving some kind of order, the originally quiet battleships suddenly moved, like a swarm of bees in a beehive. These battleships roared and pierced the atmosphere at a very fast speed, flying towards the direction of the earth.


Jinuo looked at these alien battleships, and under his gaze, he soon saw the Chita queens mixed near the battleships.

"Things are getting interesting. It seems that Thanos' army is here to trouble you."

He felt that Thanos might have collected all the gems in this universe?

How many?

Or all?

These are all unknowns, but Gino is very interested in them.

"Damn it, why do things always happen one after another?"

Unlike Gino who was going to watch the show, Tony had a solemn expression on his face.

After all, he had just planned to establish the Avengers, and then Thanos came to the door?

"Well, maybe I should really consider what you said before, Fury."

Tony's expression changed, and finally decided to agree to the conditions proposed by Fury.

Facing the alien invaders, he felt that he needed to unite every force that needed to be united.

"A wise choice, Tony, let's do this son of a bitch together!"

After hearing what Tony said, Fury immediately became energetic, his waist didn't hurt, his legs didn't feel sore, and he was full of fighting spirit.

Gino didn't care much about the statements of these two people, and he was not interested in taking action against Thanos. While the boy was thinking, he felt something in his mind, and his figure flashed and left this space in an instant.

Gino Universe

A huge silver-white wall almost fills the entire universe. Jinuo knows a lot about the origin of this thing. He knows that this thing is called the Origin Gun. Through the silver-white wall, you can even see the figures of countless strong men who were once on this wall hanging on it.

But just now, Jinuo felt the movement from the Origin Wall, and what was even more surprising was that the silver light kept changing the moment Jinuo appeared, and then an ordinary iron door appeared on the wall, and it looked like something was waiting for him behind the door.

"It looks like a trap, but I'm interested."

With this thought, Jinuo stepped forward and gently pushed open the door.

He found himself in a bedroom that looked ordinary. There was silence all around. Only a computer and a mobile phone were emitting a blue luster in the dark space, which was particularly eye-catching in the darkness.

He walked closer and saw a line of text displayed on the computer.

"Congratulations, you have completed most of the journeys in these universes. Maybe you will miss your past life. Now I give you two options."

[Option 1: Keep your power and return to the world you originally lived in, but you will not be able to return to this universe again. ]

[Option 2: Stay in this universe, but you will not be able to return to the original world again. ]

Looking at the cold words on the screen, Gino was slightly silent.

It seems that the owner of this house is the "culprit" who made himself like this.

"Leave or stay."

Gino raised his head slightly. He has never been a sentimental person. His mind flashed through his ordinary past life, and everything he experienced in this world, all like a fantasy dream that made him unable to extricate himself from it.

However, Gino once again remembered his friends in the DC universe.

Lex Luthor, the bald president who said one thing and meant another.

Clark Kent, who was enthusiastic and cheerful but sometimes always had insufficient IQ.

And those lovely female companions.

Familiar faces flashed in Jinuo's mind, and the cold look in his blue eyes gradually softened.


"I won't leave."

Jinuo smiled, stretched out his hand, and then controlled the mouse to press option 2 on the computer screen.


As the mouse clicked, the surrounding scenes gradually became unreal and reorganized. Past experiences appeared in front of Jinuo one by one, and the memories echoed like a tape played in reverse, until they stopped at the place where the dream began, the helicopter flying at full speed.

Jinuo saw his young self sitting in the back seat of the plane with his eyes closed, while his brother was chattering in the seat next to him.

Everything was beautiful, just like the beginning.

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