Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 519 Paradise Island at your fingertips!

The process of serum transforming the body is extremely painful, not to mention that this time the serum also added the vampire virus of the princess Nissa, and the vampire virus after the shortcomings have been eliminated is absolutely impossible.

Yes is a very good physical enhancement virus. The Amazon female warriors with extremely strong willpower, no matter how painful it is, they clench their silver teeth and don't make a sound, uh, well, in order to be afraid of her

They all bit their teeth and gave them a towel on purpose, well, a very caring warm man. If one is injured, it will be very distressing.

Bi Yin Bai San is their master Chen

Even Queen Hippolyta, who was originally no stronger than the other Amazons,

. It's just that Gang is the reason for his identity, and he has a little more knowledge.

, in Tianxue Island

All need to accept the transformation of the body by the serum, otherwise the decayed body will let the vitality constantly flow away and die sooner or later.

remodeled by blood

Except for Diana,

, The lifespan is very long, because the physical fitness is good.

"15 Husband,

Are you saying something will happen? I'm so worried about my mother's safety! "Diana watched as her mother was undergoing a painful serum transformation in the martial arts field, and she didn't try it.

the power of serum,

, Naturally I don't know how painful it is, and with her demigod physique, she doesn't need to try serum.

Jiang Yifu worked hard to maintain his magic. Fortunately, the weather was good and the sun was shining.

Engraving the magic circle, I have to deal with several beautiful wives at night, uh, it is really painful, fortunately, the kidneys are good, otherwise it will be miserable! ’

"Oh, nothing

It's okay, don't worry,

I didn't get such good treatment at the time. At that time, I only relied on the fire.

sprinkle the sun,

And Xuejie is also a semi-finished product.

Success depends on luck

I have already done my best,

But I still got through.

I was in such danger and nothing happened, this time we have all-round care,

. how could something happen

guaranteed gift,

Diana looked at the firm expression of her little husband, her pretty face bloomed with a happy smile, and she was so beautiful that she was indeed a goddess-level figure! Beautiful bubbling, almost

I won't be jealous. This

Just stared at it! "Husband, if you save all the sisters in Paradise Island, if any of them want to have something to do with you in the future,

is what you deserve,

, I have been with them for 5,000 years, every sister is very good to me, I will miss them very much, if one gets hurt or dies, I will be very uncomfortable

, husband, please! "



Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yifu almost revoke all the magic, darling, do you agree to open the Crystal Palace by yourself? Well, but the idea is very good, in fact, it still counts

! Even if you don't accept it, it's better to keep it. When you're in a good mood, you can accept one, give it up, pretend to be a gentleman, send a girl or something, it doesn't exist,

Why don't we find something to do later,

Ha ha

Don't worry, I will definitely help you take good care of these female warriors! Leave it to me,

Ha ha,

give birth early

A little baby, you see Kathleena is pregnant,

. Are you pregnant?

Well, I can say such shameless words, really a very, very good Sorcerer Supreme, a social person, handing tea to the boss and paper to the boss!

Diana ran away a little shyly, how could she be so embarrassed to answer. If she fights and kills, she won't wrinkle her brows. When it comes to emotional matters, it's a bit awkward.

How did Zhixiao face it.

Da Gan Hela nodded while watching Xu Xu, such soldiers and warriors are really good soldiers, with firm willpower and the most important thing is to obey. Although I don't listen to her

But as long as you listen to the little husband, you will listen to her, even though she is Jiang Yifu's wife. With these, you can continue to conquer other countries.

W pre-review

There are many enemy accounts that have not been settled yet!

lasted a morning

, Almost four hours passed before the first female warrior walked shaky out of the martial arts arena. Because the transformation consumes too much energy, she is now

Feeling extremely hungry, she now feels that even if there is a cow in front of her, she can easily eat the cow!

Diana guided the sisters in Paradise Island to eat and replenish energy. For this moment, her little husband brought a lot of food from the distant America farm.

Looking at the strong female warriors, just like the pure men, the destruction of the wind and the clouds swept away the food, no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of pride and warmth. This is the real Amazon warrior

You can't compare with the delicate little girl,

, this is the warrior,

The manners of those noble ladies don't suit them

Queen Hippochante was the last to leave,

For six hours, she felt as if she was dead and alive again, alive and dying with pain and numbness in her bones

: alive and dead,

Then it feels like it's dead and alive

Finally, I don't know how long it took, it seems like thousands of years, and finally I no longer feel the pain,

but feel like

Like being locked up for 10,000 years, I am so hungry and want to eat!

After seeing a female fighter leaving the stage, Jiang Yifu ripped off the magic. It is not easy to maintain the high temperature without hurting the female fighters. It requires very precise magic skills.

Just do it. As for Syndra, I was very tired after shouting at 883, and then rested, if I wasn't worried about my image,

Ready to sunbathe, surf and play with Hela on the beach for hours

In a short while, every Amazon female warrior became radiant, more muscular, and more muscular, well, a full ten female man,

Some are slimmer than models

Also standard. Anyway, they are all beautiful, and they all have their own unique style and charm.

, When I saw Jiang Yifu, I was very tacit understanding and knelt down on one knee and said, "We thank the master.

The grace of re-creation, I will always serve my master in this life and this world,

The pommel horse whips all the enemies! "

Two fanatical female fans, oh no, they are fanatical female warriors. This momentum is very violent and terrible, as if this is the moment Awakening Amazon's blood

In the same way, you must know that among the three major races, the Amazon's shrew is notoriously strong,

- One race can beat up humans and Atlanteans and can't find the north!

There was a glimmer of light in Hela's beautiful eyes,

, don't know what to think,

It seems that Ping is eager for war, and it seems that he is eager to conquer the Quartet.

All right,

It's uncomfortable not to fight. unless you are pregnant and have children,

Otherwise, don't think about her settling down. Suddenly I understood why Odin wanted to seal up his eldest daughter,

such a woman

People can't control it!

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