Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 707 Cheap father-in-law Ares!

Poseidon, who was beaten up, went straight away, maybe he hid in his old nest to recuperate.

For a few years, this made him very panicked. He had a deep fear and a trace of hatred for Jiang Yifu. The strength of the other party was too strong.

The only good thing is that the other party is not the lackey of his own brother Zeus, otherwise he is really finished. He doesn't want to die yet, he wants more women, and he hasn't finished enjoying it yet.

How can you just die like this! Well, what a bad old man, thinking of women until the moment of death. As Athena said, Olympus has

Completely decayed, if you want to re-establish a new Olympus pantheon, you can only break it and stand up.

However, Jiang Yifu is not an Olympian, so he doesn't care about the life and death of "060" in Olympus, and even Asgard doesn't care, still want to care about Stinky Olympus? does not exist

, also expect such an unreliable Sorcerer Supreme, uh, let's ask for more blessings!

Yes, even the responsibility of protecting the world can be left to Charles and others

Ares poured two glasses of wine himself, and then asked the captain of the guard to lead someone to guard the gate. He was going to get down to business next. "Yifu, your strength has become stronger, and you have become a

Sorcerer Supreme: Congratulations. How is Katherina?

Jiang Yifu rudely drank a glass of wine,

, As for whether there is any poison in it, you can find out by checking your mental power, and said with a relaxed expression, "It's okay.

A cute little princess who plays at home every day.

However, it has been very good, and gave birth to me a few years ago-

Ares feels more relieved, at least his daughter is doing well, and-

-Children, for the average person, this kind of life is already very satisfying

Then a bit of incomprehensible intercourse,

"You said you had a wife named Hela? Is that the Hela of Asgard Asgard?"

"Definitely, not that Hela and that Hela, he's also my wife. I accidentally came to Asgard during the test before, and then

Jiang Yifu nodded and said,

Full to Odin,

He said my ability was very good, and then he married Hela to me! There's no way, people are too good, they shine everywhere, and they can't stop them!

It's really squeamish like that, and it's very awkward, showing off a woolen yarn, isn't it that he married the goddess of death Hela and came home and his wife can toss every day! What's so amazing! Single Wang Sitting

In the coffee shop, look up at the sky with a forty-five-degree angle, shouting freedom, nobility, single Hail!

Ares doesn't believe his nonsense. He does know Hela, the goddess of death. She is a fierce female man.

, I did not fight less with Olympus at the beginning, except myself

Other than Artemis, few people can stop her. It is said that he was sealed by Odin a long time ago because he was too belligerent, and gave him a daughter? I guess it was just dumping the blame

No matter what he thought, Jiang Yifu got the benefit anyway. What a wonderful woman Hela is, she can fight and resist, and she loves herself very much. She is beautiful and has a good figure.

Wearing high-heeled shoes and a bikini is simply a fox spirit who is obsessed with Deadman's life. In fact, it proves that

Defeating the Great Demon King really requires a lot of strength. If it wasn't because Hela was sealed for too long and weakened too much in the sealed space, Jiang Yifu probably wouldn't have been.

Can beat Hela.

Fortunately, the powerful kidneys played a role, and every time he thinks about it, he still feels very proud!

"In this case, Zeus didn't just ask you to bring words, what did he want to do? Please tell the truth, we don't need to be roundabout, let's talk frankly.

I would choose to go back to Olympus if the situation allowed me! "Aris said with a hint of steady majesty, he is still the god of war of Olympus, if Olympus

If he does not exist, he will also lose his foundation, which is unacceptable for a God of War with a strong sense of glory.

Jiang Yifu sorted out the troubles,

, said slowly, "Actually, Zeus didn't explain it to me in detail, this time the mission commission was conveyed to me through Hera. This is five

six years ago

For some reason, I'm also just starting out. Olympus has been at war with Apocalypse and seems to have what Apocalypse needs.


Pace can't stop Apocalypse's attack now. I recruited before


Some Oxygen remnants go to help Olympus, but the situation is still not optimistic

It's because I can't beat it, so I want to find you guys to go back to put out the fire!

This is just a guess. Perhaps there is another point that Zeus may feel that he is about to die and wants to pass the position of the king of gods to Ares? After all, he's his own son

Eh, wait, it seems that Zeus has too many sons and daughters, and he doesn't have to give them to Ares.

No matter what he thinks, he just needs to finish the task.

, hey, if there is a chance

How nice to have another tryst with Aphrodite. Jean Jiang

The only thing that Ren Fuwei is not perfect is,

, After so many years, it's a bit embarrassing that I didn't let Aphrodite get pregnant.

But let-

a woman

Pregnancy is also a very exciting thing m!

"Oh? Fighting with Apocalypse again? They're looking for something?" Ares pondered for a while, as if thinking about some reason, he's not a rude man, he just knows

. If it's just pure comparison of strength, who can fight, then there are so many gods on Olympus, thousands of thousands, there will always be many people who can fight.

Just Dorian.

. why ares

only one? Except because he was the son of Zeus and Hera,

, and most importantly, he knows how to think and use strategy.

No force will attack other 0.6 planets for no reason.

Everything is for profit. It may be for some kind of treasure, or it may be out of hatred, definitely also

There are factors that occupy resources. Uh, well, there are reasons for what Chisa, anyway, there are reasons.

Atans looked at the incomparably laid-back cheap son-in-law Jiang Yifu, and suddenly thought of something,

"If they're looking for something, they're looking for something lost in antiquity.

Apocalypse Star Treasure Mother Box! Do you know why Mother Box is so important?

, he is not an Apocalypse star, and Greyer and the six concubines of the Nemesis team did not say that they are all married, so naturally they will not go to their parents' home.

Where would Jiang Yifu know,

The credit created in the previous wars has already paid off the kindness

Besides, they don't have much affection for Apocalypse,

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