At the headquarters of SHIELD, Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, who has powerful titles such as One-Eyed Man, Egg Man, and Fuck Man, is sitting in the director’s seat.

Below him, Hawkeye Clinton, Black Widow Natasha, Hill, Coulson and other elite agents are all gathered here.

Nick Fury’s face is calm and it is difficult to tell anything from his long black egg face. However, the inexplicable oppressive atmosphere in the room at this time makes people feel that something is wrong.

“Everyone, you are all the most elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, there is a very serious matter that requires your joint efforts to solve.”

“All of us? What kind of mission requires all of us?” asked Iron Knight Melinda, frowning.

“Is there some terrorist organization preparing to attack Congress?”

“No! It’s more special than that! And more dangerous!”

“”Bang!” Nick Fury knocked on the table, and with a flick of his finger, a piece of information was sent to everyone.

When someone from”647″ received the information,���Keverly turned on the projector.

“Recently, we at SHIELD have been aware that a secret organization is carrying out a large-scale operation. We don’t know their origins or their purpose, but we know that they seem to be related to Hell’s Kitchen.”

“Hell’s Kitchen, Kingpin?”

Nick Fury nodded, then shook his head.

“It may be Jin Bing, or it may not be just Jin Bing”

“This mysterious force has recently appeared frequently in various places on the land below our feet, and has come into contact with many people.”

“Based on the intelligence we have obtained, we learned a very scary thing: the people who have had mysterious contact are suspected to be superhumans!”

“Note, it’s all the people!”

Hill’s eyes suddenly widened:”How is it possible! Where did so many superhumans come from!”

“This is also a question I’m curious about!” Nick Fury’s dark face seemed to be even darker at this moment.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he always believed that he had a great responsibility to protect the entire human community. Similarly, he also believed that he had many talented people under him.

All along, except for a certain school and a superhuman base formed by a terrible terrorist, he didn’t care much about other things.

Even those two organizations were secretly monitored by him, and he thought he was in control of everything.

As a result, not only did a mysterious organization emerge inexplicably, but now he was told that there were plenty of superhumans, and they just seemed to be teasing you on purpose and didn’t show up before.

More importantly, that mysterious organization seemed to have a more complete source of intelligence than S.H.I.E.L.D., which Nick Fury could not tolerate.

“In addition, I have a piece of valuable information here. It is because of this that I became aware of this mysterious and dangerous force.”

As he spoke, the projector above began to play the picture.

A person, a man, was filled with a murderous aura that was familiar to the agents present! This is the special temperament possessed by combatants who have been fighting for many years.

At this time, this man, who was obviously an elite combatant, found another group of people. They were communicating, and the man seemed to be sending something.

Suddenly, one of them lost control of his emotions, became irritable, and roared.

The man was just explaining something indifferently and steadily, but it was a pity that the person on the other side did not listen, and even became more and more emotional, until finally, he even fired a gun.

The next moment, a scene that shocked all the agents present appeared.

Facing the other party’s shooting, the indifferent man did not dodge or hide, but stretched out a hand, and he caught it! He caught that bullet!

“Impossible!!!” Iron Knight Melinda screamed in disbelief.

She has always been proud of her fighting ability, which is her most confident aspect and the biggest confidence for her to climb to the position of senior agent!

But, catching a bullet with bare hands! You are kidding!

At this time, the playing picture did not end.

The man who caught the bullet with bare hands suddenly seemed to realize something, turned back abruptly, and stared at a certain position with sharp eyes!

What kind of eyes are those! The whole pupil is inverted, sharp, dangerous, and violent. Those eyes can be anything, but they don’t belong to humans!

The next moment, the man waved his hand, and the picture ended abruptly. Obviously, the camera was blown up. It is not difficult to judge from the man’s actions that the other party even used a borrowed bullet to blow up the camera.

“Very strong!” Coulson said with a heavy face.

“It’s also very dangerous!” Hawkeye Krillin also commented

“Of course I know the danger, but I also know that the danger of this organization is far more than that. There may be many superhumans in this organization who can catch bullets with their bare hands, because we have found several men who are carrying out similar tasks, and their situations are very similar.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Black Widow Natasha suddenly pursed her scarlet lips, showing her charm:”So, what we are facing is a mysterious organization that may have more than one superhuman?”

“Yes, multiple digits, maybe even more than two digits.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room became heavier and the air became more dull. All the people present were elites, absolute elites, and some of them had even reached the limit of human beings. However, even so, no matter how confident they were, facing a group of superhumans who could catch bullets with their bare hands, the limit of human combat quality would not be much stronger than that of a newborn child……

Faced with his elite subordinates who had not spoken for a long time, Nick Fury also gave them enough respect and let them think slowly.[]

In fact, this incident happened too suddenly, so suddenly that his scalp was numb.

Nick Fury knew about the superhuman organization. There were even two clear superhuman organizations in the records, that school, and the superhuman base formed by the terrorists.

However, Nick Fury had contact with the principal of the school and was sure that he was a good person, so there was no need to worry too much.

As for the superhuman organization, the mutant organization formed by the so-called Magneto was not as safe as the school, but they had been fighting for the rights of mutants.

A group of mutants played a game of rights, freedom, and resistance with politicians in Congress, which was a joke.

This also proved that Magneto was slightly controllable. The politicians in Congress had ways to hook him, unless they were really annoyed by those politicians and were ready to overturn the table. Before that, the mutant base led by Magneto was relatively controllable.

Only the new one was too mysterious, everything was unknown, and it could almost be labeled as completely uncontrollable!

The pressure was so great that Nick Fury couldn’t help but touch the strange and old pager that had never left him for even a second.

Instantly, the pager gave him confidence. He was just a superhuman, and facing her who could destroy space battleships by herself and was as powerful as a god, he was still far behind.

Nick Fury’s expression eased a little. Of course, because of his boiled egg-like face, no one could see any changes.

“So, how should this operation be carried out and who will lead it?”

Nick Fury usually has an unquestionable tyrant attitude, but now 0.9 can’t do that. This mission is almost sending people to die, and not just ordinary people. Ordinary agents don’t even have the chance to die.

These elite senior agents are sent to do dangerous missions that are almost certain to die. If they are not given a certain amount of respect, it will be difficult to do the following things.

Of course, respect only means giving them a chance to make a free choice. Giving up or not accepting the mission is impossible.

Time passed for a while, and finally, Natasha, the Black Widow who had the highest mission completion rate in the entire SHIELD and was far ahead, smiled slightly.

“Then leave it to me.”

Hawkeye Clinton’s face suddenly changed:”Natasha, this mission is too dangerous!”

Natasha was still smiling:”No matter how dangerous it is, someone needs to do it, right?”

“Besides, I am actually very interested in the so-called superhumans.”

Speaking of which, after being transformed by the Red House, I should be considered a superhuman, right?

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