Trembling, the mind is trembling.

The strange black warrior in front of him gave the hunter a terrible sense of oppression, even better than the top hunter brown bear in the jungle.

The hunter subconsciously glanced at Snow White, her tearful eyes and pitiful appearance, and the hunter’s mind trembled.

Then, he turned around suddenly, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards the black warrior.

He didn’t know why he did that. Anyway, it gave the poor little girl some time to escape, maybe?

As a senior top hunter, Zheng had fought with various beasts in the jungle countless times. Whether in terms of experience or force, he was definitely top-notch.

The attack was fast and swift, and ordinary people could not avoid his fatal blow.

However, the mysterious black warrior, with just a raise of his hand, instantly grabbed the hunter’s neck, and with a slight raise of his hand, he lifted the hunter up, and his feet gradually left the ground.

The hunter began to struggle violently, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not do anything to the black warrior’s arm.

The hunter’s eyes bulged out in an instant as he slowly exerted force on his palm. If he wanted to look, he would be strangled to death by the mysterious black warrior.

Suddenly, the black warrior exerted force violently and threw the hunter out, and he fell heavily ten meters away.

After doing this, he looked around and Snow White, who was not far away, instantly came into his sight. The cute, innocent, snow-like girl, without any impurities, made people feel inexplicably cherished.

She was very beautiful and innocent, as if she could wash away all the hostility.

With such a face value, Rock was at least 90% sure that this was the Snow White.

After a moment of silence, Rock silently opened the light curtain and took a look at the strategy mission of this world first.

However, when the light curtain opened, Rock’s brows suddenly frowned.

This mission is very different from the previous one.

Current world: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Alienation degree: None

World strategy degree: 0%

Strategy mission: Obtain a supernatural seed (0/1)

There is only one mission, and there is no clear strategy progress. It only gives a confusing message-supernatural seed!

Where to find it, I don’t know!

What it looks like, I don’t know!

After a moment, Rock closed the light curtain.

Turned around and walked in one direction.

Under normal circumstances, a normal mission, coming to this world that clearly possesses supernatural powers, should be cautious and make all kinds of plans.

Rock doesn’t mind using strategies, but now the mission is too strange, he needs to find someone who knows more and meet up to have a good chat.

And in this world, those who know the most are in the same place-the palace.

As for whether the other party wants to talk to Rock, it doesn’t matter. The black warrior’s fist can make the other party answer all questions in a kind attitude.


A voice as cute as a little rabbit and a little flustered came from behind.

The black warrior paused for a moment, and after a few seconds, he started again without looking back.

Is Snow White beautiful? Of course she is. Not only is her face delicate like a porcelain doll, but the innocence on her body seems to be able to wipe out all the hostility in the world.

Rock is not a pushover. Under normal circumstances, he would not mind flirting with such a perfect girl.

However, he doesn’t want to do it now, not only because of the inexplicable tasks in the task list, but more importantly, Rock now feels that there is something wrong with this Snow White.

Recalling the original work, there are many strange things about Snow White.

What kind of hunter is considered a veteran and the strongest hunter ? The strongest hunter? Either you are a super genius who is so talented that you can surpass others in a year in a day and all your peers in a few days, or you are a veteran hunter who has been recognized as the strongest by all your peers after countless hunts!

The one who appeared in front of Snow White was definitely not the former, but a truly experienced old hunter!

And it was such an old hunter with who knows how much blood on his hands, who inexplicably had a kind heart and let Snow White go?

It’s not that old hunters can’t have a kind heart, but the problem is that the order to kill Snow White was given by the queen. As an old hunter, no matter how skilled you are, dare you disobey the order from the top?

An old hunter, inexplicably risked the disappearance of his nine clans to have a kind heart and let Snow White go?

What is this? How bold and daring?

If it was a young man who was overwhelmed with passion, it was barely understandable, but for an old man who was in his middle age and an old hunter who had killed countless people, this was outrageous…

As for the rest, it was equally weird. A little princess ran into a deserted forest, and the beasts would not hurt her. The seven dwarfs instantly became licking dogs.

The prince at the end was also outrageous. He actually fell in love with a corpse.

Now that I think about it, it’s getting weirder and weirder. Snow White seems to have a special buff that makes everyone not hurt her and everyone likes her!

There is another question. How could a queen of a country, a witch queen who has complete control over everything and has special powers, kill Snow White herself?

Is it okay for a queen of a country and a witch to work part-time as a killer ? OK?

Is there a possibility that the queen discovered that only by doing it herself can she succeed?

The reason why these inexplicable thoughts came up was not because Rock had inexplicably suffered from paranoia, but because Rock discovered a problem. He inexplicably had a strong desire to protect Snow White when he first met her.

Rock is not a rookie who has tasted the sweetness of life. No matter how beautiful a woman is, when he meets her for the first time, he can only think of taking her to bed at most, and he will never have the idea of protecting her and not letting her get hurt.

Something is wrong, this Snow White is definitely not right! No matter how beautiful she is, if she will have an abnormal effect on herself, Rock will no longer be interested in her.

However, just after taking a few steps, a small hand quietly touched him and gently pulled him.

“Sir, please wait a moment.”

Rock stopped, not because of the other party’s words, but because… the extraordinary seed has been discovered!

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