Cassim quickly found the location of the thief’s treasure according to what Alibaba said.

“”Open sesame!”

Qasim shouted, and suddenly, the heavy door slowly opened, and brilliant golden light flooded in. Qasim suddenly widened his eyes, rubbed them once, and rubbed them again.

“How astonishing!” His voice was trembling with excitement.

The next moment, he roared fiercely and pounced directly on the mountain of treasure.



“All mine!”

He grabbed a handful of them and stuffed them into his arms frantically, using his clothes as a pocket. He grabbed them, laughed and yelled excitedly!

This feeling is enough to drive anyone who loves money crazy.

However, suddenly… a rumbling sound was heard.

The heavy door behind him began to close slowly.

Cassim looked back and panicked. He didn’t care about the treasures and turned around to rush out. However, he grabbed too many treasures and couldn’t run fast. He could only watch the door close. At this moment, Cassim was completely anxious. He was not stupid and naturally knew what the consequences would be if he was locked in here.

It was only a short while ago, so he didn’t forget the spell.

“Open sesame! Open sesame!”

Kasim called out repeatedly, but a strange scene appeared.

No matter how he called out, the door showed no sign of opening. At the same time, Alibaba appeared outside the door with a sneer on his face. He kept calling out

“”Close sesame! Close sesame!”

Alibaba shouted”Open the door!” and”Close the door” at the same time. The frequency of Alibaba’s shouting was much faster than that of Cassim who knew nothing. It was conceivable that the door was stuck in a buggy way.

After a while, Alibaba stopped shouting. He sneered at the door and turned to leave.

He had been stuck at the door for half an hour and could not open it. Cassim inside must have suspected that the original password was wrong.

He was very familiar with Cassim’s character. When he was anxious and angry, he would easily lose his temper and forget things.

Then, the more anxious he was, the more confused he was. He would not think that the original password was correct. He would keep trying with new passwords. If this continued, he would not be able to get out.

Alibaba left, humming a little tune, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

Not long after he left, Rock appeared outside the door.

Rock looked at the door, then at the direction Alibaba left, and laughed.

“So, this is the truth behind why Kasim forgot the password~”

Good guy, just highlight a good guy, a good way to kill without bloodshed

“Therefore, the truth behind this is probably that Alibaba wanted to starve Cassim to death, and then take over Cassim’s widow and property with his body.

However, this guy overlooked one point: Cassim was not starved to death, but was killed by the thieves who suddenly rushed back.

As for why this wrong estimate occurred, it was because Alibaba had been looking for him here for a long time and had wrongly estimated the time when the thieves would return.

Later, Alibaba carried Cassim’s body back, which attracted the attention of the thieves and triggered a series of subsequent situations.

Rock shook his head and could only say that fairy tales are just fairy tales after all. Once the veil of fairy tales is lifted, the truth is many times more cruel.

Thinking of this, Rock casually took out a pistol from his arms and loaded it instantly.

“Open sesame~”

The door slowly opened and Rock stepped in.

“Great, it’s finally open.”

“Wait, who are you!”

“what are you up to!”

“Stop talking nonsense, now, if you don’t want to die, I tell you to write it!”

After a moment~


A gunshot sounded, and everything was settled.

A moment later, Rock walked out, blew away the faint smell of gunpowder from the muzzle, and then glanced at the blood letter in his hand, with a playful smile on his lips.


In a small manor that is many times larger than an ordinary manor, Qasim’s wife is looking outside with a worried look on her face.

How could she not know what kind of character her husband is? She could probably guess what he was going to do. After all, her husband left with a knife.

However, it has been so long, why hasn’t he come back yet? She couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, there were knocks on the door from outside.

Qasim’s wife was happy at first, thinking that her husband had come back, and rushed to the door and opened it.

However, when she saw the situation outside clearly, the smile on Qasim’s wife’s face froze.

It was not her husband, but a very strange man, very tall, especially with a face that was even more handsome than her husband.

As the daughter of a businessman, she chose to marry Qasim. It is conceivable that Qasim’s wife is a face control.

Her fair face flushed, and then quickly covered it up.

“Excuse me, who are you?”The voice was soft.

Rock looked up and down at Cassim’s wife in front of him.

Her skin was very white, her temperament was that kind of soft and gentle temperament, she had a full wife temperament, and her figure was even more of a full wife figure, the kind of figure that could completely lift up the stepmother’s skirt.

I can only say that it’s no wonder that Alibaba would have evil thoughts.

“Excuse me, is this Qasim’s home?”

“Yes sir, what can I do for you?”

“This was given to me by a stranger, who asked me to hand it over here. I don’t know him, but he said that I would be handsomely rewarded for it.”

Kasim’s wife took the thing in confusion. When she saw the thing clearly, her face suddenly changed. This was a piece of cloth, and it was a very good cloth. More importantly, Kasim wore this kind of cloth when he went out!

Kasim’s wife hurriedly opened the cloth, and a pungent smell of blood went straight into her nose. At the same time, a line of bloody words appeared in her sight.

Alibaba wants to harm me!

Avenge me!

Kasim’s wife immediately covered her mouth, and a line of tears rolled down.

It was her husband’s handwriting, she recognized it!

Alibaba, how could it be him?

After a moment, she barely stopped crying.

“Excuse me, sir, when you met my husband……”

“Sorry, I don’t know your husband. I just saw a ragged man handing me the things and then running away in panic.”

“In fact, I still don’t know what happened.”

Kasim’s wife was silent. She could imagine the scene at this moment. Her husband was being hunted down and didn’t know if he could survive. No, he even felt that he was doomed. He could only write this blood letter at the most dangerous moment and find someone to hand it over to him.

Poor Kasim, he didn’t even know if this blood letter could reach his hands. How desperate he must have been at that time.


A strong hatred rose from his heart!


That damn guy!

No wonder, no wonder his wife suddenly came to the door, wearing a set of luxurious accessories!

If not for this, Kasim would not have left, and would not have fallen into Alibaba’s calculations. Everything was logically self-consistent.

All of this was the conspiracy of this guy Alibaba! The guy who usually looks honest turned out to be such a terrible guy.

“Madam, Madam.”

Rock’s voice interrupted Cassim’s wife’s contemplation.

“Madam, where is the promised return?”

Kasim’s wife came back to her senses immediately, and she subconsciously looked at Rock again.

With just one sentence, he was willing to return the blood letter. This man kept his promise.

Moreover, he was taller and more handsome than Kasim.

Most importantly, revenge on Alibaba was something that she, a woman, could never do.

Thinking of this, Kasim’s wife showed a soft and charming smile on her face.

“Sir, please follow me, I will give you a satisfactory reward.”

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