Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 556 The Eternal Fire is here!

"Yuga Khan? You're not dead yet?" Odin said in disbelief. That guy was from the previous era, and he was in competition with the previous god-king, Bor, but he didn't.

It was obvious that the guy won and lived longer!

"So? Is it this little guy Odin? Is that old immortal in your family? I said, don't fight with me, think about how to live longer than me first!"

After being idle for hundreds of thousands of years, Yuhu Khan is still very optimistic, er, if it is not optimistic,

, I'm afraid he's already dead.

Jiang Yifu quickly closed the portal again,

It is very expensive to maintain such a super long-distance portal.

His strength can't do it yet. After closing the portal, he is very powerful.

He said casually, "Well, as long as someone comes over, if we can't beat him, throw him on the wall of origin, and then everything is over! Hehe, this is what I'm not afraid of.

The next autumn wind! "

The reason for the giant, and Lauf is probably very weak now, right?

When the celebration is over,

Where should I go to fight him?

It was the first time that Smelly Ding paid attention to the strength of this cheap son-in-law. Although he said that the other party couldn't beat him, this strange space magic could actually be connected to the origin.

Once you get on it, you will definitely have to wait to die.

"very good,

The wall! He is not sure to go down the wall of origin,

, Shi Jiu is very good, it seems that Hela is married to the right person,

I didn't miss you either. You can ask for the Eternal Fire, but you have to give it to Hela, and the undead army under the underground palace also gave it to her.

. If anything happens to Asgard in the future,

I hope

I hope you can help me in the past.

"There is absolutely no problem with this! I can definitely do it, except for the Eternal Fire, can you add some magic metal black road, that thing will work for me!" Jiang Yifu said excitedly

But because of the Eternal Fire, Hela agrees to have a baby with her! What's better than letting the Great Demon King Onee-san Hela get pregnant with her?

Not because of the treasure.

: If anything, it's been conceived twice!

children are more exciting,

Well, such a person who does not pursue,

Or Sorcerer Supreme,

I still

The collections here are very rich, and there may be only a few things on both sides of the aisle. This is because these are the most

Asgard's treasury has been opened.

With the verification of the spear of eternity,

Worth the money, oh no,

, is the most important treasure,

. At least there are a lot of things behind the treasure house. They should be second-class things. It looks like there are medicines.

will be displayed on both sides

objects, weapons, ores,

Dabei and others talked about the dazzling materials, which is really rich, and Asgard is really rich!

Coming over, Jiang Yifu saw the legendary life card that recorded the evolution of countless race genes, the predictable Ego Moto ball, and the ice-seeing giant's artifact Bitter Winter.

The eye of the sorcerer of the kingdom of light elves,

An artifact that can disperse the power of the dark dimension, this thing is used against Dormammu, and it can make Dormammu be beaten and called Ba Ba!

There's also a huge amount of gold gloves, which seems to be what Hela calls quality, which is a fake. Jiang Yifu doesn't think so, because he can feel the gold disappearing inside.

It can connect the power of six Infinite Gems together, and it is extremely strong. If it is false, it means that the gems inlaid are fake, and they are not at all.

is a rune formation,

It's Infinite Gems.

At the end is a rune wall, behind which is the protector of Asgard, a magically powered weapon destroyer guard, not bad for the average

Stealth rogue is very useful.

The pot of burning flame standing beside it is the so-called the Eternal Fire. It looks no different from ordinary firewood, but it is very strange and does not require any dyes.

Burns automatically and never goes out. Jiang Yifu can see through the Space gem that the so-called the Eternal Fire actually draws power from the multi-universe to maintain the burning,

This power source is not the same as that of the Space gem, and seems to have no restrictions.

In addition, it seems to have a very strong vitality. If you want to compare it with it, the mother box of Apocalypse may be able to, and it also has a super vitality. Originally

But it doesn't have any knowledge, it's more like a pure energy source.

"This is the Eternal Fire, take it. I hope you won't be robbed, and I'll kill you all immediately without Sirte! Asgard is trapped.

If you enter Ragnarök, you are sinners! " Odin still gave a serious warning, and seemed to be really afraid of the so-called Ragnarök! Because almost all the prophecies came true


, even Odin, whose strength has reached Level God Father, is powerless, not to mention that he has little time.

ask for flowers 0

Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with leaving it to us! Okay, in that case I'll take it. We'll talk about something later, oh yeah, Loki

"Alright, alright,

What are you going to say over there. That guy seems to be the child of the King of Giants of Jotunheim, he is destined to never inherit the throne, why should you lie to him! " Jiang Yifu was just about to leave and seemed to want to

What happened, I asked again.

Odin seems to have known that the other party would ask, "You don't need to worry about this, just do your own thing, Sorcerer Supreme should take care of Midgard's affairs, not

Ask about Asgard! You go!

Jiang Yifu turned around and left, holding the Eternal Fire, and by the way, he walked along some magical metal black roads. He can help him if he can, it doesn't matter if he can't.

Anyway, those two brothers fell in love with each other and killed each other, who cares. The most important thing is to go back to see my wife first. When I think that Hela is going to give birth to her child, I am so excited, my whole body is excited.

The mouth was a little hasty, and just happened to stab a person, the beauty fell into his arms, and a fragrant wind swept the other side. Only then did I discover that it was the beautiful diva Frigga! "Feel sorry

Are you OK?

Frigga shook her head, but she didn't expect to bump into people while walking, "It's alright, you're not hurt, I'll go find Odin, is he in the treasure house?

Jiang Yifu was reluctant to let go, and pretended not to care, and said, "Yeah, Odin is in the treasury. If you have something to do with him, we just finished talking. You are so beautiful, Frigga!" said

When he was finished, he nodded, and walked away with a wicked smile.

Yang Lijiu, who was stopped for a while, was stunned, this guy is going to die! This is Asgard, and she is the queen of Asgard, how can you treat her like this! Too much

It's rude! Then I was a little bit ashamed, but the little man's capital is quite strong! Shake his head to get rid of unrealistic thoughts, next time I see it, I must be ruthless

Let him know what etiquette is! five

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