Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 2313 credit

"Hey, Bruce, are you going to die?" Green Arrow Oliver shouted, he still didn't know what he was going to do, and he didn't want to know what the other party was doing.

"Go and face death! Don't forget that we are superhero, why superhero became superhero, think for yourself!" Batman rushed over without looking back and started scuffle with the faceless one, got knocked down and stood up again, no Fear of fear.

It's just that Bat Man is not as lucky as Iron Man, and his broken left arm and one foot are also bitten off. In an instant, he became a cripple and lost his combat effectiveness.

However, Batman Bruce is not desperate but constantly crawling on the ground, biting with his teeth, just refuses to admit defeat. A stubborn spirit is supporting him, belief! Without any "170" He Chao ability, he relies on a persevering belief

And the indomitable courage to support him in fighting the criminals of Gotham City and maintaining that city.

Boom! A flame rose up on Bat-Spellman's body. With the rise of the flame, the bitten and broken hands and feet quickly recovered and grew, stronger and stronger than before.

Batman reborn from the ashes is full of rage in his eyes, from the brave anger that fights back. "Death to me, Void Monster!" After saying that, it was a punch, an ordinary punch.

With fiery flames and huge amounts of power, he directly smashed the five-meter-high Void Faceless into the air, and then spun constantly. As soon as he landed, he was beaten again by Batman, smashing his huge head into the ground. The fist that burns at last will have no

The face of the man's head blew abruptly.

It only took a minute or two from Batman's tragic state to the recovery of the flames, and the contrast between them made people's heartbeats suddenly accelerated several times.

And the audience in the auditorium was cheering Roar. The more exciting the game, the more excited they were. The beauty of violence will never lack a market here, but indecisive kindness will be said to be despised

Steve and the others all looked at each other, as if they were about to throw away all their equipment and face it with a kind of courage that would give up on me. So they dropped their weapons involuntarily and ran over together.

Gao Tianzun, who was watching the play in the spectator box, suddenly developed a strong interest. The deaths of those faceless people were just consumables that could be discarded at any time. What he needs is a strong servant, preferably a strong warrior, so the corrupted

The face is the most powerful

Only Topaz, a distant relative of Gao Tianzun's bodyguard, felt something was wrong. She could sense that something was wrong with Gao Tianzun. This kind of change seemed to be possessed and controlled by someone, which was very terrifying.

"Topaz, what do you think of those guys?" Gao Tianzun suddenly asked aloud

The bodyguard aunt froze in her heart, and still said with a blank face, "Those fighters are not bad, they are qualified slaves, and they are very suitable for making money. However, they are difficult to control. I recommend direct device control or destruction!

"You're too extreme!" Gao Tianzun shook his head. The reason why he didn't throw the Void Seed on Topaz was entirely because Topaz needed to deal with Jiang Yifu. He was afraid of being seen by the other party and it would be broken by then. His plan was not good.

"I'm just fulfilling my duty to eliminate all the resistance forces, and any signs of it will be eliminated, leaving no trouble!" Topaz said coldly

"Oh? You are really loyal, do you think Jiang Yifu will accept the beauties?" Gao Tianzun suddenly asked an embarrassing question.

Topaz had a bit of contempt for Gao Tianzun in his heart, so telling her, is he mocking her or mocking her? "I don't know, but Sorcerer Supreme is not so easy to deal with, or you can find a top expert to deal with him.

"Okay, add these things to their food for me, don't worry about the rest. When they continue to fight, let my champion compete with them!" Each other kills each other until the strongest one remains

Expensive, that's what he needs to corrode!

The battle is over without any suspense. Every superhero has Awakening his own potion of courage. They never lack courage. What they lack is only the opportunity and platform to display. After all, they need to control their strength in Midgard.

Batman walked up to Superman and said, "Have the strength been restored?

Superman nodded, "It has recovered 30%. There is no sunlight here, so there is no way to replenish energy, and the strength of the potion replenishment is simply not enough. We have to fight for a chance to bask in the sun. This planet feels weird to me, and it is best to be careful.

"Don't you have the ability to see through? When the time comes, let's see what secrets are hidden here. That bastard Jiang Yifu will never show up for no reason!" Iron Man Tony seemed to see through the other party's thoughts

Heaven and earth conscience, Jiang Yifu was really thrown over by his wife Hela without any preparation, and he would not come here if he was prepared.

"Not yet, I need to recover half of my strength to use the perspective function." Superman shook his head and said.

"In the future, we will no longer develop so-called anti-teammate equipment. The people we need to face are not our own people, but more powerful enemies." Batman made a guarantee to prove that he was not cheating teammates.

"It's good that it's true, you idiot, continue to develop, I can guarantee that you don't have a friend!" Bucky sneered.

Aquaman held his hands high, held the golden trident, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the cheers and cheers from the audience, "I! Arthur! is the strongest, no one can beat me by 0.7!

Aum bowed his head, as if pretending not to know this somewhat humiliating brother.

Black Panther is not surprised, and once again enhances the physique, this is earned. He suddenly had a strange thought, that is, did he get such treatment because of the blessings of his mother Ramanda and his sister Su Rong? If not, why else?

No one, only he has it?

In fact, what Black Panther T'Challa thought was right, that Jiang Yifu reluctantly took care of him because the two black pearl beauties, Ramanda and Su Rong, had been with him for so long and had given him so many daughters. Check out Black Panther

There are definitely elements of use, the more superhero the better, at least his strength has dropped significantly, and if the wife of the Nemesis does not know if she will make a move, the more helpers the better!



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