Whether it is the Weapon The Weapon

If the Sentinel Project is developed, it will be very powerful and have almost no weaknesses. However, the fatal flaw is that it requires the blood and genes of Mystique Raven and the blood and genes of Rosa Naughty. Both of them are indispensable, otherwise you cannot be a sentinel that can destroy heaven and earth. It’s just that this plan was basically impossible to succeed from the beginning.

It’s very simple.

Mystique Raven has been studying with Yifu Jiang since she was a child, and later she was exposed to magic.

With Wonder Woman Diana and Superwoman Kara protecting her, it would be impossible to think of catching her alive without a normal mind.

Basically no one can stop Diana and the rampaging Kara.

Don’t forget, among the many women, Hela is the eldest sister.

If you want to bully her younger sister, then I’m sorry, no matter how many people come, they will die.

Don’t forget that the most powerful Valkyrie in Asgard was destroyed by the Big Demon King alone.

No matter how good these soldiers are in fighting, will the Valkyries be as good as they are?

As for the Pegasus Project, haha, don’t even think about researching it for ten or eight years. Even Odin can’t master the space gems, and Lawson can only use it a little bit after decades. Even if it was done by luck, thank her very much, because Misa would take away all her research materials. In the end, all the hard work was in vain. Hehe, I really thought Jiang Yifu didn’t know anything. Please, use your brain and think about it.

The final super soldier serum plan is hard to say. Previously, Howard was able to come up with a semi-finished enhanced serum after more than ten years of research alone. Now that Batman’s father Thomas has joined the project, it’s really hard to say. But it’s not too difficult a question, super soldiers are not supermen, so it’s useless to come more. Captain America’s Steve can become captain because of his outstanding commanding skills, which ordinary people really can’t learn.

Okay, now that the analysis is over, the four major plans look awesome.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, they are just that.

They sound like they are very powerful, but they are basically very difficult to implement.

Just like what Jiang Yifu said, the Pegasus Project must first be able to build rockets and spaceships, otherwise just having an engine is useless.

If you want an experienced driver to drive, you must at least have a serial number.

You can’t drive a car without a serial number.

Believe it or not, the traffic police will check the car!

Since it’s not a big problem, let’s just treat it as a trip. Bring it back, Hela must bring it, otherwise the devil will not be happy. Odin didn’t say he couldn’t let Hela go back. Although Odin is old now, the tiger’s residual power is still there. If he really doesn’t take him seriously, he may be taught how to behave every minute.

Diana, that’s not very suitable. Oh, bring Kara. Supergirl’s combat power is explosive and she’s very obedient. She’s the one! Others should just stay at home, build Queen’s Island well, take good care of their home, and don’t let those who seek death go to Queen’s Island. Ancient Yi will definitely stay in the atrium and take charge. His combat power is on the same level as Hela.

“Wife, you said I’m here shouting to Haierdam to open the Rainbow Bridge, do you think he can hear me?”After getting ready, Jiang Yifu took Hela and Kara and prepared to set off.

“who is he? I don’t know, the gatekeeper on the Rainbow Bridge? I don’t know, maybe it’s useful, maybe it’s not. Every gatekeeper has the eyesight and extraordinary hearing to observe the nine kingdoms, but if he ignores you, that’s another matter.”Hela laughed. She has been imprisoned for almost thousands of years, but she understands almost everything. Even if it is updated, she can still keep up with the trend quickly. She is very smart.

Kara snickered on the side, since After this eldest sister comes, someone can finally take care of the lawless little husband. Otherwise, they would not dare to take care of him. If they say more, they will be pulled into the room and educated.”Hehe, Sister Hela is right. Husband, I think you should use the portal to get there. Could it be that you forgot how to get there? Haha, that will probably make the news. The Supreme Mage forgot to send the coordinates!”

The two couples were chatting happily. Suddenly, a colorful ray of light came from the sky, covering the three of them. Then a force lifted the three of them and flew upward at an extremely fast speed, almost exceeding the speed of light. It’s a bit like teleportation magic, and you can feel the power of the space gem in it.

It seemed that it took less than two minutes for the three of them to arrive at the bridgehead of Asgard. Heldam, dressed in military uniform and armor, was still very With a cold look,”Welcome, Supreme Mage, Princess Hela, Lady Kara”

“Hi Heldam, long time no see! You can actually hear me talking in the atrium. Well, it seems that I will find a way to block it when necessary in the future.”Jiang Yifu’s expression showed that he was not talking about good things.

Heldam almost rolled his eyes. He was not that bored.”No need, Supreme Mage, I am not that boring. My task is to monitor the meeting of the nine kingdoms. In the event of a crisis, we will not pry into personal privacy. Please rest assured.”

“Wait, why do you call Sister Hela Princess? You call me Madam. She is not that old!”Kara said with beautiful eyes. She was called old even though she was so young and beautiful.

“You are the wife of the Supreme Mage. Isn’t it normal to call you Madam?”Haldam explained helplessly, if he would not have said so many words in normal times.

Kara was very satisfied after hearing this, and her beautiful eyes were filled with a happy smile. She is Jiang Yifu’s wife, hehe, I’m so happy. If that’s the case, it’s not unacceptable to be called madam! This black charcoal head is quite discerning! Fortunately, Haierdam didn’t hear it, otherwise he would have drawn his sword to kill people. Calling people evil like this How rude!

When I came to Asgard again, the lights on the Rainbow Bridge flickered, and there was abundant power flowing in the magic metal. These things that looked like crystals were actually a very rare and advanced magic metal, but I didn’t know People will be deceived.

Under the Rainbow Bridge is the endless sea. Compared with the movie, the sea area under the bridge is extremely wide, almost as big as the Caspian Sea. And at the far end, there is a pier, where are the anchors There were many ships, and strange-looking aliens got off the ships. It seemed that they were all invited to participate in the fairy palace celebrations.

“There is Poseidon Harbor, which was used to transport supplies.

Later, after the Rainbow Bridge was built, it gradually became a fishing entertainment place and a space repair place.

The symbolic meaning is relatively large, and now it is used to the best use for receiving foreign guests.

With the existence of the Bifrost, Asgard’s army can reach anywhere in the multiverse instantly!

“Hela’s beautiful eyes were still looking at the Rainbow Bridge, and she seemed a little moved.

After all, her original purpose was to use the Rainbow Bridge to conquer the multiverse.

And the control of the Rainbow Bridge lies with Odin’s Eternal Spear, and only Odin The power can be driven.

This is also the reason why Hela and Odin went to war.

The power of Odin is actually the power of the God King, which originated from every Lord of Asgard.

Before that, the power belonged to Odin.

His father, Bor, was called the Power of Bor at that time.

If it is passed down in the future and given to the God of Thunder, Thor, it will be called the Power of Thor.

If it is given to Hela, it will be called the Power of Hela.

As for Loki, Sorry, he is adopted.

He is not qualified to inherit divine power, hahaha!

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