Looking at the rows of fully armed soldiers wearing bulletproof vests and carrying submachine guns, Rock’s expression remained calm, just like seeing a few little mice breaking in.

“You are neither a beautiful lady nor polite. You are not welcome here.”

The leader, who seemed to be a black man, said coldly

“Damn you little piece of trash, we don’t need your welcome!”

Along with the black man’s scolding, rows of submachine gun muzzles instantly pointed at Rock, and at the same time, infrared traces fell on Rock’s body.

“It’s been a long time since anyone yelled at me, and it’s been a long time since anyone pointed a gun at me”

“It’s quite fresh~”

As he said this, Rock stood up.

“Damn it, stand still, don’t move, or we will shoot immediately!”

Rock ignored the threats of these people and took a step forward.

They were all Jin Bing’s subordinates, who had been in the dark zone for many years. Naturally, they were not afraid of things. Seeing that Rock did not listen to the threats, they opened fire in an instant!

Strings of fire snakes erupted, and bullets poured in like violent storms.

Bang, bang, bang…

A series of sparks burst out, and the bullets hit the body, as if hitting the hardest steel. Except for splashing layers of sparks, there was no other effect.

Oh, no, it can’t be said that there was no effect at all. There were many more holes in Rock’s clothes. After all, this was not some extraordinary clothing like a Superman suit, and it was not bulletproof.

However, the broken clothes revealed some strong muscles, which seemed to make a group of soldiers look like they had seen a ghost.

It was not technology, nor was it a superpower. It was just using the flesh, pure flesh, to resist the impact of submachine gun bullets.

“”Monster, monster!”

Someone finally couldn’t stand the fear in his heart anymore, put down his submachine gun, turned around and ran away.

“You’ve been beating me for a long time, and now you’re just thinking of running away. Isn’t that a bit rude?”

He raised his foot and stomped on the ground.


The ground cracked instantly, and a materialized crack spread rapidly, instantly knocking the fleeing soldier away. He slammed into the wall beside him, cracking the wall abruptly, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out. His breath became extremely weak, and in a moment, he died completely. When the others saw this scene, they were instantly petrified, staring at it in a daze.

At this time, a soldier standing in the back suddenly gritted his teeth, became ruthless, quickly took out the rocket, and fired it directly without mercy.

With a sharp tail, the rocket shot towards Rock at a rapid speed.

The next moment, a hand, a slender hand, grabbed the rocket in his hand so easily, as if grabbing a toy.

“”The rocket, it seems, is not powerful enough~”

As soon as he finished speaking, Rock’s mouth curled up with an evil arc, and he exerted force.


The rocket was actually crushed by him directly, and there was a loud bang, and a wave of fire as high as a person rose up.

After a moment, the fire wave dissipated, and the situation on the spot made everyone present, including the black cat Felicia, stare wide-eyed.

Rock suffered the explosion of a rocket head-on, but he seemed to be unharmed. Except that his clothes were more torn, there was no other change.

“”Monster! Monster!”

This time, all the warriors belonging to Kingpin lost their courage completely, and were horrified, panicked, and afraid!


Almost without any hesitation, they threw down their guns and ran away.

This kind of monster that can withstand rockets and remain unscathed is not something they can deal with at all.

At this time, Rock shook his head.

“It’s too late to run now.~”

“It just so happens that I have almost had enough fun.”

Obviously, Rock was just using these guys to test his own defense, and the result was that Rock was very satisfied.

“Now, it’s time to send you off.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a gold coin appeared in Rock’s palm. He didn’t even need to aim, he just casually threw it.

In an instant, the golden coin seemed to have transformed into the most terrifying hidden weapon in the world. It quickly passed through the field, easily piercing through the soldiers one by one, and finally, it completely sank into the wall and disappeared. It was unknown how many meters deep it penetrated into the wall.

One second, two seconds… clatter, one by one, fully armed soldiers fell like dominoes, and a strong smell of blood quickly filled the air.

At this time, the field was In addition to Rock and the black cat Felicia, there was only one figure still standing. It was the little black guy who had been in the front row and had spoken rudely to Rock.

At this moment, the little black guy’s face, which was originally black, was miraculously turning pale. He turned white without any skill. If the little black guy’s fellow tribesmen saw it, they would probably be envious.

Unfortunately, the little black guy was not happy at all at this time. His face was extremely pale, and his legs were shaking like a big sieve. There was even a faint feeling of some kind of liquid flowing down his legs.

“Ugly, how ugly!”

Rock said with disdain, raised his hand, gestured like a gun, and pointed at the little black boy.

The little black boy froze, and then leaned back straight.

After a moment, the black cat Felicia said curiously

“What kind of power is this? Why did he die when I gave him a blowjob?”

“Haha, that’s not a skill. This little black guy was scared to death by himself.”

“Ugly guy, ugly way to die.”

Black cat Felicia widened her beautiful eyes:”Scared to death! Amazing!”

Rock glanced at her:”Aren’t you scared?”

Black cat Felicia patted her chest hard:”Scared? Why should I be afraid? I’m the chivalrous thief Black Cat, I’ve seen a lot.”

Even though she was wearing a tights, such a pat still caused a wave of shocking waves.

Of course, it might not be just because of the pat. The little cat looked not scared at all on the surface, but was actually a little scared, and her body was shaking slightly.

Rock didn’t expose it. He smiled slightly, turned and walked in one direction.

“Where are you going?”Black Cat Felicia asked anxiously

“Change your clothes and go collect your debts!”

“Debt collection?”

“That’s right, debt collection!”

“Does anyone owe you money?”

“You can say that”

“Who is that?”


Kingpin’s men violently smashed his door. It’s not too much for Rock to go to his door and ask for some compensation, right?

As for how much, the entire Hell’s Kitchen is good enough, isn’t it?

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